[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 1 points 2 days ago

They probably assumed you lived a little further away since you mentioned living outside of town in sentance 1 of qualifier 3. An understandable mistake.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 0 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I guess it takes a little bit of "incel loser" attitude to balance out the simps.
Some people love to be victims.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 1 points 2 days ago

Just checking. Anyone can create an account, but uoad privileges there require an application. They have some basic requirements like upload speed, ability to leave things seeded after upload, etc.

I don't know any details because I don't have an account there. I just read whatever is available in the FAQ.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 3 points 3 days ago

I like @OnionMiasma@sub.wetshaving.social's little comedy bits in the end credits.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 2 points 3 days ago

@PorkButtsNTaters666@sub.wetshaving.social I'm unpinning this post now. Once everyone gets their smushes and the event draws near we'll pin a new one.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

June 25, 2024

  • Brush: Maggard 24mm G5 Synthetic
  • Razor: Wolfman Guerilla (Gen 1)
  • Blade: Bolzano Superinox (German) (13)
  • Lather: Barrister & Mann - Promises - Soap
  • Post Shave: Noble Otter - The Night Before - Aftershave
  • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Jitterbug - EdP

I got Promises recently for $5. This was the maiden shave for this particular tub. I had a sample prior to this and had no plans on buying it, but for $5 the scent is absolutely worth it. From the B&M website (taken from the aftershave page because the soap is sold out):

Winter is a special time in Upstate New York. Deer season opens, folks fire up their wood stoves, and the mountains become dusted with caps of glittering snow.

But, more exciting than any of those, the snowmobile trails open again. Promises is an ode to this most exhilarating time of the year, the smell of a warm drink from a thermos while out on the trail with friends. Notes of orange and bergamot are suffused with the warmth of real honey, whiskey lactone, peat, and nutmeg. To finish it off, we’ve incorporated the strange, rubbery, industrial character of a high grade saffron molecule to give the scent the feel of being out on the trail with idling sleds all around.

Promises is a slice of Northeastern wintertime. Let it snow!

This blade won't quit. Excellent shaves all around.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Dang, that picture would have saved me a lot of time satisfying my curiosity haha. It didn't load at first.

Well at least you can see that yes, your location is cheaper than mine.

Basically you paid $8+ for something to drive to your house. I usually place pick-up orders for that reason.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Devil's advocate:

That's $24.85 before tip. I don't know how much tax was or if you tipped on top of tax.

I was curious so went to their website for where I live. I live in a high/average cost of living place:

Small Pizza w/2 toppings - $13.49
Stuffed Cheesy Bread - $8.99
2 sauces - $1.58
20% tip - $4.81

Total for me without tax would be $28.87. Add tax (call it 7%?) on the subtotal only (not the tip), and the total (including tip) is $30.55.

Food - $24.06
Tax - $1.68
Tip - 4.81

I guess the question is, is $13.50 expensive for a small pizza? A local joint near me charges $22 for a small with two toppings. The pizza is $14, and toppings are $4 each.

A small pizza and a cheesy bread is a LOT of food for one person, so you could argue that even though you didn't order food for yourself, you'll be able to eat some leftovers, so that's a plus.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 4 points 4 days ago

June 24, 2024

  • Brush: Maggard 24mm G5 Synthetic
  • Razor: Wolfman Guerilla (Gen 1)
  • Blade: Bolzano Superinox (German) (12)
  • Lather: Catie's Bubbles - Royal Garden - Soap
  • Post Shave: Spearhead - Seaforth! Heather - Toner
  • Fragrance: House of Mammoth - Jitterbug - EdP

Really good shave, especially considering the 12 uses on the blade so far.

This is a fun theme and makes me reflect on my first year or two, how people kept sending me stuff without me even asking. It got to a point where I started telling people "no, please, stop".

I got Royal Garden before competing in my first Lather Games in the year 2021. I started wetshaving in July 2020, so I had a full year to get hyped and stocked up. @Ramjet615@sub.wetshaving.social sent me this big 2 oz Cbubs sample, along with a bunch of other samples. I think I still have some of them, but this is the only one that I specifically remember coming from him.

Relevant post-shave and frag: This aftershave was given to me by my lovely wife as a birthday gift (along with matching soap and frag). Jitterbug was given to me by @mammothben@sub.wetshaving.social after I helped him a spreadsheet that changed his life forever.

[-] walden@sub.wetshaving.social 46 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

I don't care.

I help moderate a community that tries to mirror how things were done on Reddit, and over time we decided "this isn't Reddit, we don't have nearly as many users as Reddit, so there's no need to run this place like Reddit".

Eventually this community and others will reach a tipping point where there's a need to cull posts and have stricter content guidelines, but for now I think it's ok to be a bit lax.


Share your shave of the day

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

Share your shave of the day1

The Lather Games theme (from the other website) is:

Don't have a Cow, Man!

"Product may not contain animal-derived ingredients of any kind (e.g. tallow, egg, yogurt, silk products, lanolin, animal milk, etc.).
Note: ""stearic acid"" is usually vegetable-derived unless explicitly labeled otherwise."
Sunday SOTD Post - June 16th, 2024 (sub.wetshaving.social)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

Share your shave of the day!

