[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 22 points 9 months ago

Yeah but if he wins there is going to be violence. I'd rather take my chances with the violence that happens because he lost than because he's ordering people that disagree with him off into camps.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 24 points 10 months ago

She thinks of the toys as her babies. Do they squeak? That can often trigger that reaction from female cats.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 30 points 10 months ago

Oh no public money now has to be used to do all those things Disney paid for, leading to higher taxes. Yeah we showed them.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 20 points 10 months ago

Everyone saying they've seen this so many times, yet this is my first time seeing it.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago

I believe the NRA is involved in money laundering for the Russian mob and Trump ran for office to do the same thing, launder money through donations and by paying for advertising for donations with dirty money and getting clean clean donations back.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 19 points 10 months ago

OMFG. Seriously that's all I can think to say Oh My Fucking God. Not just the potential damage it can do to trans kids, but also just the total fucking waste of time and effort for no fucking purpose but performance. It's like the fucking TSA, not actually doing anything, just making a few idiots feel safer with their little song and dance.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 134 points 11 months ago

The only correct response, you don't bargain with terrorists. Her turning up and debating it legitimises it like it's an actual educational option and not lies.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 47 points 11 months ago

Because they can pay kids less than minimum wage.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 32 points 11 months ago

Stay at home wife. I used to work as a bookkeeper, now dealing with some health issues. However I am 55 and have used computers since as long as i can remember, I learned how to use punch cards in what you yanks would call middle school. So I don't work in tech, but it doesn't bother me to learn new things. Lemmy reminds me of the good old days of BBS and just trying things out to see what stuck.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 21 points 11 months ago

Meh. Only one party wants to take away my rights or stop my friends from getting married because they're both women, make birth control illegal, kill people for performing in drag and let 12 year olds get married. . Your idea of "just as bad" is a little strange.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

I'm leaning into the theory it's someone in power in Saudi Arabia. A member of their royal family is heavily invested in Twitter, owns shares and fronted Elon a big chunk of money for Twitter and they would surely like to crack down on social media in pretty much every middle eastern country, what with those pesky women protesting by not wearing their hijabs and protests and riots happening over there in the past decade. The first thing they do when there is trouble is shut down twitter, shutting it down permanently makes things easier for them.

[-] wwaxwork@lemmy.world 28 points 11 months ago

Crocs. They are super comfortable and cured my foot pain. Still ugly, but I will never not own a pair as long as they keep making them.


Is it a problem for everyone or just me? I'm getting a weird gif and the site name has been changed to left corner but the address is still the same. I do not know enough about computers or the federverse to know what is happening, I'm old enough that I came from a time when everything got hacked all the time and am just assuming it's been hacked or my account has been hacked or is the server owner having a breakdown, making a joke, or what? Because I feel like I'm missing something just because I left the house today and didn't check on Lemmy for a while.

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