“Screw the art, I have LLMs!”
This repetitive, tautological, meaningless, tautologous, redundant tautology really gets my goat!
Only cards that have incorrect punctuation should be considered funny, this is a clear violation of Rat Law. Big Yud will hear of this.
Yep that’s just as many WPC (words per card) that I was expecting
Impostor syndrome
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Fans of certain shonen anime may recognize this technique as Kodoku – a deadly poison created by putting a bunch of insects in a jar until only one remains
I understood this reference. I know it as Gu poison, which is listed in the wikipedia article you linked!
To minimize the chance that outstanding accuracy resulted from luck rather than skill, we limited eligibility for GJP superforecaster status to those forecasters who participated in at least 50 forecasting questions during a tournament “season.”
When I was a kid I read a vignette of a guy trying to scam people into thinking he was amazing at predicting things. He chose 1024 stockbrokers, picked one stock, and in 512 envelopes he said the stock would be up by the end of the month, and in the other 512 he said it would go down. You can see where this story is going, i.e. he would be left with one person thinking he predicted 10 things in a row correctly and was therefore a superforecaster. This vignette was great at illustrating to child me that predicting things correctly isn't necessarily some display of great intelligence or insight. Unfortunately what I didn't know is that it was setting me up for great disappointment when after that point and forevermore, I would see time and time again that people would fall for this shit so easily.
(For some reason when I try to think of where I read that vignette, vonnegut comes to mind. I doubt it was him.)
Had to stop reading that. My eyes were rolling too much.
That’s a great thread name!
Mean Girls! (the original)