
joined 1 year ago

Got it thanks guys


Edit: solved thanks

Unsure if this is the right place for this but is this possible either in the website or in Jerboa?

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm seeing a lot of people having issues with accidentally getting bounced to the wrong instance. I have a friend who got confused and gave up on fedi I think because of the confusion from this same issue.

Using a client does help though

Clicking a link should first check if the link is to another lemmy instance, and if it is it should attempt to open that post while remaining in this instance.

I think if you use Lemmy (and mastodon and other fedi platforms) through a client you can avoid this issue. I use Tusky and Pinafore for mastodon, but haven't found a good one yet for lemmy

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Mlem looks great! IOS only though rip

Making links not redirect to other instances you’re not logged in to

definitely this

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Yeah a good Lemmy client app would probably help users migrate easier. I tried the only one on the android play store (Jebril) but it crashes immediately when I log in


or another way to ask it, what made fedi easier for you to adopt? I don't think the answer is better ways of explaining how federation exactly works, because no matter how good of an analogy you can make, most users don't care and just want to know how to get started

EDIT: I guess I'll go first, for something like Mastodon I think encouraging people to use a client like or Tusky instead of going directly to the website of the instance would help stop people from confusing themselves by getting redirected between instances. Same for Lemmy as better clients start to pop up


(reposted this from r/fediverse)

Should federated social media have a centralized website that users use to access it?

It would be like starting a server for a video game. If I host, say a Minecraft server, my friends won't connect directly to the server, rather we will all use the same software (Minecraft) to connect. In a similar way I could start a Mastodon instance, but we would all go to a single website, something like, and type in the url to my instance to access it.

The benefit of this would be removing a lot of friction that comes with interacting with users across instances. If I, a user of visit a user profile from someone on, I need to actually navigate to the website to see all of their posts. From here, I lose the ability to like posts, reply, or basically do anything. I need to copy the link back to my home instance to do anything with the content on

This is really confusing to users who haven't even realized they have been navigated to a different website, since the UI is all the same. One of my friends stopped using mastodon because she was confused why she kept being logged out seemingly for no reason. It's also unnecessary friction that stops me from being able to interact properly with the entire fediverse.

If I was accessing mastodon through a centralized website, I could stay logged in while viewing a profile or post from another user, and I still would be able to interact with it. I would never be navigated away to another website and logged out. It would be a much less confusing and frustrating experience and lower the barriers between instances.

It's gonna take a while for the chaos of everyone migrating from Reddit to die down and for the place to become useable.

Also, Lemmy seems to have the same annoying friction Masto has where it's too easy to get redirected to another instance's webpage. You suddenly can't comment, like, or basically do anything and it's not immediately obvious why.

Once again suggesting federated social media start using a centralized frontend on one single website and just let the servers themselves be federated. You would go to the same one website, ex and log into your chosen instance, staying logged in even if you visit another instance.