Hi there!

Since the last time the LemmyWebhook package gained quite a few new capabilities so I've decided it's time for another post.

Quick intro to the package: It adds support for webhooks to Lemmy, meaning you can get notified of events to automatically react to, instead of having to poll for everything, often using multiple http requests. Everything is done in a quite efficient way which avoids hitting your database as much as possible and if it does, it only uses queries on primary key. You can also (optionally) make it available to other users who can then run their bots on your instance only on the permissions you allow them, meaning if you only grant them access to post events, they don't also get access to new user events.

So, what's new?

  • When you listen for an update event, you get the previous version of data in addition to the current one, meaning you can directly compare what has changed
  • New function for getting parent comment id have been added, with this you can for example detect if someone is replying to your bot
  • You can now listen for community subscribe/unsubscribe event

As usual, let me know what you think, feel free to offer suggestions or ask questions.


cross-posted from: https://infosec.pub/post/8864206

I bought a Silicondust HD Homerun back before they put their website on Cloudflare. I love the design of having a tuner with a cat5 port, so the tuner can work with laptops and is not dependent on being installed into a PC.

But now that Silicondust is part of Cloudflare, I will no longer buy their products. I do not patronize Cloudflare patrons.

I would love to have a satellite tuner in a separate external box that:

  • tunes into free-to-air content
  • has a cat5 connection
  • is MythTV compatible

Any hardware suggestions other than #Silicondust?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca to c/main@selfhosted.forum

-post won't delete, so redacted instead-

submitted 6 months ago by lemtrees@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

What I'm trying to do:

I've recently set up a home media server (Jellyfin, Radarr, Sonarr, etc) and would like to be able to give external access to the Jellyfin server to a few family members. Additionally, I'd like to establish an internally and externally accessible dashboard (probably using Homepage) that facilitates access to various services (e.g. Sonarr, Radarr, qBittorrent), as well as Frigate's dashboard, and allows access to a separate Home Assistant box's dashboard.

Ideal set up:

The dashboard would be accessible through https://dashboard.lemtrees.com/. Individual services would be accessible directly through https://.lemtrees.com/ (e.g. https://sonarr.lemtrees.com/). Access to this dashboard should be safe and secure, and accessible from anywhere (i.e. not just my phone or a pre-approved device) if possible. Access to this dashboard would facilitate access to the Home Assistant box's HA dashboard.

The external Jellyfin access needs to be rather simple, so ideally I could tell my family members to just install the Jellyfin app and point them to https://jellyfin.lemtrees.com/. It is my understanding that this traffic should not go through Cloudflare in order to not violate their TOS.

Current set up:

  • Domain
    • I have a domain name I wish to use (not actually lemtrees.com) through Namecheap.
  • Internal network config
    • Outside -> Comcast router (in Bridge Mode) -> Google Home wi-fi router
      • Wi-fi devices (e.g. phones)
      • 8-port Netgear switch (Ethernet devices)
        • "Media Server" PC
        • "Home Assistant" Intel NUC PC
        • Personal PC
        • Various device gateways (e.g. Philips Hue, Lutron Caseta)
      • (Note: The Google Home app is used to establish DHCP IP reservations / static IPs)
  • "Home Assistant" Intel NUC PC
    • Home Assistant OS (handles home automation)
    • PiHole (currently used to resolve "mediaserver" as the correct IP address internally)
    • Updates a DuckDNS entry (which isn't presently used)
    • (Note: Home Assistant dashboard is not presently accessible externally but I would like it to be)
  • "Media Server" PC
    • Runs Debian
    • Hosts media (one SSD for the OS/etc, multiple HDDs for media storage)
    • Runs Jellyfin server
    • Runs the *arrs, like Sonarr and Radarr
    • Runs NordVPN
    • Runs qBittorrent (network access bound to NordVPN)
    • (Note: Presently do NOT have Docker installed but will)
    • Frigate NVR
      • (Note: Not yet installed/configured, will get set up on Docker)
      • Will provide Wyze cam access and recordings
      • Will stream one Wyze cam to Twitch

What am I after?

Please recommend how to get from where I am to my "ideal set up". I've been reading and frankly just feel a bit overwhelmed. Lots of people want to make things complex just for the challenge of setting it up, but I do that kind of thing all day at work and here I just want to easiest to set up and maintain solution available.

Everything I read seems to have some reason why it won't work, but I may be misunderstanding some of them and especially how they work together. Cosmos Server seems to require that all of my apps be in Docker containers (which isn't the case), Tailscale seems to require that I set up a VPN for whoever wants to use it (not an option for family or for getting to my dashboard from a work PC), Authentik might work for the dashboard (but not all of the apps support SSO) but not for a Jellyfin server, etc. I'm still wrapping my head around setting up a reverse proxy, a VPN tunnel or Cloudflare or something (or just somehow using my NordVPN connection?), not needing to forward ports, etc.

