His LinkedIn has no background in tech beyond serving on the board of google health. He’s essentially just some guy!
My initial reaction was essentially a mix of “sorry to this man” and “well I don’t really expect psychology today to publish anything approaching meaningful on tech/ai” so I wanted to see if those reactions were justified. Well…
This makes PT look like a total rag. The author, John Nosta, bills himself as “The World’s Leading Innovation Theorist and Keynote Speaker” which really just sounds like “lecture circuit grifter” to me. Let’s take a look at the rest of his front page:
Driving change that is changing the world. John’s informed voice has become a beacon of insight to help dissect and define innovation in health, medicine, and technology.
Not just a simple observer, John is directly engaged with top companies, thinkers and initiatives. His perspective is from the inside out and provides an “insiders” view of a complex and changing world.
John is consistently ranked among the top names in health technology and innovation. Beyond simply an influencer, he is also defined as “most admired” to “top disruptor” in technology, life sciences and medicine.
So yeah if you asked chatGPT to come up with the profile for an AI lecture circuit grifter, it’d probably look like the above.
Looking through his contributions to PT you might think he is just recycling armchair AI philosophy to make a quick buck and honestly I’m having a hard time thinking otherwise.
The least interesting member of the gruber family, they wrote him out of die hard 4.
FWIW as far as I can tell, bears are not native to Honduras
How many victory points is that
I 100% really did not intend for the name to work so well with that context but am once again thankful for all the gifts it brings.
jurisdictional polymath
To borrow a term from the podcast "Scam Goddess", a "serial entrepreneur", which in turn is just a scam artist.
Apple fanboys: "Apple has a singular, perfect vision for how people should interact with technology. I would get all my sensory organs replaced by Apple peripherals if I could. They should be allowed to trample us."
NB: apple has trampled over me but not my spirit
Truly a gift that shall keep on giving
This is fundamentally a part of any kind of race science or racism.
And fascism! Or any discriminatory -ism, up to and including capitalism.
In this article I’ll be making a distinction between what I call Hard WN and Soft WN.
In this article I will mostly be describing why I left Soft WN.
oh dawg
The path to hell is paved with liberal markets.