[-] xor@infosec.pub 51 points 1 month ago

nope... well partially but, the real difference is they bring guns.
chuds always bring guns to protest... cops aren't going to tear gas a bunch of guys holding AR-15's and wearing body armor...

they only like to attack defenseless people...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 73 points 1 month ago

whenever i've felt like saying "not all men", it's in response to blanket statements about all men... and then usually includes a concession that indeed, a lot of men do and it's a problem, but that framing things as "all men" is problematic as it doesn't allow for improvement...
i mean um.... haha, yeah all men are dumb!!

[-] xor@infosec.pub 67 points 2 months ago

they do, and tested it extensively... and determined it doesn't provide any thrust and the earlier tests that showed a tiny bit were just sensors malfunctioning from the microwaves...
i'm going go ahead and call this article:
probably bullshit

[-] xor@infosec.pub 54 points 2 months ago

i knew biden would be disappointing but fuck... not "incredibly horrible"

so, now the election is between incredibly horrible and unimaginably worse...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 73 points 3 months ago

in japan, assassination is a legitimate form of political protest

[-] xor@infosec.pub 51 points 3 months ago

i once ended a date by telling her alpha doesn't make sense in humans and she wasn't "alphaing" the conversation by talking more than me...
she abruptly beta-ed the fuck out of there.

[-] xor@infosec.pub 64 points 3 months ago

i once saw a biologist standing over a dying seal with a clipboard taking notes...
it was just slowly gasping for breath, covered in some decay, baking in the sun...

when i walked by again hours later, she was still there, looking amused...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 48 points 4 months ago

used to be... now it's fascism vs. center-right

[-] xor@infosec.pub 63 points 4 months ago

what if i told you:
not all chemistry is for making meth?

[-] xor@infosec.pub 58 points 4 months ago

i'd say that confirms his blog's credibility, at least...

[-] xor@infosec.pub 62 points 4 months ago

oil doesn't come from dinosaurs... it comes from algae and vegetation....

[-] xor@infosec.pub 51 points 4 months ago

damn, i really hope a someone invents a vaccine for that soon...

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