Ah yes, that well-known financial bastion of... North Korea... where all oligarchs go to hide their money.
I don't think you know how financial transactions work.
Ah yes, that well-known financial bastion of... North Korea... where all oligarchs go to hide their money.
I don't think you know how financial transactions work.
Yes, that’s what I said; your amazon devices are giving away your wifi info to new devices.
No, they are not. You make it sound like any asshole can walk by and just turn something on and get your wifi info.
If you're worried about a device somehow being compromised between being shipped by Amazon and making it to your front door, please dispose of all electronics and go live in the woods. That level of paranoia is not reasonable.
Oh, don't worry, as soon as the lunatic money dries up it'll be back to whatever the new purchasing billionaire wants.
You have an Amazon account, dude. Amazon already has your fucking information. ALL OF IT. Including things like card numbers, addresses, phone numbers, and your purchasing and viewing habits.
It pulled wifi settings from another Amazon device that you have, most likely.
It also downloaded your fucking information when it accessed the internet.
Do you really think there's some fuckin' rando sitting there doing nothing in an Amazon warehouse until the moment you order this thing, when they just plug it into a server and download your information to it?
No, it connected to your wifi and downloaded it.
Welcome to how almost every single electronic device operates.
If you're worried about miners or bots you shouldn't be purchasing invasive shit to plug into your home network. In fact, you shouldn't even have a home network.
Be more literate. Learn the difference between a question and a statement and how these things change circumstances.
Also go away. You're boring.
Fuckin' bleeding heart RINO accepting Federal money like the fuckin' welfare queen they are. We need to just separate from the US and start our own country so we don't have to HEY WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DON'T GET MUH CORN SUBSIDIES?!?!?!??!
And of fucking course he won't find what he wants in Texas, because what he wants is his own fucking fiefdom.
Because, as we all know, it's ONLY the Republicans that are out of session right now... right?