[-] sxan@midwest.social 18 points 4 hours ago

Southern Florida? Like the man said: Florida: the more North you go, the more South it gets. Orlando seems mostly OK. Big city, opportunities, and there's a NASA space center and launch facility not too far.

My mom lives there, and that's about the limit of my knowledge. I will personally never again willingly live south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Oh, I hear that if you stay out of the little handle at the bottom, Missouri is nice. A friend from there once told me that if they'd cut off that handle and give it to Arkansas, it'd raise the average IQ of both states. Never been there, myself.

Lots of places in Oregon and Washington are great; large swaths are not, but if you're not prone to SAD, there are great towns in the Willamette Valley: Corvallis, Eugene, and Ashville down on the California border. Also, California is enormous. N California is very different from S California, and the coast is enormously different from the interior. It's a huge state, and painting it with a single brush is like saying Georgia, the Carolinas, Virginia, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania are all the same. It's seriously about the same area as all those put together, lengthwise, at least. The greater LA/San Diego area alone is almost as big as your entire state. But the Pacific Northeast is wet if you live in the Valley, and there isn't much in the way of big cities east of the Cascades.

How about Boise, ID? Good size college city, lots of microbreweries, lots of outdoor recreation, pretty great weather if you like hot, but you get snow in the winter, too. Plus nearly half the state is national park; fantastic backpacking.

Most of these places I mentioned specifically lean liberal, although when you venture into rural areas it gets red pretty quickly, like anywhere. An exception is Orange County in CA, which is full of really crazy red-hatters. But it sound like you've already ruled out at least part of CA, and "insufferable" makes me think you're thinking specifically of S Cal.

Eugene is, or used to be, fantastic. Extremely liberal, and not trust-fund hippie style. Decent sized to be entertaining. You just have to put up with the weather and hippies, or whatever hippies have mutated into with successive generations. Pot's legal in OR, too, if that's your bag.

Bend, OR is one of the best places in the planet if you're sporty. It's high desert, but smack up against the mountains. In the summer, people rock climb and bike. In the winter, they ski Mt Bachelor. There's fishing and camping, and at one point it had more restaurants per capita than any other city in the US. There's no humidity. At all. Very pretty town. A 4 hour drive north, and you're in Portland, OR, which isn't what it used to be and has been having problems, but is still a large metro area with lots to do and a fantastic science center. 2 hrs West through the mountains is Salem, the capital, which frankly sucks; or or 3+ hours SW is the aforementioned Eugene. A couple hours south is Crater Lake. A couple three more hours and you're in the N California Redwood forest. Oh, and if you do speed through So-Lame (Salem), another 1.5 hours and you're on the Oregon coast, so 3-4 hours from Bend to the coast, mostly through a fantastic, amazing mountain range (and then the Valley and then the smaller coastal range).

If you want to stay on the E coast, I recommend the greater Philadelphia area. From there, NYC is a 3hr drive. The Jersey shore is a 3 hr drive. Washington DC is a 3 hr drive. Gettysburg is a 3 hr drive. Williamsburg, VA - possibly my favorite place in the US - is a 4-ish hour drive (depending on DC traffic). Plus, you can get to almost any of the coast cities from Philly by train, if you're willing to sacrifice a couple more hours. Pennsylvania wasn't my favorite place to live, but if you can stand living in S Carolina I'm sure it'd be fine for you.

Honestly, you might consider Minneapolis. It does get cold in the winter (-50F is the coldest I've experienced), but The Cities are fantastic, full of Art Deco architecture, and end-summer temps can hit the 100's. In September, any of the literally over 10,000 lakes are bath-water warm. And we don't have copperheads. The great lakes are close; we're practically in the center of the country, so flying anywhere in the continental US is a 4-hour flight or less. The Cities are very progressive - again, you drive an hour outside and it's Trump signs everywhere - par for the course - but within The Cities it's quite nice. And the bike paths are incredible; miles and miles, and much of it completely off-road - at some point they took all the old industry rail lines and turned them into maintained bike and foot paths. It's really quite remarkable. And the metro system isn't half bad, for a US city. The humidity gets oppressive, but, again, you're surviving S Carolina so I don't think that'd be a problem for you.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 7 points 5 hours ago

Anybody following this able to give a balanced summary? I find The Hill to tend right-leaning and don't much trust their analysis.

