[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 8 points 1 day ago

If stuff is designed for big servers that run Linux, it's easier to get it to run on a desktop PC if the PC runs Linux too because then it's the same thing except much less powerful.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 10 points 2 days ago

It's a Coop Cage.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 10 points 4 days ago

Good thing real life companies would never act like that.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 2 points 4 days ago

You're not supposed to use fc00::/8, so it's just the fd00::/8 half that's the new ULA.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 6 points 4 days ago

That's what temporary privacy addresses are for. Clients can just keep generating new addresses in your /64, which is it's own subnet.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 3 points 4 days ago

Yeah there is: not breaking all your internal traffic when the wan link goes down and you lose your prefix.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 23 points 5 days ago


DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. The goal is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. No more arrows, ridiculous faces, and no more clickbait.


In this paper, we aim to answer a long-standing open problem in the programming languages community: is it possible to smear paint on the wall without creating valid Perl?

We answer this question in the affirmative: it is possible to smear paint on the wall without creating a valid Perl program. We employ an empirical approach, using optical character recognition (OCR) software, which finds that merely 93% of paint splatters parse as valid Perl. We analyze the properties of paint-splatter Perl programs, and present seven examples of paint splatters which are not valid Perl programs.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 121 points 4 months ago

Well, kind of.

Linus needs to call out bad code, it's an important part of Linux's quality control. He doesn't need to tell people to kill themselves.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 106 points 5 months ago

The best part is, no matter how terrible they make Youtube with adblock, they still can't get it as bad as Youtube without adblock.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 109 points 7 months ago

The impact they're hoping it'll have is people will think this isn't the right time to buy an EV so they'll keep buying Toyota gas cars. That's why Toyota is constantly in the news regarding battery tech - it's to support their fossil fuel business.

submitted 8 months ago by zurohki@aussie.zone to c/ausmemes@aussie.zone

Something about fibre to the node inspired me.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 166 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Your distro is crap, mine is awesome.

What distro do I use? I don't see how that's relevant. No, I don't need to know what you use either.

Edit: we all secretly know that Hannah Montana Linux is the best.

[-] zurohki@aussie.zone 142 points 10 months ago

Income tax when you aren't receiving an income is a weird idea.

It sounds like the author wants a land tax, but hasn't ever heard the term.

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