[-] verstra@programming.dev 3 points 1 day ago

You are not alone. This is the work git was built for.

There is a bit of benefit if you have code reviewed so separate commits are easier to review instaed of one -900 +1278 commit.

[-] verstra@programming.dev 16 points 2 days ago

If you are an engineer, this is why we plug holes made from resupply pods.

[-] verstra@programming.dev 1 points 4 days ago

My house was built in 1939. Initial installation of ecectric cables consisted of a wire in a sleeve filled over with concrete. That was all replaced with proper tubing and isolation, but these few outlets do not have ground.

[-] verstra@programming.dev 1 points 4 days ago

Wait what? What does that even mean? Is he their boss? Is he paying them? Does he mind control them?

[-] verstra@programming.dev 4 points 4 days ago

I didn't even notice the new actors, a testimony to how good they are!


I know that the answer is yes, I should, but outlets near the setup are not grounded (even though they look like they are) and I don't want to have wires running though my living room.

The real question is what are potential problems ? Occasional system reboots? Permanent damage to PSU? Permanent damage to other components?

[-] verstra@programming.dev 2 points 4 days ago

This is freaking awesome

[-] verstra@programming.dev 12 points 4 days ago

Yes, this is the way.

But you might have been "lucky" recently and have gotten much easier events/caves/modifiers. A few weeks ago I've gotten a streak of bad luck on haz 4 where each mission had super hard landing with a swarm, a spitter plant and the automaton initiator thing. Mr. Randy is full of surprises and haz number is a difficulty suggestion, not a requirement.

[-] verstra@programming.dev 4 points 4 days ago

Wait, but if you have, for example an HTTP API and you listen on a unix socket in for incoming requests, this is quite a lot of overhead in parsing HTTP headers. It is not much, but also cannot be the recommended solution on how to do network applications.

[-] verstra@programming.dev 2 points 5 days ago

Hello, fellow Alpsko mleko enjoyer

[-] verstra@programming.dev 154 points 1 week ago

What i don't understand is how fuel efficiency does not seem to be a concern of an average buyer? It is a large factor for me, and I'm proud to have highly efficient car for its class. Are those large trucks somehow more efficient than older, smaller models? Or are average buyers just not concerned with efficiency?

Well not everyone has seen the light of factorio, so i might be over-fixating on efficiency.

[-] verstra@programming.dev 88 points 2 weeks ago

Oh it would not be Polexit. There are way better names available than that. Polout, for example.


I'll just come out and say it: 50W. I know, I know an order of magnitude above what's actually needed to host websites, media center and image gallery.

But it is a computer I had on-hand and which would be turned on a quarter of the day anyway. And these 50W also warm my home, although this is less efficient than the heat pump, of course.

What's your usage? What do you host?


It seems like the nodes I find using wishbone are small and underwater. Are they even worth it?

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