The Hill seems to be placing the defeat of Bowman on his stance against the genocide in Palestine, which is becoming a sort of dog-whistle saying, "stand against the invasion of Palestine, and this is what happens to you." It may in this case be true; I can believe it, but I don't trust The Hill to not be constructing a narrative.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 1 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Would you be able to show a picture of what you're talking about?

Oh, yeah. I took tons of photos of those walls over the years. Most of them are in archives, though; like I said, we lived there over a decade ago, but I have one in my front photo album:

I do have a picture of one end pillar, but that has pointing, and it's not obvious that pointing is aesthetic and not structural mortar (although it is often applied over mortered stone). Anyway, you can't tell the stone isn't mortared b/c of the pointing, so it isn't a useful illustration.

That photo above, however, is clear there's no mortar, and yet that hundred y/o wall is astonishingly straight and level.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 3 points 6 hours ago

Ah, but I agree with you! It's commendable that we care for our weak who would otherwise die.

The other wolf, though, thinks there's a good chance the stupid are going to drive us to extinction.

Thanks for not taking offense when you legitimately could have. Reason 1 why Lemmy > Reddit.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 2 points 6 hours ago

I think we're of like mind on this. It's possible to realize something is broken without knowing how to fix it.

I'm not sure why Boeing is in space, except for the "me too" factor when they noticed the successes SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin were having. I wasn't aware they had a military division - what do they make? I mean, outside of repurposed commercial cargo jets. I don't think spinning off a division that's simply modifying an existing design for a specific market makes much sense; most of the work is in the original design and manufacture, right?

[-] sxan@midwest.social 4 points 6 hours ago

"Where will you hucka-pucka to?"

[-] sxan@midwest.social 3 points 7 hours ago

Because it's written in Rust.

Seriously, though; there are a dozen widely used make systems, most of which are more widely used than just. People have ideas and think they can improve. As far as it goes, having a bunch of different make options is one of the least annoying areas; diversity is mostly hidden from end users, and you only really have to learn it if you plan on becoming a contributor.

However, if you're asking for a comparison table, a "why is this better than make, or ant, or maven, or cmake, or ninja, or just, or rake," then yeah, I agree. Having a brief elevator pitch is appreciated.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 3 points 14 hours ago

Maybe? Natural selection seems to work for the rest of everything in nature. But humans are special, aren't we? Above nature; different rules apply to us, nature itself treats us differently.

I do agree that humans are fundamentally different in that more of our individual value is learned than inherited. OTOH, more of our value is learned than inherited, and that's where the problem lies. It's not there genes, it's the parents and the parenting. I'm not suggesting we'll improve humanity by removing stupidity through evolution; I'm saying there are a lot of people who I don't believe are fit to raise children. And there's a corpus of examples that could support that argument; how about that guy who literally shook his infant to death last week? Good father, him?

I'm not a parent myself, and I will never be one. Maybe I'd make a good father, maybe not. But I'm not breeding, so taking me out doesn't affect the gene pool; I'm not playing in the gene pool.

And, no, I did not misunderstand the point. What I said was that if I could get a guarantee that others would also be removed, I'd volunteer to be in the group.

That was hyperbole, BTW; if I really believed it, I'd go to a Trump rally with a bunch of C4 and ball bearings wrapped around my torso. Even if I were an Einstein, it'd be a net benefit to humanity.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 2 points 15 hours ago

Yeah. There are lots of areas I think government control is better than private sector, but they're mostly infrastructure/monopoly areas. Power, internet, roads, etc. Normally I wouldn't put Boeing in this category, but you may be right. Thinking about NASA, and what we achieved as a country, maybe there are some endeavors that are simply so expensive and important (as in, safety) that they shouldn't be private.

I don't know if breaking things up would help, though. Boeing re-uses liners for both cargo and passengers; and there are other companies making smaller planes for other sectors: military, private jets, etc. It's just those big airliners where the cost of operating is so enormous, and the cost of entry so high, and the market so constrained, that I really can't see any room for more competition. Do you?

