[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 2 points 2 days ago

Considering the series has been dormant for so long, it’s fair to ask the question “Is Senxin Aleste really an Aleste game”?

First test: does it have that jingle?

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

Most of Creative's AWE32 cards do use a real Yamaha OPL3 chip for FM synthesis, which can produce two-or-four operator voices. The latter of those can approach the quality of the voices in their DX7-family line of musical instruments. Even the older OPL2 chip that is limited to two-operator voices can sound great when programmed well (not that I'd call it realistic-sounding).

The other synth chip on the AWE32 is the Ensoniq EMU8000. That one does sample-based synthesis as you describe above.

Just wanted to note that Creative misappropriated the term wavetable synthesis when they marketed this and other sample-based synthesis cards of theirs, and the misnomer spread widely to the products of other companies and persists to this day.

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

Great card, got one in my 440BX retro rig! Plus an AWE64 Gold and a PnP SB16 with a real OPL3 FM chip. That's just a bit of what's kicking around here...

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

The spinny thing is the head drum. The divots are electromagnetic heads, usually four for video in a HiFi deck. Be careful when cleaning them as they are fragile. Avoid using any kind of material that may snag in their narrow gap. I like to use a strip of white paper wetted with isopropanol, holding it against the drum and turning it with the other hand. Repeat that till the paper comes away clean.

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 9 points 1 week ago

That's one busy substitute teacher!

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 17 points 1 week ago

And as they do it they say,


[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 21 points 1 week ago

The article's a good read. It's not about the first game from 1987.

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 10 points 2 weeks ago

You've gained karma!

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 9 points 2 weeks ago

Half-price drink's for happy hour at Apostrophe's!


Call me old-fashioned, but I think 86MB is an obscenely large size for an image thumbnail. Would rather not have these automatically download as I'm on a limited data plan. Wish I had the option to substitute a static image for the thumbnail.

I realize that post may be entirely appropriate for the community to which it was submitted, but have seen plenty of animated avatar icons, etc. and just find that sort of thing distracting and would like to disable or block them if possible. Using Firefox and already running a script blocker with allowances for Lemmy server instances.

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 14 points 3 weeks ago

Kudos to the artist, this is delightful! And today I learned LEGO Batman has a more relaxed posture than 1989 Batman.

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago

Working as a Field Service Technician can sometimes mean being alone for hours on the road in between bouts of installation/service/training/etc.

[-] thouartfrugal@lemmy.world 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

$ echo "$((2#01010010)) $((2#01100101)) $((2#01100100)) $((2#01110010)) $((2#01110101)) $((2#01101101))"

82 101 100 114 117 109

Reads 'Redrum' in ASCII. A reference to The Shining, I suppose. If there's a joke it's lost on me, sorry. Was kinda fun spending 10min decoding that, though :)


I wish to solve CAPTCHA with bicycles, motorcycles etc. in a manner consistent with chaotic good alignment, benevolence, humanitarianism, etc. Shall I select squares that include riders/passengers but not also their conveyance? Was reminded of my uncertainty about this when reading this recent post by @Wilshire to the Technology community.

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joined 1 month ago