[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 2 points 17 hours ago

Back in the 90ies my uncle always got a book for the car hee owned which would explain how to disassemble it.

But me and my dad never bothered with the book, just got to work on it and figured it out on the go. The biggest thing I replaced in my car was the whole Chassis.

But yeah in the new cars there is less mechanical stuff and more electronics so it's getting difficult.

The only place I can think off was YouTube, or if you can find a book like my uncle always had: https://onlymanuals.com/volkswagen/passat/volkswagen_passat_b3_workshop_manual_passat_b3

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 3 points 17 hours ago

Ah so cool, I want to also live on a farm like that, but the missis wants to live in the city.

What do you do for living there?

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 110 points 18 hours ago

The lesbian woman got sterelized in case she gets raped so it doesn't result in pregnancy. That's ... wow.

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 4 points 21 hours ago

I had different audio cassette of Airwolf where they told the story from the episodes in audio form and in German. I would listen to them when going to sleep.

Today I fall asleep seconds after I hit the mattress because I'm so exhausted every day, no time to listen to anything :D

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 7 points 1 day ago

Hm something is wrong with me posting pictures. So here it is in the comment:

  • 1 to 1 part water and Korean pancake mix
  • one hand full of kimchi, cut in small pieces
  • generous amount of frying oil
[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 2 points 1 day ago

Perhaps it's time to find better hobbies? It's a chore and difficult because you don't know what you like/don't like before you try it for some time.

Independent of finding girls it's also good for your own psyche to get away from the screen. And if it has to be gaming perhaps you can find people who are into board games?

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 3 points 2 days ago

Yes, but I guess you need to have luck in the dating game independent of what method you use. Somehow in the end it's a time and numbers game.

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 3 points 2 days ago

No, the only international one I knew which was Tinder.

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 6 points 2 days ago

They are doing Putins work. Once their undermine the authority of the ICC Putin will finally be free to travel to any country! /s

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 133 points 2 days ago

So you're saying if we kill the 8, we can double the wealth of almost half of the population of the world?

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 87 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

But not Palestine's.

[-] jeena@piefed.jeena.net 16 points 2 days ago

This is not creepy at all.

submitted 5 days ago by jeena@piefed.jeena.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml
Midsummer dinner (piefed.jeena.net)

Last Friday was midsummer, but because I'm not in Sweden but in Korea I had to improvise with ingredients which I could find here.

  • Toast Skagen
  • Fried salmon
  • Gravad lax
  • Crisp bread with cheese
  • This years small potatoes
  • Absolut vodka
  • Danish Heineken
  • Danish Somersby apple cider
  • Strawberries with whipped cream

I speak Polish, German, Swedish and English. 3 of them are Germanic languages so they were easy to learn because they are so closely related. Polish and German I learned as a child so it was kind of automatic.

Now I have to learn Korean and struggle so much! After 3 months I have learned about 100 words. Any tips how to get to the first 1000 words Ina reasonable time? Especially in a language where none of the words seem to resamle anything from my previous languages.

Happy midsummer! (jeena.net)

I moved from Sweden to Korea almost four years ago. Today is midsummer in Sweden. I bought the things I could get here to make some food so we could celebrate it.

We listened to Swedish music and danced, etc. It was a lot of fun.

  • Salmon
  • Toast Skagen
  • fresh potatoes
  • Danish beer
  • Sommersby cider
  • Absolut Vodka
  • strawberries with whipped cream

But those are the days where you miss your old friends the most.

Anyway, happy midsummer everyone!


It looks very labor intensive. 2 guys cutting, 2 guys holding up this big cloth so the grass would not fly on the street and one guy with the leaf blower trying to blow the grass from the sidewalk.

Do they hold up those big cloths to shield the street from the grass in your country too?

Top 5 basses I want to own (piefed.jeena.net)
  1. Rickenbacker 4003
  2. Music Man Stingray
  3. Ovation S778 Elite Special
  4. Fender Jazz Bass
  5. Contrabass
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by jeena@piefed.jeena.net to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

TLDR: The main reason was Lemmy hogging server resources.

Last year, during the Reddit 2023 API controversy I finally deleted my account and moved on to Lemmy. Here’s a look at my experiences and why I eventually decided to switch to PieFed.

Top 5 Espresso Drinks (piefed.jeena.net)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by jeena@piefed.jeena.net to c/top5@piefed.jeena.net
  1. Espresso
    Richest in flavour, very honest, if you don't have a top batista preparing it, don't order it. If prepared correctly it's sweet and nutty.
  2. Flat White
    Best of both worlds, perfect milk to espresso ratio, bolder flavor than the classic latte or capuchino.
  3. Espresso Tonic
    Perfect for warm summer days, sweetness and tardiness from the Tonic water marries perfectly with the espresso
  4. Caffe Latte
    The classic, the sweetness of the milk covers bad flavors when you can't get a good espresso. Order it in bad cafés.
  5. Capuchino
    Another classic, rich and foamy, just make sure they don't overcook your milk.
  1. Mao Zedong - 47 milion - People's Republic of China 1946-1976
  2. Adolf Hitler - 14 milion - Europe 1938-1945
  3. Joseph Stalin - 13 million - Soviet Union 1922-1952
  4. Chiang Kai-shek - 11 million - China 1928-1946
  5. King Leopold II - 10 million - Congo 1885-1908
Top 5 very young talents (piefed.jeena.net)
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