So Biden got more votes compared to Bernie so thus was more popular.

Thanks for confirming this.

So Biden won because voters coalesced around him.

Thanks again for reinforcing that point.

[-] 0 points 10 hours ago

So Biden won fair and square because more primary voters voted for him.

Thanks for reinforcing that point.

[-] 10 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

But hey, don't vote for Biden because of a bad debate. After all, how much worse can more conservative justices be....

Not directed at you- just in general.

[-] 1 points 22 hours ago

Progressive paradox. Simultaneously so popular but can never get enough votes.

[-] 9 points 22 hours ago

This is simply fan fic.

[-] 4 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

There are two standards. Everyone expects Republicans to be lying shitheads so when they are, no one is surprised.

We somehow just accept this.

[-] 6 points 22 hours ago

Young people are fucking stupid then if they think trump gets them anywhere nearer their goals.

Source- I was a dumb youth in my day. Vote for the car that gets you closest to your destination, not farther away from it. And definitely don't abstain and then complain after the fact that things are worse.

[-] 1 points 23 hours ago

Schafkopf rules.

The progressive paradox. Progressive ideas and politicians are soooo popular but there's always a reason they lost and it's never because progressives don't turn out.


Unsure if this is the place to ask or not but figured it was closest to it.

Basically I am looking to make an AIO retro gaming PC. Main goal is to have one simple box hooked up to the TV so my friends and I can game without having to swap discs and consoles all the time. Would probably use mostly DS3 (or 4?) controllers hooked up with USB or via BT.

I know lemmy doesn't much care about piracy but this is all just to play games/consoles we legally own. Would include PS1-3, Nintendo, SNES, N64, Gamecube (think that is all we have).

I think has been mentioned, Lakka (maybe this is more for pis?), and EmuDeck has been mentioned. Basically looking for the easiest distro to throw on a PC with a nice UI (can be launched via kb/mouse, all the same to me) that has the emulators built in and just needs the ROMs.


I've only loosely heard about some turbulence in the fdroid community so what is the difference here? Any notable changes or reasons for the changes?


Link on the bottom if you wish to try out the new VPP addon.

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joined 1 year ago