If you're playing the Lather Games on the other website, today's theme is:

Father's Day

Product must be from a company that is older than you. Caveat: Spearhead is not older than you, even if their Seaforth! trademark is.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

Share your shave of the day!

For those of you following along with the Lather Games at the other website, here's today's theme:

Near Death Experience:

Product must be whichever full-sized tub of soap in your collection you are closest to finishing. Caveats: squeeze-tubes, shave sticks, and samples are ineligible for today's theme.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

Share your shave of the day!

If you're playing the Lather Games on the other website, today's theme is:

Frigid Friday

"Product must contain a cooling agent in its published ingredient list (e.g. menthol, menthyl methyl lactate, synthetic cooling agents).
Caveat: Adding an after-market cooling agent to a non-cooling product will not satisfy this theme."
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

Share your shave of the day!

If you're participating in the Lather Games on the other website, today's theme is:


Product scent must demonstrably be a duplication of another company's fragrance (e.g. Stirling Executive Man is a dupe of Creed Aventus).


Share your shave of the day!

If you're participating in the Lather Games on the other website, here's the theme description for today:


"Product must be marketed and labeled as a cream.  Not soap, not soft soap, not croap; CREAM.  Don't get cute with it.
Note: Products marketed as ""cream soap"" from any company other than Catie's Bubbles will be subject to judge discretion."
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

To start, it goes without saying that this shaving hobby is typically not a money-saver, even if it's pushed as such by enthusiasts trying to convert people to this style of shaving. Looking at the price of shaving soap using price per oz. is fairly common (I still do that sort of thing even when I'm in the grocery store), but die-hard hobbyists tend to scoff at it, because, well, you sometimes get what you pay for.

With that being said, there are people all over the world with varying budgets, and like any hobby you can spend as little or as much as you want. From Col. Conk to Sebum Gold, there's a wide spectrum of cost for shaving soap.

In this recent video from Stirling Soap Company, Rod talks about how tubs are the most cost effective form factor. Samples and even Refill Pucks are more labor intensive, making them more expensive per oz. You might assume, as I did, that a refill puck would be cheaper per oz. because it doesn't come with a plastic jar, but you would be wrong.

But wait! Take a look at Barrister & Mann. They recently lowered the cost of their samples to $3.99USD, and their samples are a full 1 oz., just like Stirling. That makes them $0.11USD cheaper than Stirling samples.

Now lets do some math.

5.8 Stirling samples to make one of their shaving soap jars: $4.10*5.8 = $23.78, a lot more expensive than just buying a jar for $14.24USD.

4 B&M samples to make one of their shaving soap jars: $3.99*4 = $15.96, a whopping $9 cheaper than buying a tub for $24.99!

Does a tub, label, etc. cost $9 extra? Are the samples a loss leader like rotisserie chicken and hot dogs?

Either way, it's great to have both of those companies offering generous samples. House of Mammoth also has relatively large samples, but they're 1/2oz for $6.00USD.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

It's that day of the week again! Share your shave of the day!

If you're playing along with the Lather Games on that other website, the theme today is "April Showers Bring May Flowers".

Product must be:
     - Explicitly marketed as a Spring scent OR
     - Explicitly marketed for a holiday occuring between Vernal Equinox and Summer Solstice OR
     - Prominently feature floral, grassy, or petrichor accords.
Caveat: Products explicitly marketed for multiple seasons or other seasons do not count (eg. ""summery lilac"").
Happy Anniversary! (sub.wetshaving.social)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walden@sub.wetshaving.social to c/wetshaving@sub.wetshaving.social

I see a few cakes next to usernames (my cake day is June 10th).

It has been an interesting year, so thanks for hanging in there!

This Lemmy instance is a nice place to hang out, so here’s to many more!

I worked on the database stuff some more today and ~~didn’t have any luck with getting federation of comments working again. I decided to upgrade the server to the new release, 0.19.4 even though it’s so new, with hopes that it might jump start some federation stuff – and so far it hasn’t!~~ finally got federation back to a working state, at least so it seems, maybe?! Thanks @Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me.

The new version has some neat new features, though.

Under your profile you can click “Uploads” and see all of the pictures you’ve uploaded. Some of them seem to be “lost”, but that’s par for the course. You can even delete the pictures. Yay!


Share your shave of the day for Sunday!


cross-posted from: https://sub.wetshaving.social/post/989030

This post got deleted during my mistaken deletion of past posts, but I kept a tab open and it's letting me "cross post" it. Originally posted by @whosgotthepudding@sub.wetshaving.social

Just had this Lather Catcher show up last night. I'm absolutely in love with it. Heljestrand's have such nice steel and I haven't met one yet I didn't love. I have no idea why, but Lather Catchers just drive me crazy. I think they're so neat.

I grabbed this from Maggards. Came with 3 Half Hollow wedge blades total. 2 should be usable, 1 is iffy but I'm going to see what I can do.

I don't think I'll polish it. I did scrub and wash it some, but I like the look it has now. I'm hoping to try and get one of the blades honed tonight.

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