Not saying good morning because you are homophobic: ✋😔
Not saying good morning because you avoid human interaction in general: ☝️😊
Dawg you should put “mansplaining” on your resume
What the fucking fuck?
NB, I know you specified “worst” but I can’t help but think the personae of some JoCo songs are tech bros:
The list goes on.
Thanks for the history lesson (serious).
I mostly just wanted to make a bad horseshoe theory reference.
I hate that you linked that and I hate that I clicked on it.
Finished the vid (at 2x speed). uwu libertarian is right. There's no analysis or insight on any of the examples. A lot of details are being glossed over. If the world was 90% people like the vid creator, we'd all be living in company towns.
Also... is this an example of horseshoe theory?? Aren't charter cities just soviets/workers councils????
Loving the bioshock/rapture comp in the yt comments.
I’m a few minutes into the video. If this really is a libertarian screed, then the fact that they choose Singapore as their opening example is wild.
If I go to school and take “Forbidden Courses” I BETTER be coming out with necromancy and demon summoning. Otherwise we gonna fight.