
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

I have a problem with it a little bit. It aggravates the fuck out of me when I’m dealing with screws, especially if I’m screwing something in upside down or from around the back.

I literally hate myself. :p

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

I seen a video yesterday about how people in Japan hire people to quit their jobs. The girl said she spent a lot of time being grilled and felt like she owed the boss an apology.

Not Nintendo, still, I found it interesting.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Oh I wouldn’t have even remembered anything about the title without googling what you said so you’re doing better than me. :p

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I love this comment. :p

[–] 2 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Isn’t your mom a joke on the internet? Haha, oh ho ho, heh heh heh. Woooooooo!

[–] 3 points 3 days ago

I worked at a gas station for years in a poor town and I bought and sold several used computers that sometimes ended up being stolen. I always did my best to make sure that didn’t happen. I’d check the personal info on the drives before I’d clear them and try to get up with the people who originally owned them. I probably returned at least 15 of them over the years.

It’s crazy to think that I could have ended up being charged with murder if I had been pulled over with some shit in my car.

One time I got a sob story, “I lost my job bro. You can get my Xbox 360, my tv, my laptop, and all these games right now for 100 bucks.” I lost that 100 bucks because I contacted the Xbox account and found that the stuff had all been stolen and I returned it. Imagine if someone had killed someone to get that stuff and I got pulled over with it.

They gave me a cheap guitar for returning it. They didn’t have to do that and I’ve always appreciated it. It’s risky being in a poor town and buying things for resell.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

You talking about the Black Mirror episode?

I watched it a decade ago or something (can’t remember it), need to see it again. It’s 15 million merits though.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

I’ll dig for it. Might have been bullshit but I definitely read it.

Who knows? Maybe I’ll end up being the face of bad women’s anatomy on Lemmy. :p

I’ll find it.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (8 children)

Ed won’t even know where to start with his wiener. You ever read that story about the lady who never got pregnant because her husband had been inserting himself into her urethra opening?

[–] 47 points 4 days ago (4 children)

It isn’t. Florida needs pregnant teenagers who can’t get abortions so that they can use their children to sit on the coastline and pedal the land up out of the water. This is also where they will get their electricity. It also needs a constant supply of these children because they’ll have to replace them after every hurricane.

Everything I just typed is probably more likely to work than abstinence based sex ed is to prevent pregnancy and is just as scientifically valid as a sex ed class with no sex and no ed.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

It be fat bastard for me.


So, my child (nearly 3 years old) is music crazy. As odd as this may be (maybe not), her four favorite things in this world are The Beatles, Nirvana, The Rolling Stones, and Michael Jackson.

It occurred to me that she doesn’t have any experience with religious iconography, but she loves the Heart Shaped Box video.

So I thought, for fun, let’s show her a picture of a cross and ask her what it is.

“NIRVANA! It’s Nirvana!” (Forvana actually).

I’ve been laughing my ass off.

I have raised multiple children from two generations now and none of them have had the burden of religion. Thank…god? :p


Everyone has been stopping to admire this. I figured I’d share it with you guys.


Look back through my posts to see her sleeping like this since she was a fresh baby.


Thank abowt it!


I have found myself using my Steam Deck for everything. I sit at that old desk and play Counter-Strike when I’ve got time. I use it for paperwork as well.

Truly an amazing machine.

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