[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 4 points 11 hours ago

Personally, I'd look very closely at any records this returns and verify that they are normal. A previous developer could have left some sort of backdoor or other nasty surprise in the code/database such could only be tripped with a very specific condition.

Alternatively, consider the context around this code. What is done with those records? Maybe there is a very specific bug elsewhere in the code or in a front end tied to this database. Sure, the right solution was to fix that other bug. But, that may not have been an option. So, this strange bit of code "solved" the problem and was then promptly forgotten.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Also never been a fan of Biden (but voted for him, and will again, if I have to). You're falling into a Sunk Cost Fallacy. Yes, anyone chosen to replace Biden would be a gamble. But, Biden is a losing horse. The right time to replace him was last year. But, just because we missed that opportunity doesn't mean we should throw good time after bad. He should be replaced before things get so late it literally cannot be done.

This wasn't some otherwise strong candidate, who just had a bad day. Biden is already struggling in polling. While the economy hasn't been fantastic, it's good enough that he should be crushing Trump. Even in 2016, Clinton was polling ahead of Trump and still managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Biden isn't winning. He's maybe tied and maybe losing in current polling. Trump had already proven that he can be convicted in court and not lose support. There's just not much left to hurt Trump. And Biden doesn't seem to have anything left to gain support. Things are not going to get better for Biden.

Biden is losing this race. It's time to follow the rats off the ship, before we're trying to escape a ship on the bottom of the ocean.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

Well done. It wasn't until I clicked into the thread that I noticed the link. Trump pulling a Nixon level stops just seems too plausible.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

My apologies, I was not familiar with the difference. I'm going to have to test this when I am back at my system. Looking at the docs, it does seem to be experimental in Linux. But it seems odd that it would turn off automagically.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

That's interesting. I've not had that sort of issue. On my phone (Android), my son's laptop (Windows) and my desktop (Arch Linux) the NextCloud clients all sync perfectly and run at start up. Granted, knowing that the Linux landscape is fractured, I wouldn't be overly surprised if the client had issues on some flavors of Linux.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 4 points 5 days ago

Don't know why you'd put it in a rock though.

It's a good way to get attention. It's working right now. It may have also been useful for increasing his bank account with the money of morons.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 15 points 5 days ago

If you are willing to self-host, I've found Nextcloud integrates well in Linux. I had been using it before I made the switch and it worked out just fine afterwards. I originally set it up to have a cloud-sync option for my phone, which didn't mean passing everything through Google first. But, it also proved to be a handy way to sync files on my desktop as well.
It just shows up as another folder on my system and Libre Office is happy to work on files from there (with some permissions fiddling due to flatpak).

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 64 points 5 days ago

Every new "feature" I hear about in Windows Privacy Invasion Goes to 11, the happier I am that I switched to Linux. It's been mostly smooth and games have just worked. Though I know that much of that is because of Proton.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 2 points 5 days ago

Ya. When I read that the Trump campaign agreed to that, I was absolutely shocked. Either Trump is going to run away or he's counting on screaming loud enough to be picked up by Biden's mic. Or, maybe he's just so high on his own shit that he really believes he won't come off as a poo flinging orangutan.


I recently used Firefox Nightly on my Android device, in a private tab, to login to gmail. After I closed the browser, both via the "quit" menu icon and via swiping the Firefox away in the Overview, I had expected the session information to be deleted and the next time I came back to gmail via a private tab, to be required to login again. However, this was not the case. Despite closing out the browser, something seems to have survived and the I was immediately logged back into the gmail session.

Is this some sort of expected behavior? Shouldn't closing out the browser delete all session information from a private tab? Is there something I missed that maybe I'm not actually "closing" the browser?


My daughter wanted a "Gorilla Tag" birthday. And my wife wanted me to print some party favors for the guest kids. Not my model, but they are churning out ok-ish.


I'm currently purchasing a new GPU and specifically settled on the MSI 4070 Super. I'm all set for everything except connecting the display to the card.

Currently, the display I have (which isn't being upgraded for now) only has two input options: DVI and VGA. The new GPU only provides HDMI or Display Port. This isn't really a problem as adapters/cables exist to go from Display Port/HDMI to DVI-D.

But, the question I have is, which is the better option, or does it make any difference? And, are there any "gotchas" I should watch out for when buying the cable?

I realize that I am likely over-thinking this, but I would rather ask a stupid question than make a stupid mistake.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 196 points 6 months ago

If we could harness the energy of Regan spinning in his grave, we'd have a limitless supply of energy.
Imagine telling any conservative, during the Cold War era, that we could completely fuck Russia's military power and readiness, for years to come, by sending weapons to a relatively small country. They would be rushing to arm anyone and everyone they could, unintended consequences be damned. And yet, here we are with the GOP blocking exactly that sort of activity. And even better, there is a very real possibility that we aren't arming future terrorists this time around. Maybe that's the GOP's problem, Russia losing in Ukraine won't create an excuse in 20 years to kill more brown people.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 301 points 7 months ago

Good. Tying aid to cuts in IRS funding was absolutely asinine. Failing to fund Ukraine, which is actually fighting for it's continued existence as a political entity is also asinine.

Yes, Hamas is a horrible organization; but, the Israeli Government isn't facing an existential threat and has not been an innocent actor in the situation in Gaza. Aid and support should come with strings attached to ensure the protection of civilians and property rights of the people being displaced.

[-] sylver_dragon@lemmy.world 166 points 8 months ago

Ford Motor Co.'s second-quarter profit more than tripled to $1.92 billion versus a year ago (source)
Revenue rose 12% to $44.95 billion

Kinda hard to drum up sympathy for the company when it's raking in almost $2 billion in profit per quarter. Yes, Ford is burning about $1billon per quarter on EVs right now. That's not something the workers should be financing. That's money the company is investing to be viable in the future. That sucks for the shareholders; but, they are the ones who will reap any benefits of that investment and they should be the ones eating the cost.


Virgin Galactic will be launching their first commercial, sub-orbital space flight today. Link is to the Live Stream for the event.

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