[-] tyler@programming.dev 1 points 28 minutes ago

Geez that article is terribly written. But interesting nonetheless!

[-] tyler@programming.dev 5 points 2 hours ago

I thought we knew this already. I was trying to buy better pots and pans like a month ago and did about 30 hours of research and just everything I found made me mad and this was one of the things.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 5 points 7 hours ago

I have the Wii sports resort jam playing in my head constantly. Does that include part of the infinite knowledge of the universe???


[-] tyler@programming.dev 2 points 1 day ago

I searched for like 20 minutes but was unable to find the article I was referencing. Not sure why. I read it less than a month ago and it referenced several studies done on the topic. I'll keep searching as I have time.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 4 points 2 days ago

Overtraining has actually shown to result in emergent math behavior (in multiple independent studies), so that is no longer true. The studies were done where the input math samples are “poisoned” with incorrect answers to example math questions. Initially the LLM responds with incorrect answers, then when overtrained it finally “figures out” the underlying math and is able to solve the problems, even for the poisoned questions.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 16 points 2 days ago

We’re fucked.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 1 points 2 days ago

Decipher #10 deciphered in ⏱️ 13m 29s ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ https://decipher.wtf

Fun game

[-] tyler@programming.dev 1 points 3 days ago

Not sure if that is a serious question, but it’s because formatting doesn’t depend on the type of variables but going to the definition of a field obviously depends on the type that the field is in.

formatting does depend on the type of variables. Go look at ktfmt's codebase and come back after you've done so...

Maybe my example was not clear enough for you - I guess it’s possible you’ve never experienced working intellisense, so you don’t understand the feature I’m describing.

Lol, nice try with the insult there. I code in Kotlin, my intellisense works just fine. I just think you're quite ignorant and have no clue what you're actually talking about.

Ctrl-click on bar. Where does it jump to?

it gives you an option, just like if it was an interface. Did you actually try this out before commenting? Guessing not. And how often are you naming functions the exact same thing across two different classes without using an interface? And if you were using an interface intellisense would work the exact same way, giving you the option to jump to any of the implementations.

I'm sorry, but you clearly haven't thought this out, or you're really quite ignorant as to how intellisense works in all languages (including Ruby, and including statically typed languages).

[-] tyler@programming.dev 57 points 3 days ago

It’s happening on lemmy too. People making posts in multiple subs saying that FF is super buggy, etc.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 5 points 4 days ago

The article that was posted earlier today about how oil and gas firms are twisting scientists words to make “uncertainty” (which is a confidence interval, not “we’re not sure”) I’m pretty sure we need to stop using certain words. At this point, PR is a major part of scientists jobs. Just like managing communications is a major part of programmers jobs, even though there’s a huge belief that programmers can’t talk to others. I won’t hire someone who can’t work with nor communicate with others. The same should apply to scientists.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 28 points 5 days ago

This is awesome. I bet it’s how my dog feels when I use the ball that’s made to bounce weird.

[-] tyler@programming.dev 23 points 6 days ago

Just because it’s large doesn’t mean it’s functioning. Russia has a lot of roads, but functioning would be a strong word for what state they’re in.

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