I would greatly appreciate any assistance in wrapping my head around a straightforward way to get my "ideal set up" working.

submitted 6 months ago by Bauerbyter@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum


I am currently using Yunohost on my HP EliteDesk 600 G3 but I want to switch to a docker based system. That makes it a lot more flexible. Most important apps are: Vaultwarden and Nextcloud. I dont have a lot of data so 2TB is mostly enough (but would be nice if I can extend that).
Disks: 2x2TB SSD and 1x1TB SSD

I am using a Synology as my Backup for my Data (sending backup every night via restic)

So my question is: What OS do I use for this?
Had a look at:
- OMV: nice, OpenSource, but Docker stuff is since the new update...not so nice.
- unraid: tested it, very easy to handle, but feels like "to powerful" and I am only using SSDs and I read you should use HDDs for the array.
- Debian + Portainer: Both Options above are powerful and I think more for "save a lot of data" systems. Debian+Portainer sounds like an minimalistic solution for what I want, but I dont know if this I have to configure a lot and having a lot of work with it. I am not very experience with that (I know how to use docker but I am not a pro)
- Something different?

Thanks for your help!
(sorry for bad english ^^)


Hello, I'm doing my darndest to learn docker but I'm a bit lost in the sauce for understanding how to best structure the setup for backing up and portability.

My current approach is that I keep my docker compose yaml file in git (just using 1 for the time being) and all of my container configs live in another directory outside of this git repo. I understand if I were to move systems or my system were to fail, I'd need these docker config folders to setup my containers on a new system.

As for backing the config folders up, I plan to relocate them to a shared folder on my NAS. Is this the right way to do this or is there a better way to approach this?

Hopefully the lingo is correct, still learning. Thanks a ton!

submitted 6 months ago by HammyHavoc@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

Hi all,

I very briefly kicked the tires on Headscale, and whilst it certainly seemed very impressive, I did have a few concerns.

Primarily, that non-admin users don't seem to need to consent to having config changes applied to their devices. Whilst it's assumed admins are trustworthy (I'd like to think so!), it just struck me as not the way I'd want something to function when it comes to direct access between devices, routes etc. It also doesn't seem like it logs and tells users when something has changed, so shenanigans could occur, and the user would be unaware of it, especially if it got put back to its prior state of config.

Also seems to lack a self-service aspect to it, where if a user got a new device or had to reinstall their OS and had no backups then they'd need to ask me to be added back to the mesh. Ideally, a user would be able to add their own devices to their own group and allow interoperability between their own devices, but selectively open up access to specific devices to others not owned by them without me needing to configure it for them.

Ideally, I'm looking for something that's equally performant, available on plenty of different OS, allows users to understand and consent to config changes, and also manage their own devices.

Our primary usage scenario is working remotely together via a few bits of software that don't have WAN features or servers and only allow real-time collaboration via LAN.

There's every chance I'm completely wrong about all the above too!

submitted 6 months ago by Exos9@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

Hey there!

I've been trying to set up Firefly III and it's data importer on my server. These are running on Docker Compose and I installed it according to the instructions found here

Now while Firefly itself is running fine, it's data import tool doesn't really want to work. I can connect to it just fine, however, after I put in my client ID, the next step refuses to connect. Firefly III is running externally on port 90, internal port 8080 and the importer is on port 91, internal 8080.

Here are the logs for the data importer container:

2023-12-04T00:01:14.522957414Z [2023-12-04 01:01:14] local.INFO: The following configuration information was found:
2023-12-04T00:01:14.523048918Z [2023-12-04 01:01:14] local.INFO: Personal Access Token: "" (limited to 25 chars if present)
2023-12-04T00:01:14.523135810Z [2023-12-04 01:01:14] local.INFO: Client ID            : "0"
2023-12-04T00:01:14.523232694Z [2023-12-04 01:01:14] local.INFO: Base URL             : "http://app:8080"
2023-12-04T00:01:14.523318507Z [2023-12-04 01:01:14] local.INFO: Vanity URL           : ""
2023-12-04T00:01:14.532544424Z - - [04/Dec/2023:01:01:14 +0100] "GET /token HTTP/1.1" 200 2711 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
2023-12-04T00:01:19.304786075Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: Now at App\Http\Controllers\TokenController::submitClientId
2023-12-04T00:01:19.336493333Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: Submitted data:  {"client_id":"9"}
2023-12-04T00:01:19.336602087Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: [a] Base URL is "http://app:8080"
2023-12-04T00:01:19.336718720Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: [b] Vanity URL is now "http://app:8080"
2023-12-04T00:01:19.336810283Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: [c] Vanity URL is now ""
2023-12-04T00:01:19.336911337Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: Now in App\Http\Controllers\TokenController::redirectForPermission(request, "http://app:8080", "", 9)
2023-12-04T00:01:19.337260478Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: Query parameters are {"client_id":9,"redirect_uri":"","response_type":"code","scope":"","state":"XZOM8xz6f49vORmQiLcUbfPGErlW3RLRAVezTREf","code_challenge":"gVqC9BPzNaApEO_DOdt-uJaNTAFpQxjsx32yTFhNjGk","code_challenge_method":"S256"}
2023-12-04T00:01:19.337349471Z [2023-12-04 01:01:19] local.DEBUG: Now redirecting to "" (params omitted)
2023-12-04T00:01:19.339413140Z - - [04/Dec/2023:01:01:19 +0100] "POST /token/client_id HTTP/1.1" 302 2799 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"

