
joined 6 years ago
[–] 4 points 1 year ago (4 children)

> my peers are too tiktok obsessed

What is it that attracts them to TikTok? The features and user experience, or the pool of people and content they can find there? Or something else?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

> what are you using as an alternative?

I never really used Titter. My account was just a sock puppet that echoed my posts from my Mastodon account. I'm posting this from Mastodon right now, but I also have a Friendica account, and I'm keen to check out CalcKey. All of these, like Lemmy, are part of the fediverse and interoperate with each other.

(sorry if that's obvious to you but it's not to everyone so I'm spelling it out)

@Bicyclejohn @Alkalyon @realcaseyrollins @albinanigans

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (6 children)

> can we get young people coming here though

That's a very good question to ask a young person. OTTOMH though...

... anything they have to use at school, they're unlikely to use by choice at home or elsewhere. What would have got me to join the fediverse if it existed when I was a young person? Hearing that someone I respected had joined like Upper Hutt Posse, or Michael Franti, or RATM, or even David Bowie. Pop poets are the vanguard party of the young.


[–] 4 points 1 year ago (7 children)

> since there isn't any strong way to collect data or advertise it will always be an underdog compared to big business

... unless and until democratic governments ban corporations from spying on the people using their platforms, as they bloody well ought to, if they have any respect for the human rights of the citizens. Or pass laws that force the Walled Gardens to federate with similar platforms, like the Digital Markets Act.


[–] 7 points 1 year ago (5 children)

> Reddit was already toxic, but I guess now people will begin to recognize its toxicity

... just like Titter.

@Alkalyon @Bicyclejohn

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

> I think you too have noticed that there are people who have no intention of positively discussing

... anything. Yes, I notice them. Cluster B personalities most of them, or Flying Monkeys in their thrall.

But yes, trolls gunna troll, and FUD-spreaders gunna spread FUD. Do not feed.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

> the other problem on here is that we all like to gang up to deny that there could ever be a problem on here

I'm all for making specific criticisms, with links to sources or primary evidence. Just spreading scuttlebutt isn't the way to expose or address problems, ever. It is, however, a habit that can be exploited by Bad Actors trying to spread FUD for any number of reasons (commercial motives geoplitical motives, personal grudge, etc)

@maegul @lealternative @piratepost

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (9 children)

> Lemmy's primary instance has a fairly serious moderation problem

Taking this at face value (what is or isn't a "moderation problem" depends a lot on your value);

a) there's no such thing as a "primary instance" in the fediverse.

b) as with any fediverse app, moderation can happen at the instance level, and the user level.

c) I've not used Lemmy much, but I presume that moderation can also happen per subLemmy.

@piratepost @lealternative @fediverse @fediversenews

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