[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 10 points 1 month ago

I think most people are somewhat oblivious to them making others feel uncomfortable because they can clearly see you and they don't feel nervous, so their brain tells them no one around them feels nervous. The more the reverse happens (them feeling followed) the more aware they'll become that they're doing it.

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 22 points 1 month ago

Hopefully people see this and stop posting ragebait 🙏

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 12 points 1 month ago

It takes a "special" kind of person to take something so ingrained in culture and still say "I'm not gonna do that," usually a slightly crazy and/or neurodivergent person. I think this is partly why there are so many "insane" vegans, because it's self selecting for people who are outside the norm.

I don't even mention to most people I'm vegan, usually just an excuse like "meat makes me feel sick" because the average person will think I'm going to give them a 20 minute lecture.

To anyone who is the vegan who will give the 20 minute lecture, please consider if your goal is actually animal welfare, you can hardly ever debate someone out of something they like. Instead, just show people easy dishes you made that they actually enjoy (pasta with spaghetti sauce, French fries, vegetable stir fry, roasted veggies with olive oil) and you'll often find they start cooking more vegan food (or at least less meat), and also talk more positively about veganism

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 10 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Actually, there was a vote immediately after the defederation to see whether people wanted lemmygrad refederated, and about 80-90% of the votes were to stay defederated, so it seems the users of sh.itjust.works also don't like grad.

edit: my mistake, turns out it was hexbear that was voted on, which has similar content

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 19 points 5 months ago

I found the post https://lemmy.world/post/6206801 and here https://kbin.social/m/technology@lemmy.world/t/508848 Yeah I guess you have to see it firsthand. I've heard tons of comments like "women just aren't built for STEM" etc which these events are trying to show is wrong. It is probably a little unfair to the individual but good for society as a whole when talented women don't see a field is 90% men and decide it's not worth dealing with the boys club.

I do wanna point out, the most upvoted comments seem to have the same sentiment of this actually is important and a good thing to have for women. Definitely quite a few with a high score that say the opposite though...

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 18 points 5 months ago

My 2c on this, I wish people would understand that a lot of women have similar struggles, same for men, and having spaces for those experiences to be shared with people who understand is really important.

I think the issue is it feels pretty othering when I've had experiences similar and feel like I'm not allowed to share them (without a lot of angry stares) because I'm not the correct gender.

I know there have been cases of women's spaces being taken less seriously, but I don't remember any specifics. Do you have any examples that come to mind?

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 9 points 7 months ago

I played factorio on either the original version or the one after, and thought wow this game is really cool I'm glad something like this finally exists. I see a couple small youtube channels talking about it and making videos, and I'm like cool maybe in a couple years this turns into a polished game. ~3 months later and the game is one of the most downloaded on steam and is getting huge updates every few weeks. Totally shocked me that it was that ridiculously popular.

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 11 points 9 months ago

sadly if you try to be a good landlord and make a slim margin, you'll get dumped a huge repair bill/tax increase/other expense and now you're running the appartment at a loss. At that point you either sell it to a company willing to exploit it or you have to be less nice to your tenants and ignore repairs or charge more. Most people choose the first which is why we end up with terrible landlords.

aside: heard someone in that exact situation running low income housing, on a phone call with an expert talking to the government. The expert said "any prudent management would raise the rents the maximum allowed amount"

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 9 points 9 months ago

I have long covid and during the initial stages I had some really bad tachycardia (unknown to me yet) that caused breathing issues. It hadn't been too bad until one day I was lying in bed unable to sleep, and suddenly I feel like every breath is getting me less and less air, even though I'm breathing normally.

I woke up my mom at ~4:30 AM (home because of long covid) and said I feel like I can't breathe. She asks if it's bad enough to go to the ER, and I say it might be. I decided to wait 15 minutes, my heartrate was going crazy and I must just be panicked, and that's why my heart rate is high and why it's hard to breathe.

Over those 15 minutes my heart rate climbs higher and I'm getting dizzy and hyperventilating and still breathless, and say I need to go now, I think I'm at the edge of where I could actually die.

We drive to a hospital and my heart rate slows down a little bit, and I figure I'm not gonna die in the next hour so I end up waiting, struggling to breathe, until 6AM when my primary care opens his office. They do some tests and say everything looks normal, but later a heart monitor would show my heartrate sometimes get to ~120, even while I'm lying in bed trying to sleep. I eventually learned that is what causes the breathlessness.

I've had that happen a couple times since, less frequently it seems, but when it does happen I'm always afraid that this is the time my heart finally gives out. Fortunately it's very rare and I've been able to do some cardio to hopefully help it be even more rare.

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 23 points 10 months ago

Lol accurate username

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 9 points 10 months ago

along with other replies generally you become more gullible/less able to think of alternative explanations as you age, so even some "obvious" scams look legit

[-] starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works 49 points 10 months ago

Here's the best summary I could come up with for this meme: "The"

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works to c/techsupport@lemmy.world

Hi all, I've been recently playing some somewhat old games and have had trouble with either crashing, or weird graphical glitches.

The list of games I've tried:

Warcraft III (a custom map, normal game seems to work fine) Quake 2 Spring engine 103 (rts engine)

Warcraft 3 has a glitched white bar following the cursor, and the map crashes with "access violation" as the only error, as did the rts engine. I managed to fix the crash by running a 64 bit version of spring engine, but it then had this weird graphical glitch: https://imgur.com/a/ij6FaWa I looked in the settings and kept changing anything I could think of, one was to set UseVBO=0 which fixed that graphical problem, but sometimes the game will still crash with "access violation" Quake 2 replaces all projectile sprites/trails with a circle: https://imgur.com/a/qtLR2To

I'm thinking this is a weird problem with my AMD card, because I have a computer with the same 64 bit OS and all of these games work fine on it, and I played quake 2 before on this computer with the only difference being I swapped the graphics card and motherboard (exact same model mobo) I've tried running warcraft 3 with djvoodoo and that didn't seem to help, I've read online amd cards can have issues with older games running openGL and directx. Those posts are pretty old, but they make me think I might be SOL with an amd card

specs: OS: windows 10 home 64 bit mobo: gigabyte z690 UD ddr4 processor: intel i7 12700kf gfx: amd radeon RX 6800 XT

Appreciate any ideas!

Edit: wc3 crash log: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/xrfw98rs7yhy356gt725g/2023-07-30-12.35.02-Crash.txt?rlkey=dp9oiqcibo4kigeq8lpzk8s0o&dl=0 running spring with a 32-bit launcher gives me Error: Failed to allocate memory 100% of the time I run it with UseVBO=1, 64 bit launcher gives me the graphical problem with UseVBO=1, and both work fine with UseVBO=0 quake 2 issue seems resolved if I change the openGL version, though it did work fine with previous settings before changing the graphics card, apparently this is a known issue pending future release.

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