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Independent, Unencumbered Analysis and Investigative Reporting, Captive to No Dogma or Faction.

This is a special segment from our show SYSTEM UPDATE, now airing every weeknight at 7pm ET on Rumble.


  1. The speaker discusses the concept of divine intervention in relation to former President Trump and how it has shaped the mythology around him.
  2. They mention a prophecy about Trump being saved from a bullet and how it has been interpreted by different groups, such as Evangelical Republicans.
  3. The discussion also touches on Trump's image among Evangelical voters, his decision-making at events, and the idea of him being an imperfect vessel chosen to fulfill God's will.
  4. The conversation delves into the complexities of Trump's image and the impact of these narratives on his political standing.
  5. In this part of the video transcript, the discussion revolves around the relationship between Trump and evangelical voters, suggesting that Trump no longer feels the need to cater to Christian conservatives as he did in 2016.
  6. The conversation also touches on Trump's strategies in 2016, including his attempts to appeal to African-American voters and the choice of his running mate.
  7. The selection of [J. D. Vance] as a VP pick is debated, with some questioning its potential electoral advantages and whether it truly expands Trump's support base.
  8. The conversation delves into the behind-the-scenes lobbying for different VP candidates and the implications of various choices on Trump's populist and nationalist image.
  9. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the ongoing debates and considerations within Trump's campaign team regarding strategic decisions for the upcoming election.
  10. The video discusses the impact of the vice presidential pick on people's voting habits, noting that it is usually negligible.
  11. However, the news that a top California Venture Capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, will be donating to the Trump campaign signals to Silicon Valley that it's acceptable to support Trump.
  12. The speaker believes that Trump's VP pick, [J. D. Vance], who comes from the tech world, has helped solidify support for Trump in that sector.
  13. The video also touches on the importance of Trump's VP pick in relation to his supporters' beliefs about the Deep State, with the speaker expressing skepticism about the populist nationalism narrative.
  14. Additionally, the video mentions [J. D. Vance]'s political adaptability and past stances on issues like Ukrainian funding.
  15. The speaker also discusses Trump's efforts to secure funding for Ukraine and mentions key individuals involved in the process.
  16. The speaker discusses the political dynamics surrounding Ukraine funding and how it influenced Republicans to align with Trump's influence.
  17. They emphasize the importance of evaluating Trump's actual record rather than wishful projections, highlighting his actions as defense secretary and approach to foreign policy.
  18. The conversation delves into Trump's negotiation style, lack of clear policy positions, and contrast with traditional political thinking.
  19. The discussion also touches on digital censorship efforts within the Department of Defense and the potential impact of narrative control initiatives.
  20. The speaker discusses the potential impact of Trump voters believing that the Trump Administration will not meddle in domestic politics as the security state has in the past.

Sean O’Brien, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, called out Republicans who oppose unions and big corporations in his remarks at the Republican National Convention, drawing mixed reactions at times from the crowd.

#Teamsters #Republicans #RNC


  1. Sean O'Brien, the General President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, expressed gratitude towards the hardworking teamsters and union members in Milwaukee.
  2. He thanked President Donald Trump for inviting him to speak at the Republican National Convention.
  3. O'Brien highlighted the challenges faced by American workers and emphasized the importance of creating a bipartisan coalition to address these issues.
  4. He praised President Trump for being open to hearing critical voices and discussed the Teamsters' history of working across the aisle with Republican lawmakers who support labor rights.
  5. O'Brien also emphasized the importance of unions in advocating for fair wages, benefits, and working conditions, and called out corporate unions formed by major employers as detrimental to workers' rights.
  6. The speaker discussed how companies like Amazon prioritize profits over the well-being of American workers, highlighting the disconnect between corporate elites and the working class.
  7. They emphasized the importance of putting American workers first, advocating for trade policies that prioritize workers, legal protections for workers, and reforming labor laws to support unionization.
  8. The speaker criticized massive corporations for exploiting workers and relying on public assistance instead of providing adequate benefits.
  9. They called for meaningful change to ensure the security and prosperity of American workers, expressing a commitment to fighting for their rights.

Dana White wraps up final night of the 2024 Republican National Convention by introducing former president Donald J. Trump

Notable comment:

@Wettingmybeak | 14 hours ago

That’s the longest I’ve ever heard Dana speak without dropping an F bomb.


Professional Entertainer and Wrestler Hulk Hogan performed his signature shirt trip while calling Donald Trump a 'gladiator' in his speech at the 2024 Republican National Convention.


What you gonna do when Trumpamania runs wild on you, brother!

Hulk Hogan just ripped his blazer and shirt off — in the most Hulkamania way possible — to reveal a Trump-Vance shirt underneath.


Notable comment:

@Nick_Toup | 11 hours ago

Ok at this point we are living in a South Park episode


Watch Tucker Carlson's full speech from the 2024 Republican National Convention on July 18, 2024, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Tune into Night four of the 2024 Republican National Convention - Make America Great Once Again


Title edit: Night 1 -> Night 3

Tune in to Night 3 of the Republican National Convention - Make America Strong Once Again.


Title edit: up time, added min

Tune in to Night One of the 2024 Republican National Convention.


I kept it pretty straightforward. Listed the rules. Said its a welcome place for conservatives. We'll see.


Let's watch the subscribers and see if it worked. Lemmy is pretty hit and miss right now.


I'm not a Republican anymore. My political beliefs haven't changed that much, but the party did a lot.

I'm for small government. And I'm personally socially conservative but don't think the government should be involved in mandating morality except for when it involves harm to others (murder, theft, fraud, etc).

Policy wise, I think the GOP should be more about actual small government than just being about 10-20 years behind leftist policies (see social security or health care mandates)

Here's my question though. Can the GOP be saved? Can it be restored to actual fiscally conservative values?


It would argue that the technology of industrialization that brought Capitalism was not an accident. Capitalism was the natural outcome of the times. It would also argue that to try to force socialism onto the same society would be inefficient and essentially unnatural.

Technological deterministic thought sees technology as the driving force of social, economic, political, and even artistic change. In it's weak form, it is undeniably true--technology effects the form that society and economy take. In it's stronger form, it would claim that, barring enormous effort, Capitalism was the inevitable outcome of the technological development of the time.

It also explains why high automation and AI, that can do all or most of the work that humans do, will make Capitalism impossible.

Technology makes new jobs only until it also takes all those jobs. After that, wealth is no longer distributed through a Capitalist system and something else will emerge. Must emerge.


I know there are still people within the GOP who have not been caught up in the ugly direction that it has gone. It is actually very good to find evidence of their existence.

I would love to see an honorable, democracy embracing, non-discriminating branch of the GOP rise up become popular. In fact, half the Democratic party would probably be more aligned with the GOP. Yet, the GOP looked to the extreme right, bigots, racists, and even fascists to expand their voter base. This is not only wrong, but unsustainable.

Anyway, the only voice in this community right now is this “technological determinist”, social democrat. Statistically, one in a hundred members actually comment. I’m actually rooting for you guys to become an active community and until then, it looks like I’m your spokesman. Hehe.