I saw something in the docs regarding refused to connect errors, but didn't find anything relating to my issue. Anyone know what might be going on here?


submitted 6 months ago by YaneonY@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

Hello everyone, I'm looking for a selhosted alternative to https://cryptapi.io
I've found that list here https://github.com/alexk111/awesome-bitcoin-payment-processors and " Keagate" is almost what I'm looking for, but missing some coins and looks like dead... Are there some good alternatives or some which support "API-Mode" with callbacks?


I'd like a docker image that gives me current system statistics like btop does on a web page in my docker environment. Is there something that isn't grafana/prometheus where I have to set up all my data and queries? I'm working towards learning those, but life has slowed that down. I'd like to see CPU/Disk/Network usage and system temp. Open to suggestions.

submitted 6 months ago by smoknjoe44@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

I am new to self hosting so please bear with me:

I just found out my wife is paying Deluxe hosting (https://www.deluxehosting.com/) $100 a month for a website. There is nothing spectacular about the site and there are grammatical errors that someone should have caught. I feel like the cost of the site is a bit ridiculous and want to run a thought by you all before I try to implement it:

My thought was to host a Wordpress site on one of Linodes shared CPU plans. I was looking at the $5 per month plus $2 backup plan. As long as my wife owns the domain name of her site, this should work, right? Is there something better you can think of? Are there additional costs to this set up that I am missing?


submitted 6 months ago by smoknjoe44@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

I have TrueNAS scale virtualized in Proxmox. I created a smb share that I can access on my windows 10 computer by entering the ip address of my TrueNAS and the following folder:


I can add files to this share on TrueNAS from my Windows 10 machine. So, I know the share is working. On the share, I have created the folder MEDIA. Inside MEDIA, I placed the folders named movies and shows.

When I go into Jellyfin and click on add media library, I select content type: movies.

Then enter the display name of "Movies".

Then I go to folders and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this to work. At the bottom where it says "Shared network folder:" I enter 10.XX.XX.XXX/prox-share. Then for folder, if I put "/media/movies", I get the message "The path could not be found. Please ensure the path is valid and try again ". When I just enter /media (instead of /media/movies) in the folder name, it will accept that, but none of my movies are showing up in my media.

Any idea on what I am doing wrong? Thanks!


Just to start off, I have basic knowledge when it comes to networking and DNS setup.

I had PiHole installed for over a year, ad blocking working fine but there was unexplained lag/slowness across the devices.

My internet is not bad, 350mbps 5G home (no other options available in my area).

For example:

-Videos on X (Twitter) and TikTok would take around 3 to 5 seconds to load and start playing. When switching to mobile carrier data it is loading instantly.

-Github pulls frequently fail even though the domain is whitelisted.

Recently I decided to change from PiHole to Adguard Home, it's been over a week now and internet is much much faster. the above mentioned examples are not an happening anymore. overall browsing is also faster.

I don't know what was causing the issue with PiHole but I thought I would share this experience in case someone else is having similar issues.

I would also be very interested to know any logical explanation to this experience.

Edit: Hosting is on Physical server running ProxMox, not raspberry pi.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca to c/main@selfhosted.forum

I've got docker installed and I've got a single container running (vaultwarden) via the docker pull/docker run commands provided on its Github page. I'm not sure how to learn more about that container or how to build (compose?) others myself.

I'd like to learn how to transition nginx and pihole to containers and network them together. I'd also like to add paperless-ngx to my setup.

(note: I'm very new to Linux in general, mostly rpis, poking around with debian now)

submitted 6 months ago by 54lzy@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

My home network uses the incredibly common I have WireGuard setup where I can connect to WireGuard and access my home network (I think via a static route?). I also use my home networks dns server (AdGuard home on which then has a wildcard redirect for my domain to my Unraid server. When I connect to WireGuard remotely on someone else’s WiFi that uses the same subnet, I can’t access dns or my local network (I assume because of ip conflicts).

