
joined 2 weeks ago

Important information: WalkScape Invite Wave 3 is currently on-going. You can gain access instantly by supporting us on Patreon or Buy Me A Coffee. You can also apply for beta access on our portal, we will be inviting people from those applications sparingly over the invite wave period. Wave 3 will last until 6th October and everyone supporting us during this period will receive access to the WalkScape for whole Closed Beta time. More information on how to play WalkScape can be found on our website - https://walkscape.app/help

Hello everyone, hope you’re all enjoying the new Syrenthia update, running around doing jobs, earning faction reputations, and finally consuming those wines and beers. This time, it’s me, maxchill, writing this because schamppu and myzozoz are busy promoting WalkScape at the largest gaming convention in Europe – Gamescom 2024.


WalkScape has now been in development for almost two years, and it's starting to shape into a more full and immersive experience. For the past few weeks, the team has been working hard to achieve this, and while there's still a long road ahead with many steps to take, I wanted to praise the work of schampu, myzozoz, and floursifter, as well as everyone on the alpha tester team who have helped immensely to find all the funny, annoying, and critical bugs!

When I was given the task of writing this, I wanted to reflect over what WalkScape has become and why I have such passion for both working on the game and also playing it. I hope this serves as an intriguing guide to the undecided reader, and provide an insight for already existing player. To better express myself I came up with a list of 5 reasons to play WalkScape:

  1. Improve your daily walking habits
  2. Progress your character in classic MMORPG style
  3. Explore the vast world of Arenum
  4. Play and compete with friends and others
  5. Enjoy non-predatory, non-intrusive gameplay

Improve your daily walking habits

Alright, let’s dive into the first reason, because we now actually have some data to back the claim that playing WalkScape has positive effect on your daily walking habits. Just this week we ran a quick survey on our discord where we asked players to compare their daily average steps before playing the WalkScape and after. To me the results were quite shocking, because I of course hoped that our game provides positive effect on players daily walking habits, but I didn’t expect it to be to such high extent. Let’s look at the data down below.


Here we can see that the daily step count of survey respondents has increased by ~80%, from 6,331 daily average steps to 11,413. You can also notice how with each subsequent wave we get more casual daily steppers (lower daily average) and that they actually have the most increase at 97%.

Of course, not everyone will see such a high increase, but those for whom the game clicks can expect a very impressive daily step increase. Also, don't be discouraged if you don't observe a staggering increase in your daily stepping amounts, because even if you stay at your current activity level, WalkScape still adds a bit of fun to your daily life. Over the closed beta period, we have received a lot of feedback, most of it being positive, so I also want to share some of the testimonials we have gathered since the game has been available to players.


Progress your character in classic MMORPG style

It's no secret that WalkScape draws inspiration from one of, if not the most well-known, MMORPG called RuneScape. I personally have played OSRS for only a few hours, as World of Warcraft was my MMO of choice, but from my observation of similarities, it's mainly the skill system where you can level up all skills without being locked into a specific class. Also, a big part of the game is non-combat activities like woodcutting, mining, crafting, etc.


As you can see from my character screenshot, currently there are 9 skills, but many more are to come later in development. Increasing the skill levels is the main part of the game, but there are also many more things to chase — like achievements, special profile picture unlocks, legendary items, and so forth. The game is enjoyable to both min-maxers and casual players alike.


It's also important to remember that you're not only progressing in the game, you're also progressing in real life, improving your health by walking and moving. I often forget while being happy about my WalkScape character progress, that I should also be happy about my own body and its healthy improvements. The best players in WalkScape are not the ones who have the privilege to sit at a computer/console all day, but the ones that move their legs the most.

Explore the vast world of Arenum

The world and lore of Arenum has been crafted by our loremaster schamppu. He's always been very much into crafting the grand scheme of things, which is great, because I'm myself more of a zoomed-in storyteller. Currently, only part of the world is fleshed out and it doesn't have quests or stories just yet, but we can't wait until we can start working on those.

Still, the map itself is exciting to explore. You can visit many different locations where you can enter buildings and meet NPCs, making the world feel quite alive even in its current state.


The world is divided into multiple continents which are ruled by different factions. Players can gain various benefits from doing jobs and quests for these factions. There are also locations that are accessed only by completing prerequisites, making them exciting to unlock and explore.


Although only part of the world is currently filled with content, it still provides players with enough gameplay for millions of steps. Everyone is free to pursue the aspects of the game that excite them most.