[-] sxan@midwest.social 3 points 18 hours ago

Dude. If I could guarantee that my sacrifice would also remove some N>1 number of dumbshits who shouldn't be contributing to the ecological load the Earth's ecosystem is bearing, I'd volunteer.

The Idiocracy intro got a lot of things right.

[-] sxan@midwest.social 3 points 18 hours ago

Mm hmm.. Hmmm hmmm... Wait

And the military is just sitting on its hands.

what? What should the military be doing?

[-] sxan@midwest.social 6 points 19 hours ago* (last edited 18 hours ago)


A decade or so ago, we owned a small rural house in Pennsylvania where the roads in the area were lined with 5' high stone walls. Turns out, about a hundred years before, a rich family (for whom there were towns in the area named) had built themselves a giant stone mansion nearby, and to do so, they imported a bunch of Italian stone masons, and built little houses for them in the surrounding lands. To keep them busy when they weren't working on the mansion (or whatever other projects they were doing), they had them build all of these roadside walls.

Everything was dry laid. No morter, nothing. Just rocks, stacked in top of one another. Not even particularly regularly shaped; they just jigsawed them together. The walls were 5' high, 2' across at the top and maybe 3' at the base, and they lined every road for miles around. And this was the busywork these guys did.

I'm most places, these walls had stood unmoving for decades - again, with no morter or joining. When we bought our place, some previous owner wanted an actual driveway instead of just a road to the barn and had simply pushed a hole through the wall with a bulldozer and left these giant stones alongside the driveway.

A few years in, we hired some local Amish guys to use the stone to build proper end-cap pillars for the driveway. Those guys also did not use morter, except on the caps to make little roofs. They just lego'd the pillars out of the left-over stone, and we got a small discount for letting them take whatever they hadn't used. I have no idea what these stones weighed, but certainly several hundred pounds each. The work crew was 3 guys, and no heavy machinery. They arrived in a pickup truck, were dropped off, and were picked up at the end of the day (it did take them a couple of weeks to do the job). They partially deconstructed the ends of the wall to integrate the pillars; it looked all of a piece at the end.

I think you greatly underestimate people's ability to stack rocks, especially healthy, fit men used to labor.

P.S. I'm not saying it doesn't take skill; I couldn't have done it, even when in my prime; not well anyway. Not the first time. But none of those ziggurats were anyone's first time stacking rocks.

Moar Borderlands (midwest.social)
submitted 2 days ago by sxan@midwest.social to c/gaming@lemmy.world

I know it's tragically pedestrian; and I know there's supposed to be a 4 in 2025; and I also know there's many a slip twixt cup and lip, and the gaming industry is going through some pretty radical changes... but all I really want is another Borderlands.

There's not much they can do with it, not many places to go, and I'm sure everyone who's worked on the series over the years is thoroughly sick of it. But, damn. Every one of the main games (at least; I haven't loved every in-between spin-off) has his a sweet spot of mindless fun, funniness, and replay-ability. I've played 3 so many times through, and spent so many hours just running around in every location, even I can't work up much enthusiasm to fire it up anymore.

There's an occasional game that fills the same niche; Bullet Storm was pretty fun, but with low replay-ability. I just want a game where I can turn off the higher brain functions and run around killing stuff in interesting ways.

Thanks for attending my Ted Talk.

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by sxan@midwest.social to c/commandline@programming.dev

Rook provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass v2 kdbx file.

The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless, and does not have a bespoke secrets database full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly.

Rook is in the AUR; binaries are available from the project page.

From the changelog, since the last Lemmy release announcement (v0.0.9):

[v0.1.3] Mon May 20 17:12:25 2024 -0500


  • status command, a more lightweight way of testing if a DB is open. Using this instead of info in e.g. statusbar scripts greatly reduces CPU load.
  • case-insensitive search.


  • removing some nil panics that could occur when DB is closed while a client call is being processed.


  • a hidden bug in the OTP pin code.
  • some errors being ignored (and therefore not logged)
  • TOTP attributes getting missed by otp generator check

[v0.1.2] Fri Apr 26 15:13:55 2024 -0500


  • one-time pin soft locking
  • installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository
  • more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc)


  • getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output
  • cleans up code per golint/gochk


  • an autotype bug in outputting literals

[v0.1.1] Sun Mar 17 13:44:54 2024 -0500


  • the original source rook.svg
  • ability to start the rook server passing in the password via stdin pipe.


