[-] sunzu@kbin.run 6 points 3 hours ago

He does give that vibe tho

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 1 points 3 hours ago

What about people dying in Palestine as we do this circle jerk... What about them?

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 1 points 3 hours ago

That Israelis colonized Palestine and created a state on top of the British mandate via forced removal of the local population starting in early 20th century and culminating with formation of the state of Israel after what the Germans did during ww2.

You can start like that :)

And because of this Germans somehow feel morally absolve the crimes while also obligated to support this abomination

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 3 points 6 hours ago

She divorced him

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 3 points 7 hours ago

Don't Sammy do and apple do it... Not even carriers?

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 5 points 8 hours ago

So in practice they don't!

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 7 points 8 hours ago

What is your definition of stability lol

Windows crashes are standard... Linux are pretty rare. At least in my exp

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 8 points 9 hours ago

State sponsored propganda was milking Spotify for revenue lol

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 9 points 9 hours ago

Tell that to the courts that's who decided this degeracy is acceptable.

Don't get me started on them spying

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 32 points 11 hours ago

How long until we get "government ran camps" to help us "solve" the homeless?

When will gen pop say it is enough ?

Asking for friend... History ain't looking good folks.

[-] sunzu@kbin.run 61 points 12 hours ago

But have you thought about a legal person's right to fuck your eyes and brains?!

Also, what about their freedom of speech... Shit lord

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