this could be one of those bell curve memes where the low end and high end are the moron/jedi guys saying “just print more money” and the middle of curve has a freshman Econ student trying to explain macroeconomics.
The “innovation” in the article is passive tech for fiber to the room (FTTR), specifically made to be low cost and easier to implement. It’s also how your computer might get that 50Gbit - it’ll have to be wired in with a fiber connection. It’s not happening over WiFi (or even Ethernet)
I keep a box of citric acid crystals around for this and the coffee pot/espresso machine. It descales as well as vinegar (for the kettle I just put a few scoops in and boil with water) and there’s no aftertaste/smell like there is with vinegar.
Neat. AI slop about AI slop.
I think “good” and “bad” are hard terms to apply to people objectively, but I do believe that most people value social coherence and are willing to do (the minimum amount of) something to maintain it. If you can’t believe at least that it means that all of those thin blue line people are right, and I’m just not willing to believe that’s true.
Unless you're going to be running many servers, or serving many users, or running multiple servers with a LOT of mods, you're better off cutting back a bit on the RAM and spending more on CPU - and with regard to the CPU, having high frequency cores is more important than lots of cores (again unless you're running many servers). I've been looking to upgrade our MC server and the floor CPU for me is a Ryzen 5 5600 or Intel i5 12600. There are frequently deals on combos, but even at market price they're not too bad - https://www.amazon.com/INLAND-Motherboard-AMD-Ryzen-5500/dp/B0CGLB7X9X for example.
That our benevolent alien overlords are gonna show up aaaaaany minute now...
Kinda funny how when mega corps can benefit from the millions upon millions of developer hours that they’re not paying for they’re all for open source. But when the mega corps have to ante up (with massive hardware purchases out of reach of any of said developers) they’re suddenly less excited about sharing their work.
No need to limit it to only people on social media…
Could even be his twin - that joke is from 2007, if little Bobby was in kindergarten then he'd be around 22 by now and could be trying to land his first job out of college!
The world is run by middle-of-the-curve people.