  • assets moved to directory
  • documentation referenced Keepass v4; there's no such thing, it's v2.
  • license, was missing (c) from original
  • stop trying to remove the version number from build assets
  • documentation to clarify when the master password exists as plain text, in response to questions from @d3Xt3r@lemmy.nz

[v0.1.0] Fri Mar 15 14:03:25 2024 -0500


  • nfpm file
  • logo


  • clears out the password so it's not being held in plain text by the flags library.
  • some of the documentation, and fixes the duplicated v0.0.9 entry in the changelog.
  • CI build targets are more limited, but also include some distro packages
  • better README documentation


  • the monitor attribute was taken out, as rook no longer busy-polls the DB

Rook is a lightweight, stand-alone, headless secret service tool backed by a Keepass v2 database. It provides client and server modes in a single executable, built from a reasonably small (auditable) code base with a small and shallow dependency tree - it should not be challenging to verify that it is not doing anything sketchy with your secrets.

Reasonable auditability, the desire to use KeePass files, and to do so through a headless tool that doesn't spawn off the better part of a DE through otherwise unused services, were the main motivations for Rook.

You might be interested in Rook if one or more of these are true:

  • you use KeePass v2-compatible tools to store secrets already
  • you are not running a DE like KDE or Gnome (although Rook may still be interesting because of secret consolidation)
  • you prefer to minimize background GUI applications (KeePassXC is excellent and provides a secret service, but doesn't run headless)
  • you run background applications such as vdirsyncer, mbsync (isync), offlineimap, or restic, or applications such as aerc that can be configured to fetch credentials from a secret service rather than hard-coded in a config file.

Pre-built binaries for limited OS/archs are built by the CI, and Rook if available in AUR. There's an nfpm config in the repos that will build RPMs and Debs, among others. I consider Rook to be essentially free of any major bugs and fit-for-purpose, although I welcome hearing otherwise.

Utility scripts in zsh and bash are available for providing autotyping and entry/attribute selection using xdotool, rofi, xprop, and so on; these are YMMV-quality.

Changes from v0.1.1 are:


  • one-time pin soft locking
  • installation instructions for distributions that have rook in a repository
  • more of the special autotype {} commands are supported (backspace, space, esc)


  • getAttr adds a little delay before typing, allowing initiator tools (like rofi) to close windows before text is output
  • cleans up code per golint/gochk


  • an autotype bug in outputting literals
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by sxan@midwest.social to c/coffee@lemmy.world


On a whim, I tried searching YouTube instead of search engines and found a short video which led me to this shop in Etsy. It looks quite promising, so I'm going to update the title as "solved."

Original post

I've had an Elektra Micro Casa Leva for a number of years, and a while ago I bought a naked portafilter for it. It was (and still is, on the product site) as "for the Micro Casa." It is, without a doubt, one of the poorest quality things I've ever bought. The wood appears painted, not stained; it's been resistant to oiling, and lately the paint has been flaking off leaving what I assume is cheap pine. The wood itself has been cracking and splitting. The portafilter itself is painted to look like brass; I can tell this because that paint has started chipping and peeling. It looks as if it's some type of steel underneath -- I'd suspect aluminum, except for the weight and I assume the maker would be concerned about having one literally melt on a user. In any case, it's horrible. The handle is not screwed in, or else it's screwed & glued; if the metal weren't so obviously crap, I'd consider routing out the handle and replacing it myself; as is, it's so poorly made it hardly seems worth the effort. Regardless, I've been using it for a few years and it hasn't outright broken yet, but with all the paint chipping and peeling, it's looking really rough, and you don't own a Micro Casa Leva for the convenience.

The Elektra takes a non-standard 49mm portafilter, which can make finding parts challenging. Is there a company that makes decent portafilters that fit the Leva? It's possible I simply haven't delved the depths of the web deeply enough. Or, is there a craftsman in the community who does this sort of work -- making nice handles, sourcing appropriate baskets, etc? Failing all of that, is there a place I can buy a naked portafilter of good quality for the Leva, and is there anyone making good handles for portafilters? I'm no craftsman, but I can manage sanding wood to fit a hole, and I can mix epoxy.

