Looks good. I'd go for 32 gigs of ram though if you can swing it. Also is there any reason why you want a 22" monitor specifically?
The reason this one should last is because ddr5 is new and so is the AM5 socket for AMD. AMD supported the previous socket from 2016-2022 so many are speculating that you should be able to do CPU upgrades for the foreseeable future without having to change the whole platform.
I watched TNG first and going back to the 60s was... something. Luckily I am a huge fan of Twilight Zone and season 1 of TOS is like Twilight Zone in space.
Spock vs Bones is also a great dynamic in any TV show. There's some garbage episodes though. But that's the case for the first few seasons of all the Star Trek.
Might be best to find a "Greatest Hits" list and jump around to see if you like it first. The best episodes (Balance of Terror, the Doomsday Machine) of TOS are as good as the best in any series in my opinion.