[-] tty5@lemmy.world 1 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)

If you are on stock software on EOL device you are not getting os updates either.

Also a bunch of recent vulns were in SoC specific stuff - outside os.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

No security fixes once the device reaches end of life. For pixel 4a end of security updates was 10 months ago. That mostly is a problem with malicious apps - there were some privilege escalation bugs in those 10 months - but sometimes you get a banger that can get exploited by simply loading a page or opening an image.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 4 points 3 days ago

Something more like this https://a.co/d/0bgPCSvQ - it should use half the power, it's way smaller, 2x SATA if you want 2 drives. I haven't checked if this specific one is 12V, but there are dozens in the same form factor and with similar specs.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 12 points 3 days ago

There are a lot of atom or mobile i3/i5 powered mini PCs that actually are powered with a 12v brick, in fact most of the industrial ones are. Small form factor, passive cooling, can play media for you and usually comes with 4x 1/2.5gbit Ethernet, so it can double as a router/switch. Usually 10-15w power draw.

Go to AliExpress and simply search for minipc and make sure it has a SATA connector for your hard drive.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 23 points 4 days ago

Not influence, control. They were allowed to do their own thing only as long as they did nothing to annoy Moscow and followed all orders.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 27 points 3 weeks ago

I'll be really surprised if arm manages to get 10% by then

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 57 points 1 month ago

Decibel scale is logarithmic, which means 10db change is reducing perceived volume by half.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 60 points 1 month ago

Yes. PSN is only available in about 70 countries (out of 190). E.g. in the entire continent of Africa only one country has access.

Even some members of European Union don't get PSN.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 38 points 2 months ago

I've had a company require employees to install MDM on personal phones (remote control/management) to be allowed to use them for 2fa app or email access.. there was a surprised Pikachu when I refused. Eventually they issued me a company phone, because it was impossible to do most tasks without 2fa. That device was on 9 to 5 only.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 29 points 6 months ago

Netflix limits you to 720p even on windows, unless you are using Edge: https://help.netflix.com/en/node/23742 (expand HTML5 browsers and scroll down).

This limitation doesn't apply to all content - it's the worst case scenario if copyright holder really put their foot down.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 226 points 6 months ago

I don't see how an email that has no proof of delivery (could have ended in spam for example) would be legally binding.

Accepting a ToS update simply by virtue of no action is also questionable unless provisions permitting that were in the ToS you've accepted and even then it would not work in the European Union, because that's listed in the forbidden clauses registry.

[-] tty5@lemmy.world 39 points 7 months ago

Now make a $12,000 version with door locks and a basic AC and I'll buy one this week. I miss 4th/5th gen Hilux

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