submitted 5 months ago by teri@discuss.tchncs.de to c/dach@feddit.de

"Vor der Abstimmung zum Nachrichten­dienst­gesetz versprach der Bundesrat: Eine flächen­deckende Überwachung der Bevölkerung wird es nicht geben. Doch heute ist die Kabel­aufklärung genau das: ein Programm zur Massen­überwachung. Die Serie zum Schweizer Überwachungs­staat, Folge 1."

submitted 7 months ago by teri@discuss.tchncs.de to c/dach@feddit.de

Die Schweiz will erneut mit der EU verhandeln. Die Eisenbahngewerkschaft SEV befürchtet, dass der Bundesrat bereit sein könnte, das hiesige Bahnsystem dem Markt zu opfern.


Europas Bahngewerkschaften kämpfen schon lange gegen einen beständigen Liberalisierungsdruck im internationalen Zugverkehr.


«Wo die Marktideologie aber durchgesetzt wurde, hat sich die Situation praktisch überall verschlechtert»


Nicht die EU an sich sei das Problem, sondern die EU-Kommission, deren Exekutivorgan. «Diese verfolgt einen völlig ideologiegetriebenen Liberalisierungskurs», so Janisch. Und indem sie immer wieder forsch voranschreite, missachte die Kommission nicht selten den Willen des EU-Parlaments – also des europäischen Gesetzgebers.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 54 points 8 months ago

gitlab.com is a for profit service/company. They have an open-source community edition of Gitlab which you can run on your own server. Codeberg is a non-profit association running the open-source software "forgejo" for you. At Codeberg you can become a member and then you can vote for important decisions and make proposals. People also care about ethics there. Nobody cares about profit. Codeberg runs on donations from members. I think some people feel more respected at Codeberg because the governing body of Codeberg is a subset of its users. If Gitlab cares about you, then probably because a bad user experience would be bad for business.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 45 points 8 months ago

Die extreme Rechte profitiert von verzweifelten Menschen. Soziale Netze abbauen ist eine sehr schlechte Strategie.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 48 points 9 months ago

Selling railway infrastructure to car manufacturers is generally a bad idea. That's how the car industry contributed to killing public transportation in the US.

Public transport is their competition. Killing it brings profit. Very simple logic.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 23 points 9 months ago

It serves a purpose. But an evil one: stopping journalists from reporting on US war crimes

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 22 points 9 months ago

The rape story was part of a mud campaign. It was made up and the world fell for it. What happens here is: A journalist publishes proofs of US war crimes. And the war criminals (US gov) come after him because of exactly that. Their message is clear: who ever reports on our crimes will be destroyed. This is a fight against press freedom and against the democratic freedom as we think to know it.


[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 18 points 9 months ago

Pessimists know the "rebound effect": improvement in efficiency leads us to do more of the thing. More illumination for example. This (partially) counteracts the good effects.

submitted 10 months ago by teri@discuss.tchncs.de to c/dach@feddit.de
[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 45 points 10 months ago

Vielleicht grundsätzlich nicht so eine gute Idee, sich in eine so schwere Abhängigkeit von einem launischen und anti-demokratischen Milliardär zu werfen.

submitted 10 months ago by teri@discuss.tchncs.de to c/dach@feddit.de
[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 31 points 11 months ago

It is completely creepy. Think about who is behind Open AI. That's a mixture of Elon Musk, Peter Thiel (Palantir), Microsoft and others. A right-wing, anti democratic, anti-human and purely profit oriented group. The name "Tools for Humanity" is complete sarcasm. What they do with Worldcoin smells like a modern attempt of colonization. Collecting biometry, subverting critical infrastructure (financial systems), making fake promises, blinding poor people with shiny metal balls and a little bit of money in some cases.

This can be stopped though! The Kenyan government apparently banned the project - for good.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 37 points 11 months ago

$25 million? That's ridiculously cheap.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 53 points 11 months ago

This sounds really bad and I'm afraid it's even worse than it sounds. For example, end of 2022 Italy introduced a law which bans certain types of harmless assemblies (rave parties) of more than 50 people (participants can be put to jail for up to 6 years). This is paving the road for cutting possibilities of people to protest against their government. (Imagine, there is a a protest and somebody plays music. The government will see a rave party.) Yet the Italian government seems to have no problem with 3000 neofascists visiting the hometown of Mussolini. And now this.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 33 points 1 year ago

Spontaneous idea of how to use copyright law for keeping Meta out of the Fediverse (more for fun):

Introduction: Parts of the Fediverse, including Mastodon, are software licensed under the APGL license. This license is a great choice because it forces the ones running the software to grant users access to the source code. GPL for example would allow to run proprietary services based on GPL code. The AGPL does not. Companies like Meta and Google will likely not use AGPL code because it might force them to also publish their proprietary systems behind the scenes. However, this does not help much for keeping the Fediverse save. They simply implement their own software which will not be open source.

Therefore we may need another approach. Defederating is the simplest and in my opinion currently the best. It's easy and keeps people in control.

However, there could be some 'automatic' approach using copyright law. It's a hack which allows to use existing law to regulate the way instances can federate.:

  • instances would Federate only if the other side can provide a certain piece of information called X
  • X is protected by copyright law, therefore by default, instances are not allowed to provide X
  • However, X is released under a license which for permits to copy and distribute X under certain conditions
  • The conditions allow to tune who can legally federate
  • Conditions could be
    • The server software must be AGPL licensed
    • The instance must not be owned by a company with a certain amount of annual revenue

Open question is, who owns the copyright of X?


Helix supports 'metals' as a language server for Scala. Metals claims to be easy to install, yet I don't get how to install it for Helix. Anybody managed? I'd prefer to install 'metals' from source.

[-] teri@discuss.tchncs.de 26 points 1 year ago

Those sympathies with a fascists are alarming and should make people worry much more than the Reddit-drama itself. Anybody cares about that?


The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research announces to fund the development of an open-source chip design ecosystem. This includes also design software.


The most difficult thing about hardware to have 'libre' are the silicon chips. But times start changing. Hopefully.

The program of FSiC2023 contains diverse talks about chip design with open-source CAD tools open-source hardware (FPGA, ASIC).

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