I've created a petition protesting Utah's hateful anti-LGBTQ bathroom bill which began being enacted on May 1st here in Utah, prohibiting trans people from using bathrooms that don't match the sex assigned to them at their birth. Clearly, this bill is only meant to really right-wing nuts to a fascist cause of hatred and has no other actual purpose. Please sign if you agree with me that this bill is disgusting and should be repealed.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 82 points 3 months ago

It won't get seized and trump will never pay for what he's done. That's the world we live in, and it's no use pretending anything like justice exists here.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 111 points 5 months ago

I gotta agree with cartoon Bernie on this one. Here in Utah the three big concerns of our upcoming legislative session are: how to ban more transgender people from public restrooms, how to prosecute women who may have had an abortion at anytime in the past, and how to ensure colleges and universities can no longer encourage diversity, equity, or inclusion under criminal penalty. I'm not joking, those are the main focuses of the upcoming session.

Never mind that homelessness is out of control, housing prices are through the roof, drug addiction is at an all time high, and the great Salt lake is now nothing but a mud puddle that will dry up in five years' time.

More important to score political points with your witless white-ass cronies and mormon shit heads.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 62 points 5 months ago

Hooray for AOC telling it like it is, and getting under Elon Musks' pimply oily hide. She knows exactly what she's doing.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 104 points 6 months ago

Remember, reporting that any Palestinians lost their lives during this conflict is not only anti-semitic, it's anti- American. Israelis aren't capable of committing violent war crimes. (BTW I'm being facetious, but only a little).

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 80 points 6 months ago

Once you invite them in and feed them, you'll never get rid of them. But the same could be said for mormons.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 121 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

They will grow up but it will be a much different world. Back in the 70s, Rachel Carson posited that it was probably already too late to turn back the effects of air pollution and poisoning of our oceans, and she was right. Instead of fixing problems, oil and gas companies are doubling down on fossil fuel extraction. Kids will grow up to have all kinds of respiratory illnesses and also facing a world that is melting around them.

Most years we're in below 20 degree snowy weather. Today it's 50 degrees here, it's Dec 18th and we've only seen snow in our mountains, which is very rare for us in Utah. Not that I'm complaining about the heat -I love warmer weather, and I absolutely detest the sight of snow in any way, shape or form. But it is weird that we're not even going to have snow on the ground this Christmas (we might get some rain this week).

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 62 points 6 months ago

We have automated paper towel dispensers, if that ain't space-age magic I don't know what is. I think we found out that flying cars are a bad idea. It turns out most people could not operate a regular car correctly.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 74 points 6 months ago

I'm so sick of this goddamn stupid supreme court shit. Abortion is a woman's god-given right. And these drugs are the safest and easiest way. Taking them away will ONLY MEAN MORE ABORTIONS THAT ARE BOTCHED BY COAT HANGERS. It WILL NOT stop women from having abortions!! These stupid god damn filthy father fucking pieces of walking god damn dog excrement. I'm so fucking sick of this nonsense!!! There are just no words in the English language that can convey the level of hatred and loathing I feel for these black robed assholes.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 104 points 7 months ago

I've been around since 1959, and back then people were up in arms about the partisan divide in this country and the Vietnam conflict and the oppression of black and other races. Back then, domestic abuse was sort of commonplace, no man could be sent to jail for beating up his kids or his wife. Alcoholism was rampant back then, and drug abuse shot up dramatically. Since then, I've seen so much of the same play out over and over. Things have changed somewhat for the better in some ways, but to be honest - there never was a 'good old time' when everyone felt happy and equal and safe and protected.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 77 points 7 months ago

When I was an ordinary dumb kid, I took a bunch of cattails from a pond nearby and put them in my desk at school. Well - a couple days later, they decided to "bloom" and we had a desk inspection and when I opened my desk up, the room filled with big fluffy cotton spores. I got yelled at for a solid hour, I'd never seen my teacher so angry. And I'm like, what's the big deal?? It's free cotton candy and it's pretty!!

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 61 points 8 months ago

What yanks my short hairs is, we all KNEW (those of us not inculcated into right wing politics) that ALL the election fraud lies were lies and falsehoods, from day one. WE KNEW IT, for a fact, without question. That it takes years for the perpetrators to admit they committed these lies is sickening, and a testiment to the true evil that men harbor inside. A need to hurt and abuse others. It really has implications far scarier than just being a pack of lies.

[-] tygerprints@kbin.social 67 points 8 months ago

Absolutely disgusting in every way. War is the product of infantile minds and sick abusive hearts. These kids did not deserve to die for the stupidity and perverse beliefs of the adults surrounding them. Shame on Israel for this murderous atrocity and shame on Hamas for engaging in warlike acts of child murder as well. NO ONE is above blame for this horrendous show of inhumane and despicable sickness.

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