[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 35 points 1 week ago

Never is a strong word when that's just not true

An animal model of spontaneous exclusive homosexuality has however been described in sheep. About 8% of the males in a population studied in the western United States were shown to mate exclusively with other males, even when the choice was given between a male or female partner (Perkins and Roselli, 2007; Roselli et al., 2011b).


[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 58 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yep for those curious how it harms native bees:

But scientists say competition with honey bees may also play a role. In a 2017 report in Conservation Letters, researchers calculated that during three months, honey bees in a typical 40-hive apiary collect the equivalent amount of pollen and nectar as 4 million solitary wild bees. “Brilliant foragers,” honey bees can “dominate floral resources and suppress native bee numbers,” says lead author Jim Cane, a retired federal biologist who heads the nonprofit WildBeecology.

Honey bees also carry diseases that can infect natives, including deformed wing virus and the parasite Crithidia bombi. Researchers have found that native bees near apiaries can suffer a high incidence of such illnesses.

Also some fun facts: most North American native bee species don't even live in hives or produce honey for themselves at all. They also almost never sting too

Unlike honey bees, more than 90 percent of our nearly 4,000 native bee species live not with other bees in hives but alone in nests carved into soil, wood or hollow plant stems. Often mistaken for flies, the majority are tiny and do not have queens or produce honey. Without a hive’s larvae and food supplies to defend, “native bees almost never sting,” Mizejewski say



Longer version of the quote

Humans — who enslave, castrate, experiment on, and fillet other animals — have had an understandable penchant for pretending animals do not feel pain. A sharp distinction between humans and 'animals' is essential if we are to bend them to our will, make them work for us, wear them, eat them — without any disquieting tinges of guilt or regret. It is unseemly of us, who often behave so unfeelingly toward other animals, to contend that only humans can suffer.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml to c/aboringdystopia@lemmy.world
submitted 2 weeks ago by usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml to c/usa@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml to c/environment@beehaw.org
[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 58 points 3 weeks ago

It's worth mentioning this isn't an isolated instance sadly

Fires on large-scale animal farms, or factory farms, are surprisingly common. Over the last decade, at least 6.5 million farmed animals, mostly chickens, perished in barn fires in the US

The true number is likely significantly higher, AWI notes, because not all states have the same reporting requirements, and because farm animals are property with essentially no legal protection from suffering


[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 44 points 1 month ago

Wow, I'm honored to have shitposted that hard. Needed those words of motivation

[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 123 points 1 month ago

If you look at the reddit post it's citing, it's from r/shittysuperpowers. A subreddit where you come up with fake shitty super powers is now getting cited as truth by google

[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 85 points 2 months ago

That's the ideal case, but in practice much of it is directly derived from natural gas instead of electrolysis

In 2022 less than 1% of hydrogen production was low-carbon.[1] Fossil fuels are the dominant source of hydrogen, for example by steam reforming of natural gas.[2]


[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 38 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Yep, for a source for others about the plastic bit

The system that strips off the plastic wrappings can’t capture it all, and so in the UK a limit of 0.15% of plastic is allowed by the Food Standards Agency. The official EU level for plastic permitted in animal feed is zero although in reality many other countries operate within the same 0.15% limit.


[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 45 points 6 months ago

It should also be noted that we currently do the exact opposite and actually heavily subsidize meat, dairy, etc around the world

[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 50 points 6 months ago

Isn't animal agriculture so fun? Always some neat new horrors you couldn't even come up with

[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 110 points 8 months ago

It's worth noting that in countries like US, it's really only things like beyond burgers and impossible meat that cost more. It doesn't require eating those for a plant-based diet nor are people typically eating those every meal, is why plant-based diets generally have lower costs

Compared to meat eaters, results show that “true” vegetarians do indeed report lower food expenditures


It found that in high-income countries:

• Vegan diets were the most affordable and reduced food costs by up to one third.

• Vegetarian diets were a close second.

• Flexitarian diets with low amounts of meat and dairy reduced costs by 14%.

• By contrast, pescatarian diets increased costs by up to 2%.


[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 44 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

For some other context, the plant is now one of the largest in the US

"Today, that same beef plant in Greeley is owned by JBS USA and has grown into one of the biggest slaughterhouses in the country with more than 6,000 workers"


[-] usernamesAreTricky@lemmy.ml 51 points 10 months ago

Feeding dead cows back to cows is indeed the main way that mad cow disease shows up. Though there's also atypical mad cow disease where it just randomly shows up too

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