I need to get this out of my system.

Marx was right. "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." But he didnt incorporate the interaction between individuals and society. Selfish individuals will dedicate their efforts into finding a way to play the system to their advantage at the expense of everyone else. It is as certain as death. Feudalism, capitalism, slavery, fascism, communism with a vanguard party, etc is all the same with different names. There are the people that exploit and the exploited.

Actual revolution is not political. It is universally cultural and has no boundaries or nationality. Until we as a species integrate the moral value that hoarding wealth and power is unjust like murder, we will continue to cycle through social political systems and charismatic pseudo-revolutionary leaders, repeating the same process with different names. True revolution has no leader because true revolution is incompatible with leaders. Once we establish that as an absolute must, then no matter the rationalization given by anyone (private property to control obscene amounts of wealth and means of production, freedom of speech to promote hate, free market to allow corruption, etc.), no one would tolerate it.

At the individual level, we need to understand that the well-documented psychopathic-narcissistic pattern of abuse is the issue. Notice it and take steps to prevent that from taking control. No divide and conquer. No blaming or scapegoating. No populist love-bombing and future faking. No victimizing. No shame. No revenge. No flying monkeys doing the bidding of the unwell abuser. No idealization of anyone. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect. There aren't winners and losers. There is no hierarchy. These are all made up to exploit, be it an abused partner or social class. Only equality, reciprocity, mutuality, understanding, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, freedom, and independence of thought. In one word love.

Man, I'm on some BS today.

Disclaimer: This is solely my opinion. It's been bouncing around in my head for a while and needed to come out. I really hope this doesn't turn into a [poop]storm. Please be kind with me and each other.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by MelodiousFunk@slrpnk.net to c/justthinkingabout@lemmy.autism.place

I'm sure this is due at least in part to some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, as I can identify with and relate to others like me and vice versa, while neuotypicals tend to not tolerate my idiosyncrasies etc. Either way, it sucks being all "I had a social obligation early in the day and it was exhausting but it's done, I had some time to recharge and I don't feel like isolating for once" but all I get back is crickets. I don't blame anyone in the least - everyone's got their own shit they're dealing with. It's just disheartening.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by BackOnMyBS@lemmy.autism.place to c/justthinkingabout@lemmy.autism.place

I was really worried that they would tell me I wasn't autistic. I stressed out about it for over a month straight. Like, I would complete online autism scales to confirm "that I was still autistic". Once at the assessment, I remember thinking that there was a moment when the psychologist had already made a clinical decision as if the conclusion was that evident early on in the process.

Fast forward to today, and yeah...there is no way I would have passed as not autistic. I wouldn't be able to pass as not autistic if I was trained by a team of psychologists on how to look not autistic at that assessment. It's so obvious lol. I seriously thought that I would inadvertently mask the entire way my brain works to a specialist using a thoroughly vetted exam. How funny! All that stress was for nothing.

Just thinking about...

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