[-] vinhill@feddit.de 27 points 3 months ago

Also hier steht 37 Stunden ohne Lohnausgleich:


Die 331€ mehr auf 32 Monate sind finde ich auch wenig, das sind knapp 3% pro Jahr, nachdem es die letzten Jahre Reallohnkürzungen gab.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 12 points 4 months ago

Na das stimmt nun ja auch nicht. Wie der Artikel sagt, die wichtigen Sachen wie Wasserstoff, efuels etc werden weiter gefördert.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 20 points 5 months ago

Buying previous generation products. I got something like a Braun series 5 instead of the newest series 9, as there isn't that much difference.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 12 points 5 months ago

Mozilla has a budget of around 200 mil for software development, so the 7 mil are probably not enough. Not defending the high pay though.

Also, AI Integration into browsers could very well be a deciding factor for mainstream users when choosing a browser. So having some expertise around e.g. running LLMs privacy preserving on client hardware for page summarisation could pay off. Llamafile for example, is something cool coming from the Mozilla AI stuff.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 28 points 6 months ago

Spahn: „Ich höre häufig den Vorwurf: Ihr geht nachher mit einer der Ampel-Parteien. Das Schlimme ist, ich kann nicht mehr widersprechen" Ja mit wem will er denn koalieren? SPD, linke, grüne und FDP sind anscheinend keine Option? Es ist doch ein Armutszeugnis für eine Partei sich nicht vorstellen zu können mit anderen Parteien, die fest auf dem Boden des Grundgesetzes stehen, Kompromisse finden zu können.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 16 points 8 months ago

As a quite thin guy, I dressed as women for a game once and got several inappropriate comments and people coming too close.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 20 points 8 months ago

winget install -i Mozilla.Firefox -e

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 26 points 8 months ago

During last year, I watched two series (only murders, Andor) and one movie. Disney+ is convenient and I can share the account with some friends. But at some point, it's literally cheaper to buy the things I watch directly and then also own them. Set up a Plex instance and it's also easier to share with friends.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 43 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Hier ist übrigens die Studie: https://www.greenpeace.de/publikationen/2020-11-11_greenpeace-studie_10_klimaschaedliche_subventionen_im_fokus.pdf

Und um folgende Subventionen geht es:

Energiesteuerbefreiung Kerosin

Strompreisausnahmen Industrie

Energiesteuerbegünstigung für die Stromerzeugung


Mehrwertsteuerbefreiung internationale Flüge

Reduzierter Mehrwertsteuersatz auf tierische Produkte

Energiesteuervergünstigung Diesel (Dieselprivileg)

Steuervorteile Dienstwagen (Dienstwagenprivileg)

Energiesteuervergünstigungen Industrie

Steuerbegünstigung Agrardiesel

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 32 points 9 months ago

Looking at Twitter/X, this won't be the final nail. People stick to the platforms they're on as long as it doesn't directly Negative impacts them too much.

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 9 points 11 months ago

I don't think filling Google repositories with complaints and well-intentioned, but garbage issues/pull requests. At best they'll just delete them occasionally and at worst work less in the open, changing permissions on repositories, doing discussions more in internal tools.

What you can do is support alternative browsers, get other people to use them too and notify news as well as your local politicians about such problems. Maybe join organizations on protecting privacy or computer clubs (in Germany, support e.g. Netzpolitik.org and CCC).

Maybe acknowledge what the in-principle good things about WEI would be and support alternative means of achieving them. This proposal uses good things like less reliance on captchas and tracking, a simple to use API to enable a huge potential for abuse and power grab. Alternatives might be a privacy pass, as mentioned by WebKit https://github.com/WebKit/standards-positions/issues/234

[-] vinhill@feddit.de 13 points 11 months ago

When I was there I found those busses really cool. But to my knowledge, they're being phased out. They essentially combine the worst of bus and tram:

  • relies on special infrastructure and thus cannot go anywhere, is more expensive than bus
  • often shares the street with other cars being more vulnerable to traffic, uses tires (leading to fine particles)
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