[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago

I tried it once or twice and it worked well. It's too stupid now to be worth the attempt. The amount of time spent fixing its mistakes has resulted in net zero time savings.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Thanks, this was really interesting!

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 4 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

It looks bad, but try replicating it.

When I search two dots, I find exactly the matching app, with screenshot previews and details about it. I get only 1/4 of the screen as ad suggestions. The rest of the screen is related suggestions (non-ad suggestions). So about 3/4 is non-ads for me vs. 1/8th from the OP screenshot.

If I search something more generic like "card battle games", I get a listing of about 7 games, with tags, and zero ads.

I think what's shown in the OP is what remains after the user has already read the details and approved installing the app. Considering that this is the end of the user story, what else should be on that page?

Or maybe he's got a different version of play store than me from A/B testing? Anyway, try it out yourself. I don't have a problem with too many ads on playstore, my main issue is more that the good apps go to apple store first and only sometimes port to android because apple users are more lucrative.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

Yeah, the simplistic "Just be yourself" advice doesn't take into account the "If you don't love me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" type of attitude.

It also bypasses the fact that "yourself" is such a fuzzy concept anyway. So because I'm bad at public speaking, that shouldn't mean I should "be myself" and avoid it. I should merely be aware of my current limitations. That was an accurate way to describe myself in the past, but instead of accepting it, I worked on it, forced myself into a job that requires it, and now I'm pretty good at it.

I think almost everyone can look back 10 years ago and think of some way they ended up changing. So with that being the case, who knows who we'll be 10 years into the future? No need to anchor too hard on who we think we are right now, it's valuable to also give consideration to the kind of person we want to be in the future and take action towards becoming that person.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 2 points 11 months ago

Yes, just a lot less because theres no app for it, so I only check it from a desktop PC instead of constantly the way I have in the past.

Maybe it's just me but the volume of interesting posts has fallen off a cliff after July 1st. The front page has much less activity and noticably more of it is reposts (which were there before, just a much higher ratio now).

The niche subreddits were always the key draw though, those still only exist on Reddit and nowhere else on the internet.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Nah, they pay for Gympass membership (a service that gives you access to various gym franchises around the country) and the Gympass membership gives me access to a bunch of apps. (The other nice one I get is premium Strava, since I'd been using the free version of that for a long while)

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Sure, it's not my recipe, I just followed this guy's recipe: https://youtu.be/l7RAaLZZDZI

I also like Jalalsalamfit on YouTube, he has good stuff too.

Ethan Cheblowski has a great channel, it's not a health focused cooking channel but he's an ex-fat person too so he tries to stay cognizant of macros in all the recipes he showcases. Good for learning the systems for cooking healthier. He has a video talking about the systems he applies : https://youtu.be/c1EpTfvPc84

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah, it's very relaxing stress release. I spend a lot of my day looking forward to my lifting between 10-11pm and thinking about what accessory work I'll be able to get to do after my main lifts.

You can listen to podcasts, nobody is coming to ask you to do something and demand your attention, there's no other chores to do during that hour.

It's addicting too, feeds the same itch from video games leveling up, grinding in Diablo for that piece of loot that raises one stat by like 2% you get hungry for those little boosts and they stack up over time and you keep trying to optimize your loadout so you can squeeze out a little more performance from the build, same thing with lifting and trying to keep pushing to the next increase.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

For daily upkeep it's best to clean as you go. Little tasks embedded in your other tasks. Like if I need to change my shirt, grab the laundry on the way and put it away before putting on that shirt. It saves 1 trip of walking along the way. Same principle as cooking, you clean as you go. Like you slice meats and start the browning...so turn around and clean the cutting board while you wait for it to brown.

For monthly upkeep we hire cleaners to go through the whole place for 200+25% tip. It definitely costs money, but saves on our time and sanity to not have to remember to do all these little cleaning tasks all over the house that just keep piling up until you "find" time to do it.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

I have been playing this game for years. A20 on all characters. Bought it on 3 different platforms. I am still playing it daily, and I'm not sick of it.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Nothing wrong with mundane hobbies. Seems like a lot of people don't even have mundane ones. Or if they do, they don't talk about it much. Seems lonely doesn't it? It feels that way for me. This thing you spend so much of your free time and enthusiasm on, but not many ways to share this enthusiasm with others.

[-] yumcake@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

To a degree yes. Moisture in general will limit browning. Fresh ground beef is usually dry enough. Frozen and defrosted ground beefwill have ice/water. Patting it dry with a paper towel takes care of this.

Ground turkey in particular is super wet all the way through so paper towels won't really be able to get it all. To brown ground turkey, you put a big patty on the grill and don't break it up, then wait for several minutes. This allows the surface to evaporate the water and then begin browning. If you break it open it will release the water inside the big ball of meat and it'll take forever to evaporate enough for browning to start. You break it open later on after you've browned top and bottom.

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