[-] xj9@hexbear.net 33 points 2 weeks ago

wait are you telling me that the AI revolution was extremely oversold???

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 75 points 3 weeks ago

I'm still trying to understand how actually replacing people with AI is supposed to work, because the quality of the outputs is still essentially trash. I do understand that in the short term capital prefers to swing its dick around to prove a point, and maybe that's all there is to it. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that AI hype is being used to cover for a very real economic slowdown that is actually driving the lack of job prospects and layoffs. Maybe capital is just hoping that AIs can do a good enough job to keep them floating until the recession is over.

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 28 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

We can thank Quechua scientists for giving us some of the best agricultural technology out there. I don't have links, but its pretty interesting to read about some of the agricultural labs that were built in the andes ages ago to make this delicious monstrosity:

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 17 points 1 month ago


you can't modify them in any way without compromising the structural integrity of these things. that crinkle isn't just for fun, its part of what makes the whole thing rigid enough not to fall apart. If you start cutting into that, you have to come up with a whole new support structure and might as well just build it normally.

Actual prefab buildings though? That's workable.

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 26 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

If the democratic powers that be won't stop enabling genocide, we have to physically prevent the arms from getting to where they're meant to go. Some countries are refusing port access to arms shipments, maybe a similar action at various US ports like have been reported on some indie outlets would be in order.

Its pretty hard core, but I don't see what other options we have. Its possible that some kind of political reform could make a difference, but I imagine that would have to be done as part of a mass anti genocide movement. The timeline for that doesn't really work though and we can't resign ourselves to saying its too late.

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 14 points 2 months ago

End the genocide. That's the one thing that his re election is hinging on and everyone knows it. They can call the protestors terrorists if they want, but when Genocide Joe can't win the election it'll be his own fault. I've looked for the positions of many different marginalized groups on this and the consensus that I see is: solidarity with Palestine is more important that the danger and violence we could face under Trump. If we have to suffer to stand up for starving Palestinian children, so be it.

Ceasefire now!

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 32 points 2 months ago

Honestly, if you're worried about project 2025 start organizing. The vote strat won't save us.

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 52 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

You should be afraid of Project 2025, but also recognize that Biden isn't going to stop it. He isn't doing anything to materially oppose fascism, what makes you think that would change if he beats Trump? We did the harm reduction election and now we're in the middle of a genocide and the Democrats are not really getting pushed left at all.

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 23 points 2 months ago

This isn't about magic the gathering? What a rip off

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 20 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

ngl catholic and protestant Christianity are both on the fash watchlist. you can't enable mass genocide and multiple wars in the middle east and keep your commie card.

[-] xj9@hexbear.net 19 points 3 months ago

religions that come from communal cultures (that's most of them) are compatible with communism. religions that develop under the material conditions that promote the development of fascism and capitalism, not so much.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by xj9@hexbear.net to c/askchapo@hexbear.net

i've seen this phrase used around here in a few variations and it rarely gets called out as problematic. i really don't think its ok so i thought i'd ask: does hexbear think its ok? i can understand and support the use of violence against fascists and colonizers, but genocide is really their thing. i don't see why it makes sense to use it even as a rhetorical device. why doesn't this get called out? is genocide so normalized in casual conversation that it doesn't register or what?

edit: ~~i have all the [he/him]s on the website telling me that this is actually a very funny joke. i still don't like it or get it, but i've had my fill of arguing with y'all so thanks for the info. i can see why nobody calls this one out. it kinda fucking sucks. i'll just go ahead and block people who post this type of joke and go on my merry way.~~

now that everyone has had a chance to chime in, i'm just going to add some context for y'all

  1. ~~most of the responses i got at first were from [he/him]s which is why i said the above. nothing against any gender, just what i saw.~~ it wasn't my intention to misgender anyone sorry if it came across that way. i really meant it as an observation of who was jumping in to reply at the start of the thread, but i didn't realize how it could be perceived in other contexts.
  2. i'm not american. i'm technically a US citizen, but i have much more significant cultural ties to SV, MX, and separately and to a lesser extent NA indigenous community. i don't always get where western people are coming from. i like the overall tone of hexbear maybe i just don't how imaginary genocide is supposed to be cathartic. i apologize if it came across like i'm trying to tone police y'all. that's really not my jam, but y'all do seem a little pre-disposed to getting offended when your little jokes are questioned.
  3. i still don't like the joke, so i'm going to remove them from my feed. if y'all don't have an issue with it that's fine. i was just trying to get a feel for what y'all think. the push back was a little upsetting after the day i had yesterday, but i'm over it now. i can live with curating my own experience based on my personal taste.
  4. i haven't been that articulate, but i think my feelings are best summarized by this reply:

As someone that does find the joke funny, upon some reflection i have realised that it is an inapropiate joke, genocide is a horrific thing and to make light of it by making it a subject of a joke is in bad taste the same way that jokes about sexual assault are in bad taste, we rightfuly look down on redditors for the latter but allow the former

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