It was years ago.
Easier said than done, anyway. I was just shocked he said that. I'm sure if I wanted his statement in writing he would have written something like "I don't recommend this for women who have not yet had children because there are plenty of other effective treatments like [etc]" and nobody would care.
Someone at my work was told something similar by a different doctor (in a different state!) that he wouldn't sterilize her because she wasn't married. She had 3 children already in her mid twenties.
Pushing back on this stuff is a battle that shouldn't have to take place on the personal level. We're going backwards in women's healthcare in America, too.
I agree with the other posters. Nothing about this article is critical of Biden (or Trump for that matter).
Unless of course you think that acknowledging that some people don’t like either candidate is an anti Biden opinion… seems like a logical leap; this article is very dry.
People are allowed to be biased, anyway, this is just an internet community. Nobody here is claiming to be an objective journalist or something.