[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Honestly Arch-based is a good choice, but straight up Arch for a newbie? Nah.

I’m running EndeavorOS with KDE and it’s been solid for gaming. A few bugs, but mostly minor, like it picked the wrong default NIC driver (but still worked) and SMB shares wouldn’t auto mount recently until an update a week or two ago.

My main PC for non-gaming runs Manjaro. I know there are haters about it, but it’s been a solid distro for general use, and I’ve encountered no issues to speak of.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 29 points 2 weeks ago

This is why you should not trust them regarding Recall. They will not let it go. It will be forced on you eventually.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 64 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

The fact this is even necessary makes me want to shit a brick.

"Do you want to make an online account?" No. "Okay, please set up your local account."

That should be it. And honestly, even that's egregious to me. Signing into online bullshit should be opt-in, not opt-out. Thank goodness I don't use Windows anymore, finally wiped the last Windows machine in my house this past week.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 62 points 2 months ago

Yeah, don’t accept trash from strangers.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 55 points 2 months ago

This article pisses me off. Back in late 2020 I went to a dealership to buy a new car, very high credit score, 1/3 cash down, and qualified for a 0% interest deal that was going on at the time.

The dealership came at me with the most bullshit offers, tried to get me to take dealership financing at 4%, then 3.5, then 3% at a longer loan duration and acted like they were doing me a favor the whole time. Finance guy was being such a dickhead about it even the sales guy started getting pissed at him.

Took nearly 6 freaking hours to close the deal. Finally got my 0% offer and expected financing/cost because it was 20 minutes to closing time and I was like “fuck it, I’ll go check out your competitors tomorrow,” keys in hand, walking out the door. Sales guy literally chased after me and stopped me at the car to say the finance dude finally caved.

Fucking scumbag stuff. Dealership changed their name a year later and I don’t wonder why.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 57 points 3 months ago

Shit like this is why my LG C1 is restricted to LAN access only in my router (local network for automation purposes) and can't communicate with the internet.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 26 points 3 months ago

I bought a Brother laser printer some years back for like $120 and am still working on the starter toner cartridge. HP can fuck right off with this.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 60 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I bought one of these mini PCs (Beelink SER5) a while back to use as a low power desktop and the first thing I did was nuke the default partitions and install Linux. Never trust preinstalled OS.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/diy@lemmy.ml

New house, was built/finished just under two years ago. I live in a dry climate, have been in my house for two years and only now discovered this. After some recent storms led to water in my window track I found my rear sliding windows have weep holes in the bottom, but they weren't draining.

After a lot of testing (filling the track with water, shop vac'ing it out, blower testing with air gun, suction with vacuum, etc.) I realized the weep holes in the interior of the window track and the weep holes on the exterior have no connection whatsoever. No water goes from inside to outside, and air blowing through exterior hole is felt through other exterior, and likewise with the interior, but nothing is going from interior to exterior. Water in the inside track will drain until the portion underneath fills and then pools up, and likewise, if I spray water in the exterior weep holes, nothing gets to the inside track, but it eventually comes out the exterior weep hole on the other side.

After some research, I found it's not uncommon for this to happen, it's a common defect with these sort of windows and I just drilled into the exterior weep hole with a 1/8 bit until it met the interior channel and sure enough, the water drains out as expected now. Put the window track back in, window back on, and tested pouring water in the track, it's draining perfectly now.

My only questions are, do I have anything to be concerned about with this DIY fix? Since the climate here is normally very dry (high desert, Colorado) and moisture evaporates quickly, I'm not worried about mold, but is there anything to keep bugs from getting in through the weep holes? They're not covered in any way. Also, will there be any winter concerns with the cold in sub-zero temperatures or snow/ice build up?

Apologies if these are dumb questions, but I'd literally never heard of weep holes until this week, with discovering the issue. So not sure what potential issues they might have, and honestly no way to know if I fixed this as intended.

submitted 10 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

Really interesting sh'mup and great soundtrack. I especially like the stage 1 and stage 6 themes. It's amazing what the PC-Engine was capable of with the CD add-on.

Sadly, I'm terrible at it, and have never actually been able to play past stage 3, so good thing the first stage is such a banger. 😅

submitted 10 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world
submitted 10 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

Fantastic game. I love the high energy beat here.

submitted 10 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/sbcgaming@lemmy.ml

The current build of Jelos updated the libSDL from v2600.5 to 2800.1 and it broke a few ports. In particular the ones I know of are Panzer Paladin and TMNT: Shredder's Revenge. Both are fixed with the instructions below.