I imagine my methodology is not best practice. Can someone recommend how I should go about fixing this? Should I change my home subnet to something less common? Should I setup a dns server that lives on my WireGuard network ( that wildcard redirects my domain to the servers WireGuard ip? Something else? Thank you for taking the time to read this.

submitted 6 months ago by prfttk@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

Kind of wild watching this open source chat run out the open source corporate endgame but I never thought they would enact as severe user limits as they now have done for the free self-hosted plan.

25 might be fine for family chats but for non-profits or event-based chats; the latter my thing where a handful of people coordinate throughout the year and then 30 to 50 (more?) are around during the event week, this is the end.

I thought for awhile that the 25 limit was going to apply to a free-hosted-by-RocketChat basic plan but 6.5 self-hosted has the limit as far as I can see so... there we go.

My options are:

  1. Stick with the 5x series. I never moved to 6x at all when they started adding app/plugin limits for the free versions - that kinda made me a bit sus of what was to come.
  2. Mattermost, which is fine but I'd lose 8+ years of events. Someone has a converter but right now that's a non-starter due to the size of our loadout and the basic early-days nature of the converter. Could always keep the RC instance going for archive purposes I suppose.
  3. Matrix, which honestly, tempting...

Looking for anyone to chime in with other options/opinions if they see/know any.

EDIT: A user post suggests upgrading RC to the 6x line forces a license change that puts you on the 25 user limit path but it can be reverted back to the Community Edition with a conf change. Would still like to hear your opinions though as RC is clearly on a pre-determined path at this point.

EDIT #2: Just an overall thanks! Lot's of great responses both on my stated options and new ones I did not know about. Keep'em coming!


I am currently having a self hosted setup in an Oracle free tier vps. I am hosting ( docker ):

  1. Jellyfish
  2. Flame dashboard
  3. Qbitorrent
  4. Radarr
  5. Powlarr
  6. File manager
  7. Portainer
  8. Matrix

So, the question here is should I continue hosting there or should I get a mini or micro PC and host it in my home. I have a fairly good fiber net and have home ups too. Your advice? ( If I could get a new PC or something similar my budget is around 15K (INR) ).

submitted 6 months ago by aqa5@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

I have serveral Ubuntu server running in virtual machines on my host. Everything works fine but there is a problem. I use NFS to share a common directory between the VMs. And as the machines user IDs are different so even when user and password are the same, they cannot write data or use data thats from another VM. Changing user IDs did not work properly, I rolled that back.

So, someone mentioned Kerberos to manage users. This seems a bit too much effort. Is there a better, lightweight solution? Or even another way to share a common disk space? How is this done usually?


I had a free google workspace for over a decade with a domain I own before it became a paid service, I’m looking at putting it all in my hands ideally using services that cost less than the $15/Month in paying for a handful of accounts.

I’m looking at running a Nextcloud to replace most of the Google services but I still haven’t found an email server replacement. Any ideas/suggestions/links to guides?

Edit: I’m not necessarily looking to host my own email, as I understand it to be a pain, but looking to migrate my current one to somewhere else.

submitted 7 months ago by Adde15100@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

Hey guy,

Just came across the news that they released version 2.0 of paperless ngx https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/releases

Maybe also helpful for some other here :)

submitted 7 months ago by xMidoxx22@alien.top to c/main@selfhosted.forum

Hi Folks,

it may or may not be directly related to a self hosted solution since as former IT Sysadmin I am aware of issues when it comes down to self hosted email solutions but for a group with privacy and custom solutions in mind I feel like this would still be the place to ask my question.

I really do like what gmail does with it´s pre-filter logic and classification for ads, social and default emails but I would like to move things away from google and others.

What I am searching for would be a tool to, similiar as google, pre-filters and oragnizes my emails.
I do not search for a E-Mail provider which provides this toolset with a inbox since I do want to use my own domain name(s).
A WebUI to read and write emails would be nice to have but I would also be fine with forwarding to a email client.

Self Hosted would obviously be prefered but I would not mind either if it is a (paid) online service.

What do you guys use for this kind of scenario? What could you recomment?

Thanks for your insights!


I was looking into Tailscale which I thought to be complexly open source, but it turns out that their coordination server is closed source. If you want to run your own open source coordination server, Headscale is the go-to option.

This is no fault of their own (as they freely express this in their FAQ) it's just that I had always been told by people that Tailscale was fully open source. This got me wondering what else is not as open source as people widely accept it to be?

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by ericjmorey@programming.dev to c/main@selfhosted.forum

I currently run Jellyfin as windows application on windows 10, but I'm redoing my hosting setup on a newer, more powerful server, and as such I want to move to Docker (on windows server). Can I migrate everything over, or do I have to redo it?

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