[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 12 hours ago

I swear in every video like this, these IOF bozos are always standing near windows or out in the open, just making themselves excellent targets. Remember that video where the resistance poked a camera out of a hole like ~6 feet away from a group of them just sitting in a circle talking to each other and they didn't even notice? You can just tell they're so far out of their depth. Clown ass army.

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 100 points 2 weeks ago

can we take a moment to appreciate that Yemen started doing this, got bombed by the U.S. (again), continued doing it, the U.S. begged them to stop with promises of treats and pats on the head, and Yemen was just like nah (with that baller line "We are not within the circle of those you dictate to”) and kept doing it? All while being one of the poorest countries in the world. Absolute king shit

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 100 points 1 month ago

lmfao everyone please watch the video in the linked article, it's hilarious. When he pulls out the super tiny paper shredder I laughed out loud. It legit feels like a scene from an Austin Powers movie or something.

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 40 points 2 months ago

I always thought non-compete agreements were so bizarre. like why would a company get to have any say where I can work after I stop working for them lol. Same vibes as an HOA telling you what color you're allowed to paint your house or how long your grass can be

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 35 points 2 months ago

that before/after pic that keeps getting shared is so funny because it's just zionists admitting that their only metric for success is the amount of civilians killed. "oh your attack didn't turn a city into rubble and result in thousands of child-sized body bags? weak shit"

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 3 months ago

it's one of those red flag (and not the good kind) phrases that immediately tells you this person's idea of "left" is voting for democrats and calling Trump a cheeto man

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 60 points 3 months ago

he literally said this when he was running 4 years ago, and he did nothing. how are people still falling for this shit. I swear libs are some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 45 points 4 months ago

reminder for anyone who wasn't aware: the "Third Assault Brigade" the article mentions is literally just the rebranded Azov battalion lol. Eat shit, Nazis

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 36 points 5 months ago

that sub is baffling to me because I cannot comprehend why anyone should care that someone unsubscribed from a page on reddit. like we joke a lot but that is actual terminally online behavior

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 42 points 5 months ago

being such a weirdo that you get thrown out of an event is extremely on-brand for NAFO losers. Damn imagine knowing and interacting with this person on a daily basis. nightmare shit

[-] toilet_wolf@lemmygrad.ml 46 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

when I was a lib I used to like The Daily Show because it was kinda cathartic to watch them mock conservatives.

However I remember one episode where they were covering a story about students at Berkeley protesting the marines opening up a recruiting office on campus, and basically the entire segment was them shitting on these kids. The students were anti-war and didn't want the US military recruiting future killers on their campus. The Daily Show even had their news correspondent Rob Riggle (retired marine) interviewing students and trapping them in ridiculous "gotchas" to make them look dumb. It was one of the first moments as a baby leftist where I was like "wait... why are they doing this? those kids are right to not want the military at their school." And watching this thickneck piece of shit Riggle bully young people who obviously don't know enough to "debate" him while a camera is shoved in their face was infuriating.

Then later I watched Stewart perform at USO shows in Iraq and Afghanistan (among other places) to entertain these imperialist tools and I just lost any shred of respect I still had for him. He even had that awful "Rally to Restore Sanity" event in D.C. which was effectively a giant centrist circlejerk that accomplished absolutely nothing. I haven't even paid attention to anything he's done since but I'm not the least bit surprised that he's still a dipshit.

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