[-] spiderman@ani.social 28 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah, if you can afford it. Buy it. If you can't, no harm in pirating it. Applies to almost everything.

[-] spiderman@ani.social 28 points 1 month ago

no wonder the board hates him lol? also how can they not know about what they are (or were) working on when they have invested a lot on a company that practically had no products (before chatgpt)?


I know there is a section for potential spam mails. But I wonder whether Proton block some of them so that they won't even reach that section. I am using it as my primary email right now and recently a recruiter tried sending me an email for tech discussion but it never reached my inbox. They were sure it was sent, and I later received on my alternative gmail. Is there any possibility that this could have happened for other reasons?

submitted 3 months ago by spiderman@ani.social to c/manga@ani.social
submitted 3 months ago by spiderman@ani.social to c/anime@ani.social
[-] spiderman@ani.social 79 points 5 months ago

The population on lemmy is not par with reddit. It takes time but we will get there if reddit keeps on fucking up like it does now.

[-] spiderman@ani.social 31 points 5 months ago

At least anon didn't downvote an question because he found that question "similar" to another "solved" question in stackoverflow.

[-] spiderman@ani.social 28 points 5 months ago

It's always good to have alternatives. Healthy competition can make them grow better too.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by spiderman@ani.social to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

This message has been posted on their discord server yesterday, currently the app is being worked on and has no definitive ETA. We probably have to use other forks until that. I don't know whether I can share the discord server's link so not sharing that until a mod gives heads up.

[-] spiderman@ani.social 42 points 5 months ago

While Lemmy is gradually growing and the whole federation is a pretty good concept too I have one question about lemmy and it's future.

  1. Since it's just two devs maintaining the whole project (I know there are many open source contributors but the project is on them right?) what if they get tired of the project or go MIA? Can a fork be made and that can be maintained as a replacement of lemmy?

  2. How are and will be the SEO of the lemmy's instances? Reddit reached a wide audience due to that. It's nice to have a niche set of audience at the start but that should not be the case forever right?

[-] spiderman@ani.social 34 points 6 months ago

guess anon's parents sold him for a huge dowry

[-] spiderman@ani.social 26 points 6 months ago

I don't think irc and usenet is dead. It's still used a lot for piracy.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by spiderman@ani.social to c/windows11@lemmy.world

Why is Path variable behaving like other user variables in "Edit environment variables for your account"?

I tried to add a path to the Path variable using chatgpt prompts (which I should not have done)

setx Path "%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%"

Now I can't see the old path variables nor add new path variables. The system functions fine until now but I don't know what I should do to revert back the behaviour.

[-] spiderman@ani.social 38 points 7 months ago

Actually it's quite the opposite, some of my friends are considering buying YouTube premium and even people on the other social media sites are advocating it as the "only good subscription".

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by spiderman@ani.social to c/cs_career_questions@programming.dev

I am planning to write some articles related to tech news to pass time. I am just wondering whether it is a good thing to include those in resume to strengthen my portfolio. I don't really mind writing them even if it doesn't, but I just have some space in my resume that could be filled with some good things.

[-] spiderman@ani.social 73 points 8 months ago

EU to the rescue again!

[-] spiderman@ani.social 29 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)
[-] spiderman@ani.social 42 points 10 months ago

When your local politicians and journalists start to use Mastodon or similar apps.

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