I saw in some threads people asking about it so here's the fix:

You'll need a copy of the 7/26 JELOS build or before from the github releases page and copy out the libSDL files from /usr/lib. To do this, you'll need to download the tar archive, then use something like 7zip to extract the SYSTEM file to a folder.

Copy off all the the libSDL2 related files that have a file size (ignore the ones that list as 0kb in size, those are symlinks). All told there are something like six files you need, the 2.0.so.02600.5 file, the ttf file, the image file, gfx file, and mixer.

You need to rename the filesaccording to the SDL2-CD.dll.config set in the game folder at /storage/roms/ports//dlls/

If you prefer, I already have all the correct files and renamed as needed. You can download them in zipped format here.

Once you have the correct files, correctly named, copy them into /storage/roms/ports//libs/

Lastly, edit the game's .sh file in /storage/roms/ports/ to add the following lines:

# # # export path for local libSDL
export LD_PRELOAD=$gamedir/libs/libSDL2.so.0

Add that to the script on its own line. I put it at line 29, after the "Loading... Please Wait." echo output line. Anywhere after the get_controls line should be fine.

If you mess up the file, or run into problems, the full file should look like this one.

From there, save it and run the game. And that should be it.

If you gather the files yourself instead of using the ones from the ZIP I linked and the game loads sideways (in portrait), get the libSDL2-2.0.so.0.2600.5 from the SYSTEM folder in the /usr/lib/SDL2-rotated path instead of /usr/lib, and copy it to your game's lib directory on the handheld, and rename it to libSDL2-2.0.so.0 to fix.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

This is the Japanese version of Simple & Clean, the opening song for Kingdom Hearts.

Great song, been a fan of Hikki's music for over two decades now.

submitted 11 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

Sorry for double post the same song technically, but I love this version and Tiffany Mann's vocals are great.

submitted 11 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

My man on the drums is killing it in this version. Just watch him yo.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

This song hits hard, I love it. Main theme kicks in around 28 seconds in.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/sbcgaming@lemmy.ml

I noticed that darker games on my x55 didn’t look good, like dark tones and blacks were almost inverted looking at stock settings. After a bit of tweaking, setting gamma from default (50%) to 67% got everything looking good.

After checking out a few YouTube videos it seems the gamma level on the display varies between units. I’ve seen it look good on default in some and even up to 100% on one video. Play with the setting and dial it in to what looks best for you.

If it helps I’m currently using:

  • brightness 68%
  • gamma 67%
  • contrast 52%
  • saturation 60%
submitted 11 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

Great soundtrack. This one's the battle theme from Ikenfell.

Also great game. The artwork is gorgeous (it was styled to look like a scaled up GBA game) and the combat system kind of feels like a mashup of Super Mario RPG and Mega Man Battle Network what with the tile system and timed attack bonuses.

submitted 11 months ago by tomkatt@lemmy.world to c/vgmusic@lemmy.world

Technically not game music, but nerdcore based on a game. Does this count? 😅

Terrible game from what I've heard (I haven't played it), but inspired a great song IMO. Mods, feel free to remove if this doesn't fit the theme of the community.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 56 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I haven't even looked honestly, just looked up the account. I don't really care whether they fill them or not, I only go back to reddit now for /r/sbcgaming and /r/ereader since those communities haven't really picked up here yet (though maybe they will in time).

Edit - I just looked. It seems to be a lot of people saying "I wouldn't be a good mod, no thanks" or "let me be a mod, I'll totally let people post lewd pics," "pick me, I'll reinstate the old mods," "I'll gladly abuse my power, sure" and stuff of that variety. So no, doesn't look like it's a big rush to fill the spots. Mostly a lot of snark for the majority of them. MaleFashionAdvice seemed to be an exception with people looking to take the mod spot and they were all ridiculously downvoted.

Edit 2 - I especially liked this one:

u/spez can take his IPO and shove it up his ass. Join us at Lemmy. We can build it into something corporate dickwads can't take from us.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 96 points 11 months ago

Good point, but it looks like it's still ongoing.

[-] tomkatt@lemmy.world 38 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

After seeing this post and the article, I just blocked my LG C1 from WAN at my router. LAN still available for automation purposes, but fuck letting that thing out to the internet now. Funny enough, it turns on faster, and no more notification splash at the bottom. Nice.

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