What I'd really like to end up with is a brass portafilter with a beautiful wood handle with a nice grain and stain. I'd settle for a naked portafilter for the Leva that isn't a cheap piece of garbage.

submitted 3 months ago by sxan@midwest.social to c/golang@programming.dev

cross-posted from: https://midwest.social/post/9890016

Rook, a secret service backed by Keepass 4.x kdbx

Howdy Lemmy,

I'm announcing Rook v0.0.9, software that provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass 4.x kdbx file.

The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless and does not have a bespoke secrets database, full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly.

While the readme goes into more detail, I will say the motivation for Rook evolved from a desire to use a Keepass db in a GUI-less environment and finding no existing solutions. KeepassXC provides a secret service, but is not headless; it also provides a CLI tool, but this requires the db credentials on every call. kpmenu exists, but is designed specifically to require human interaction and is unsuitable for cron environment scripting. Every other solution maintains its own DB back end, incompatible with Keepass.

Rook also benefits from minimal external dependencies, and at 1kloc is auditable by developers - I believe even by ones who do not know Go (the language of implementation). Being able to verify for yourself that there's no malicious code is a critical trait for a tool with which you're trusting secrets.

Rook is fit for purpose, and signed binaries are provided as well as build-from-source instructions (for auditors).

The project contains work in progress: credentials are limited to simple password-locked kdbx, and so doesn't yet support key files. Bash scripts that provide autotyping and attribute/secret selection via rofi, fzf, and xdotool are provided, for GUI environments; these have known bugs. Rook has not been tested on BSD, Darwin, or any other system than Linux, but may well work; the main sticking point is the use of a local file socket for client/server communication, so POSIX systems should be fine, but still, YMMV.

As a final caveat: up until v0.0.9 I've been compressing with brotli, which is very nice yet somewhat obscure. With the next release, everything will be gzipped. Also included in the next release will be packages for various distributions.


Howdy Lemmy,

I'm announcing Rook v0.0.9, software that provides a secret service a-la secret-tool, keyring, or pass/gopass, except backed by a Keepass 4.x kdbx file.

The problem Rook solves is mainly in script automation, where you have aerc, offlineimap, isync, vdirsyncer, msmtp, restic, or any other cron jobs that need passwords and which are often configured to fetch these passwords from a secret service with a CLI tool. Unlike existing solutions, Rook is headless and does not have a bespoke secrets database, full of passwords that must be manually synchronized with Keepass; instead, it uses a Keepass db directly.

While the readme goes into more detail, I will say the motivation for Rook evolved from a desire to use a Keepass db in a GUI-less environment and finding no existing solutions. KeepassXC provides a secret service, but is not headless; it also provides a CLI tool, but this requires the db credentials on every call. kpmenu exists, but is designed specifically to require human interaction and is unsuitable for cron environment scripting. Every other solution maintains its own DB back end, incompatible with Keepass.

Rook also benefits from minimal external dependencies, and at 1kloc is auditable by developers - I believe even by ones who do not know Go (the language of implementation). Being able to verify for yourself that there's no malicious code is a critical trait for a tool with which you're trusting secrets.

Rook is fit for purpose, and signed binaries are provided as well as build-from-source instructions (for auditors).

The project contains work in progress: credentials are limited to simple password-locked kdbx, and so doesn't yet support key files. Bash scripts that provide autotyping and attribute/secret selection via rofi, fzf, and xdotool are provided, for GUI environments; these have known bugs. Rook has not been tested on BSD, Darwin, or any other system than Linux, but may well work; the main sticking point is the use of a local file socket for client/server communication, so POSIX systems should be fine, but still, YMMV.

As a final caveat: up until v0.0.9 I've been compressing with brotli, which is very nice yet somewhat obscure. With the next release, everything will be gzipped. Also included in the next release will be packages for various distributions.

Help with QMK issue (midwest.social)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by sxan@midwest.social to c/mechanicalkeyboards@lemmy.ml

I assume this is QMK, because changing the settings clears or introduces the issue. I'm using Vial for the programming/configuration.