Play and compete with friends and others

I always find it exciting to share the journey and accomplishments with others, both the ones I make in games and those that are related to fitness. In WalkScape, you can do both at the same time. The game has online leaderboards for various things like skills, achievement points, and total steps.

It also has a friend system with its own separate leaderboard, so you can gather your friend group and compete with each other. Doing friendly challenges always motivates me to walk more (I did a 50k step day just to beat schamppu in a race), but in the future, you'll not only be able to compete with others but also cooperate by trading, doing dungeons, or bosses together.


WalkScape is currently in its most basic MMO shape, but that will greatly be improved upon, so you'll never feel alone in the huge world. Cooperative PvE, PvP, trading, and many more multiplayer features are coming in the future. And if you prefer to play on your own, don't be discouraged, because WalkScape upon full release will also include a single-player version.

Enjoy non-predatory, non-intrusive gameplay

It's easy to not notice an important aspect of WalkScape — there are no ads, and there never will be any ads. I only realized this because I recently tried out a few other mobile games and was hit by many ads, predatory daily offers, buyable currencies, and all the other stuff that "game makers" do to squeeze money out of players.

WalkScape doesn't steal your time by making you watch time-wasting ads or clutter free space with banners. We're very adamant about keeping the game this way. I personally feel like just because a game is on mobile, it doesn't have to follow the "industry standard" practices.

The game is also respectful of players' time. We don't have the intention of making a game that requires players to spend all of their time on it. The opposite, actually — we want people to be able to enjoy their walks without the need to look at a phone screen. There are no daily mechanics that play on people's FOMO. WalkScape lets you be as engaged with it as you want.

Parting words

Thanks for bearing with me through the DevBlog, I enjoyed the chance to reflect on what WalkScape truly is - an MMORPG that can make your life healthier while providing entertainment through the daily life.

I also want to thank everyone for supporting us through the development, without you we likely wouldn’t be able to maintain full creative freedom which is very important to us.

Happy walking, and until next time!


Welcome to the Undersea Barber!

Hello and welcome back to the WalkScape devblog! We’ve skipped one development blog from the usual schedule due to my summer vacation, but now we’re back, and we’ve been cooking up a lot of new stuff!

Let’s get started!

WalkScape at Gamescom

We got accepted to promote WalkScape for free at Gamescom, as part of the Creative Media Stands EU initiative. This means that on the 20th-25th, me and myzozoz will be presenting WalkScape at Gamescom business side. Sadly, this free booth we got is on the business side only, so if you’re attending with a regular ticket you’ll not be able to visit our booth.

If there’s interest to meet with us outside Gamescom in Cologne, please add me as a friend on Discord (schamppu) or send an email to contact@walkscape.app. I’d love to meet some of our fans while there!

Gamescom provides us a huge opportunity to get the word out about the game I’ve now been working on for two years. This is why we’ve sped up our efforts to get both the next content update and Wave 3 out well before the original schedule.

Wave 3 and Syrenthia release date

In order to have a good shot at Gamescom attracting interest from gaming media, we need to have an ongoing wave. This is why the Wave 3 and Syrenthia update are planned for release between the 19th and 21st. We still have some work to do before it’s ready, which is why I can't say for sure which of these dates the actual release will happen, but it should be at the latest on the 21st when the convention starts. The wave will end 30th of September.

As a reminder, if you’d like to gain access to the game immediately when the Wave goes live, you can support us over Patreon or Buy Me a Coffee. If you’ve done so before 30th of September, you’ll gain instant access to the Closed Beta. Also, you can sign up for the Closed Beta on Portal, and we’ll be accepting new players who’ve applied during the wave.

We haven’t had much time between my summer vacation (before which we already released a massive update) and this one. Even though our plan is that we’ll get everything ready on the release date, due to the time constraints this might mean we’ll need to leave certain things out. And while our testing team is working as hard as they can, there’s a higher chance of some bugs slipping through as we don’t have as much time for testing as usual.

When I get back from Germany, I’ll start releasing hotfixes (or if something needed to be cut out, adding them in) and working on the much-anticipated QoL update.


Syrenthia update contains few major new feature additions: consumables, faction reputation, and job boards.

Let’s start off with consumables! These have been covered quite many times in past development blogs, but finally they're implemented.

There are two kinds of consumables you can have active at the same time: foods and potions. There are no potions in the game initially, as those will be created with the upcoming Alchemy skill.

The consumables are accessible from the Activity View

The consumables give you attributes while they’re in use, and their duration is step based. This means that you can gather a large stack of consumables, put them to one of the slots and then they’ll be used by your character for thousands of steps.

