
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 4 hours ago

Oh, I said that as a programmer all right. And that's how I've approached AI - I ran it locally, and kept poking it until I began to get a feel for it. Until I could see patterns. Until I could put together a methodology

They exist. Word choice matters greatly. Shorter is better. Varied word choice is better. Less "orders" is better. Strange combinations of tokens can convey something in non-obvious ways. They all seem to have a very strong attachment to the name "Luna"

They're as deterministic as any software is, if you run it in the same state with the same input you'll get the same result, sometimes with minor wording changes

And software isn't as deterministic as we pretend it is. Programming doesn't require it either, luckily. Every program you'll ever write is interacting with complex systems no one fully understands, and it will sometimes act unpredictably

Programming is about finding patterns in the chaos, then using them to get the result you want. You need consistency - not deterministic outcomes. You can program with anything you can find the patterns in - even human behavior or the physical world. You can program yourself.

You can treat AI like something unknowable, or you can find the patterns and put them in your toolbox

[–] 0 points 15 hours ago (5 children)

That's how I look at AI. It will never (in it's current forms) replace people, but it can turn a passionate creator into a one person army

Using AI is a form of programming - you turn the right words into action. Programming is magic, an AI user is a warlock

[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I used to love that sub. Then it started to be about legal responsibilities instead of morality... From there it really turned into a dumpster fire

The only time I've ever been banned on a forum because although I said the woman had the right to do what she did and the guy was clearly in the wrong, she needlessly escalated when empathy would've led to a better result for everyone

No explanation, just a temp ban. For advocating empathy and third path conflict resolution

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

The fediverse is just a barnacle on the larger Internet at this point. It has to become more - we need to make our own web

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

In fairness, humans do this too. Ever share a meal where someone has already eaten? People find it extremely off-putting. It's to the point where pacing your eating to someone else will make them like you more

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (4 children)

It's more like saying "the Heisenberg exploded, hydrogen blimps won't work"

The Heisenberg exploded because of ruptured bladders and structural cables snapping, among other things. Hydrogen blimps could work - technologically they're still very feasible

But they're too risky to half ass, and their biggest proponents have shown themselves to be incompetent in the face of the engineering challenges involved

It's not just shit technology - it's about execution. If no one can demonstrate good execution, we have nothing. Better ideas have been killed for less... This whole concept is riddled with unsolved problems - it's not feasible with the players on the board

This is too important to fuck around.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago

Stomachs aren't necessary... You can jump straight to the large intestine. Even humans can survive like that

Obviously, they're useful. It's another stage of digestion, which means more energy and nutrients are extracted from your food. It widens your viable food sources, just like chewing does

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

But then, why would they be more stable when moving, even without a rider? If the steering is tight enough, you can push a bike to someone a good distance away. You can do it with a scooter too, although it's a lot harder.

You can also look at a motorcycle. Their mass is far greater than a human's, a person could never manage that. Those little RC motorcycles are the same, they don't need some crazy balancing system to mimic humans, they just need to stay upright enough to get some speed going, then they balance themselves.

It's the same with a wheel - the speed makes it stay upright, they can balance on the tiniest edge so long as they're moving

It's not a gyroscopic effect either, though that's present. It's a balance between rotation speed and the friction with the ground - the object as a whole has momentum, the rotation has momentum, and the contact with the ground balances the two. It'll try to put it's center of mass in line with these forces acting on it

Add in a human, and they can shift the center of mass on the fly. The vehicle's speed is still pushing you upright - get on a bike with some good speed, and you can lean very far into a turn and ease off to return upright. Way more than you could if it wasn't moving

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Not really... This isn't people being empowered, this is people being chewed up and spit out

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

I think there's a few core reasons

Some people would act like him if given the opportunity, so they identify with him or think he'd give them opportunities

Some people just feel isolated and know the world is getting worse but not why, so they latch onto the guy giving easy answers and simple solutions

And some people are just drawn to the idea of fascism or authoritarianism, even if they don't realize what that entails

I'd put the self loathing in the first camp - many of them get through life through projection. They think everyone is like them

[–] 12 points 5 days ago

their fortunes

I think the term for that is "the economy"

[–] -2 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Ok, let's be real here. A charger can last a decade even if the charging speed slows...a cord will not outlast a phone. If it does, there's a serious issue


Between wanting to do more with local LLMs, wsl annoyances, and the direction tech companies have been going lately, I think it's time I start exploring a full Linux migration

I'm a software dev, I'm comfortable in the command line, and I used to write the node configuration piece of something similar to chef (flavor/version agnostic setup of cloud environments)

So for me, Linux has always been a "modify the script and rebuild fresh" kind of deal... Even my dev VMs involved a lot of scripts and snapshots. I don't enjoy configuration and I really hate debugging it, but I can muddle through when I have to

Web searches have pushed me towards Ubuntu for LLM work, but I've never been a big fan of the window Managers. I like little flourishes like animation and lots of options I can set graphically, I use multiple desktop multiple monitors

I've tried the one it comes standard with, gnome, and kde (although it's been about 5 years since I've last given them a real shot).

I'm mostly looking for the most reasonable footprint that is "good enough", something that feels polished to at least the Windows XP level - subtle animations instead of instant popups, rounded borders, maybe a bit of transparency here and there.

I'm looking at Ubuntu w/

  • kde w/ plasma (I understand it's very configurable, I don't love the look and it seems to be a bigger footprint

  • budgie (looks nice, never heard of it before today)

  • kylin (looks very Windows 10 which is nice, a bit skeptical about the Chinese focus)

  • mate (I like the look, but it seems a bit dubiously centralized)

  • unity (looks like the standard Ubuntu taken to it's natural conclusion)

  • rhino Linux (something new which makes me skeptical, but pretty and seems more like existing tools packaged together which makes me think the issues might not impact actual workflow)

  • anything the community is big on for this, personally I'd pick opensuze, but I need to maximize compatibility with bleeding edge LLM projects

My hardware and hard requirements are:

  • nvidia 1060ti
  • ryzen 5500u
  • 16g ram
  • 4 drives nearly full, because it's a computer of Theseus running the same (upgraded) vista license that came with the case like 15 years ago
  • multi desktop, multi monitor
  • can handle a lot of browser Windows/tabs
  • ideally the setup is just a package mana ger install script with all my dependencies
  • gaming support would be nice, but I'll be dual booting for VR anyways

I've been out of the game for a while, I'd love to hear what the feeling is in the community these days

(Side note, is pine as cool a company as it seems?)

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