Reading this article just made me think “man these idiots need to go to therapy” and then as I thought about what to sneer about I realised “no therapist deserves to hear about P doom”
I dare u to tweet this at grimes
has been happening
Yes absolutely, just now it’s A C C E L E R A T I N G
He also seems to be mentioning his 40 years of expertise a lot more, which might be a reaction to some negative feedback. I want to dig deeper, but I don’t like the feeling that I’ll have to read generated stuff carefully.
I don’t know anything about this dude beyond what I just read on wikipedia but a guy like this spruiking AI is probably just grasping at straws as he is swept downstream away from relevancy.
As a Radiohead fan post-OKC that’s apt
Oh so we’re just gonna drown in AI GIGO science now too? I guess it’s not enough that we are igniting the atmosphere.
Shit like this is why I hate nerds. (Note: am nerd, by any sensible measure.)
Funny, when I ask chatgpt to draw a rationalist, the same thing pops up.
BJ: "I don't know what the is-ought problem is, or why anyone cares. I am clearly qualified to declare it solved. First, let me google what the definition of 'is' is, and also what 'ought' is. Then I'll use some science words to hot glue the two things together, and BAM! Solved. Another win for e/acc."
I am gonna sue you for psychological damage how dare u. Also because the version you simulated in your brain is the same as a real person u are getting sued twice for extra money. I’m gonna donate so much money to MIRI
If I were to guess (shoot me if I’m mansplaining) he’s suggesting we use AI in cultural niches to generate content. i.e. the thing where AI doofuses think it’s cool to automate the fun parts of human experience out of our hands.