Memospheres grant you experience

In addition to these consumables that are used by your character passively while doing activities, there will be some that have instant effects. We’ve already added Memospheres, which practically work similarly to XP lamps in RuneScape, meaning that you’ll gain a small amount of experience for consuming those. Teleportation scrolls are something we’re also planning to be one kind of “immediate effect” consumable along with healing items and more.

And just to make it clear, there will be no consumables that you need to pay real money for. All of the consumables are gained in-game without any kind of MTX.

You can see a list of consumables by tapping either of the slots

Job boards

Job boards are the first quest-like feature, although more like repeatable mini-quests than actual in-game stories like we’ve planned for Quests that are coming later.

You can find Job Boards around Arenum, and each job board has three randomized jobs each day that you can accept. You can have 3 jobs accepted at one time, and there is no time limit for the completion of the jobs.

Multiple cities in Arenum have their Job Boards, from which you can accept jobs to complete for faction reputation and rewards

Initially, the offering of varied jobs is very limited, but our intention is to add a few different types of jobs. Mainly, the objectives will be to gather items or give items. As a reward for your efforts and depending on how difficult the job was, you can receive the following:

  • Special consumables or items
  • Faction reputation
  • Coins
  • Skill experience
  • Chests

The idea behind Job Boards is for them to work as one kind of item sink in preparation for player trading. Additionally, they give you objectives and work as a way to grind faction reputation points.

Faction reputation

You can access Factopm Reputation and their rewards by pressing Open Faction from location view

The final new major feature addition is Faction Reputation. These are tightly linked to the Jobs and Job Boards, and provide a lot of rewards for your hard work in the different realms, guilds, and factions in WalkScape!

This update includes four factions with their Faction Reputation systems: Jarvonia, Syrenthia, Trellin, and Erdwise. In addition to geographical realms, Guilds will also be using this system in the future.

The Faction Reputation system enables you to level up your reputation in the different in-game realms, currently only granting you some item and cosmetic rewards for doing so. This system was planned mainly as a way to pace the Main Quest progression, as it doesn’t really make sense that you could immediately walk into a castle and start some epic quest when your character basically starts off as a nobody.

Other things that the Faction Reputation is planned to unlock for you are special shops and services, shop discounts, new routes and buildings, and cosmetic things such as titles.

Check out the Faction Reputation track here:

Faction Reputation currently rewards you with items and cosmetics, similarly to the Achievement Point Track

Other features and more!

We also have several more minor but equally useful features and a crazy amount of content in the new update. Let’s cover some of them here!

Friends in game

You’re now able to add other players as your friends, see your friends in-game and manage your friendships. This has been the last step before moving to implementing the Party system.

The new Social menu has appeared, making it possible to manage your friends in-game

You can also search for characters, add them as your friends, and see their statistics!

Privacy settings

We’ve added some privacy settings to manage what you want other players to see about you. You can hide your steps so others can’t see your step data, and also make yourself anonymous on the leaderboards. Both of these are opt-out, so privacy settings will be toggled on by default for everyone, including existing players.

You’ll be able to toggle your privacy settings both in-game and on Portal


Some numbers of our current amount of new content:

  • 100+ new items
  • 10+ new activities
  • 7+ new locations
  • 50+ new crafting recipes

Here are some content showcases:

Coral Cape

Flowing Stopwatch

Merfolk Dancing

Until next time

Alright, that was a lot to unpack for this development blog! I hope you enjoyed reading through.

Just a little bit more than a week until the next wave and update should go live! Until then, stay hydrated and keep walking!

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by walkscape@lemmy.world to c/walkscape@lemmy.world


I was asked to create one here on Lemmy as well, so here we go!

We already have our hands full with our other communities, so I can't promise that I'll be as active here, but I'll do the best I can. The best place to ask for any urgent help about the game and our most active community is on Discord.

Some useful links and information here:

Official website. Has links to Discord and to our newsletter among other things.

How to sign up for closed beta & FAQ. FAQ has actually some important questions answered, so I recommend to check it out!

How to support the game. This game is entirely community funded with no publisher or investors. Supporting us helps us to scale and make awesome stuff faster!

WalkScape Portal Community. This is our official Reddit-alternative to post bug reports and talk about the game.

Youtube introduction video where I explain the game.

Important! The current Closed Beta wave ends on October 6th. If you support the game before that, you'll gain access immediately. If you beta application gets accepted during the wave, you'll also gain access. Access to the game that has been granted at any point of Closed Beta will remain until Open Beta when everyone will gain access to the game.