I have a key configured tap-dance, like many others: - on tap, and ctrl on hold. The issue is that most of the time when I type something like -p, I get only the -. Then, the next time I type p, I get 2 of them. So something like this will happen:

I type foo -p bar baz, but don't notice the p is missing until after baz, cursor left and type p again, and end up with -pp

Most of my keys are tap-dance of some pattern: on tap, layer shift in hold, on tap-hold. I've noticed this buffered character after - on other characters; it isn't just p. Changing the timeout does affect the frequency, but doesn't entirely eliminate it. I haven't noticed it on any other combo, although they're all of the same pattern; it seems to be only happening with the -/ctrl tap-dance. Removing the multitap on - eliminates the issue.

This is my first QMK. I'd been using an Ergodox for years, and kmonad on my laptop for a year or so, although I recently switched to kanata (fantastic piece of software, incidentally), so I'm more or less familiar with the world of layers, multi-tap/tap-dance, combos, and so on. This one has me stumped, though.

I've checked and there's no combo defined that involves dash. I've never created a QMK macro, but it occurs to me that I didn't check if there are any defined.

Does anyone have a suggestion of how I can debug this? Could there be some bug, some bit that I accidentally set, that's causing this? Is there some QMK feature that does exactly this thing, and I've somehow enabled it? I've power cycled the keyboard, although I haven't yet tried a hard or factory reset.

Any ideas would be appreciated!

Edit corrected "multi-tap" to "tap-dance", as QMK calls it the one thing and not t'other


I've been looking around for one; search (in my Lemmy client) doesn't find one, and while there seems to be at least one in Reddit, the only communities listed on qmk.fm are Reddit and Discord.

Is there a good place to ask questions in the Fediverse?


I have been using a piantor built for me by beekeeb.com, and am enjoying the more agressive stagger than my previous Ergodox. However, my typing experience is being spoiled by how tight the key spacing is. I have large hands, and can span an octave on a full-size piano; the Piantor is downright cramped.

In looking for a possible replacement (the Kyria was my primary option, but I guess splitkb.com has entirely given up on selling pre-builts, and I don't solder), what should I be looking at for specs to get some wider spacing on the keys? Is it simply "key spacing?"

Most commercial keyboards are fine; my prior was an Ergodox and the spacing was fine. The Piantor supplies that - it might even be a touch too much, but it's still better than the tepid stagger on the Ergos.

submitted 5 months ago by sxan@midwest.social to c/linguistics@mander.xyz

What are the terms for language anachronisms?

I had a conversation about a year ago with someone about anachronisms in language. We both felt that there were terms for these things, but could neither recall nor find (via web search) satisfying answers. This came up again recently in a different discussion in a Lemmy community, and it's driving me a little nuts. Help me Linguistics-Wan Kenobi; you're my only hope.

So we have the term "skeumorphism," which refers to oramental anachronism. I may be using "anachronism" incorrectly, but it's the hammer I have. Skeumorphisms, in computers, refer to the graphical representations of things, but not the underlying concepts. There are similar linguistic anachronisms that I feel also have specific labels:

  • "disks" which are still in use, but are largely being replaced by solid-state, rectangular SSDs; but most people still call all persistent storage devices "disks."
  • "film" to refer to movies, regardless of the media (increasingly digital and having nothing to do with film).
  • "rice" to refer to the process of fancifying something, like computer desktops
  • "desktops" to refer to computer GUI window managing interfaces
  • "files" and "folders" in computers

Are these all the same category of things? Is there a term for them?

Cancel install, or... ? (midwest.social)

A recent update to Droid-ify has improved the user experience in a confusing way.

This is the new package installation modal confirmation dialog.

submitted 6 months ago by sxan@midwest.social to c/superbowl@lemmy.world

There was an owl hooting outside our house earlier, and it occurred to me that every other bird has a high-pitched call.

Ravens have a croak that could be considered low, but their loud call is a caw that's higher. I can't think of another bird with a call nearly as low as owls'.

Search engines are no help, mostly duplicates answering why they hoot. Why are owls' calls so much lower than other birds?

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