I only understood the sourdough pun, the rest to me is a word salad.
dmesg is always fun though nowadays it requires root or sudo
other hot utilities that start with ls: lsblk lspci lsusb lsmod
or you can just cat random /proc or /sys files
I suppose if you want to read some logs and are running systemd you can journalctl
honorary mentions to hdparm, smartmontools, lm-sensors
Thank you so much! I notice that it is easier to make sense of the sign in your link because they have the 'W' in white rather in black like in the post. I imagine they realized that it was a bit too unintelligible and changed it.
I have been racking my brain, trying out all sorts of letter combinations, but I can not seem to make out what is the original meaning of this sign. I can see the letters for 'yellow' and the background of the sign is yellow, but that may not mean anything. It may be quite simple or even not English, I have considered that. If anyone knows the answer please tell me so that I may sleep and not see this sign in my dreams.
A bit off topic, but what is the purpose of all these alternate accounts? Also I am a bit curious about the reason for the test posts.
Back on topic, good luck with these comic communities and I will gather some dandelions in preparation for December 8th.
Step 1: Download https://www.eff.org/files/2016/07/18/eff_large_wordlist.txt
Step 2: run the following in the terminal
shuf -n 20 eff_large_wordlist.txt
Step 3: choose two good looking words from the output
Step 4: smoosh them together with optional underscore or capitalization
Now you have a tasty username worth sharing with friends and family!