that sounds almost exactly like the Reichsbürger in Germany. They also claim the current German state is actually just a corporation and the laws of the German empire are somehow still applicable. They also create their own passports. And of course they are deeply interconnected with Neo-nazis.
Is it wood? not clicking a link that goes to wapo...
Und Frauen wünschen sich keine reparierbaren Geräte?
oh i must have missed a few orders of magnitude there. 6Mt of helium is a ridiculous amount though ... what is all that used for? according to WA that is about the water volume of the three gorges dam at STP
Edit: just read the report, wow, more than a quarter of all the helium is used just for "breathing mixes" which i assume means its for scuba diving.
from the wiki article on Helium:
an estimated 3000 metric tons of helium are generated per year throughout the lithosphere.
I think the main issue here is not that we are loosing helium on a planetary scale but that the easy to reach helium from gas wells is wasted. We will never run out of helium at our current rate of consumption before the sun goes nova, if we consider all sources on earth, but it will get a lot more expensive and the supply will get less steady.
its real, though not necessarily the type of window that you described. also exists in Turkish. i have a Turkish colleague who was very proud to explain the origin of that word to us in Germany :D .
this is extra tricky because they did not specify the exact kernel. mainline could be any of the kernels tagged as stable that you can build from linus' git tree. i know that in the past you could run a mainline linux on intel 368 chips but today you probably can not because official support was dropped a while ago.
datasheet for one of the drive models apparently these have a dual SAS interface, so what you are seing could be completely normal. i dont have any experience with this type of setup though.
btw you can uniquely identify partitions by using something like lsblk -o+PARTUUID,FSTYPE
the partuuid should never repeat in the output even if the partition table was somehow used as a template (though "dd"ing from disk to disk will duplicate those of course)
also check out the "SERIAL" column for lsblk to uniquely identify the drives themselves.
most dishwasher detergent formulations contain corrosion inhibitors for steel, some even contain corrosion inhibitors for aluminium though those are usually in the upper price segment.
Sounds about right. Western and Central Europe is aging rapidly. I doubt Paris is much of an exception to that rule.