submitted 12 hours ago by Jaeger86@lemmy.world to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

submitted 5 days ago by Emperor@feddit.uk to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/15552048

The linked video (cinemastix) runs through the ideas (which others had come up with) and how they're actually applicable to Star Wars because Lucas said they were actually more like silent films, based more on their music and visuals than dialogue.

Now no one needs to be told the dialogue in Star Wars isn't the main attraction ... but I'd never thought about them as silent films let alone actually watching them that way. I'd kinda be into trying that out, at least maybe for ESB.

And then there's the idea of a Black and White samurai version of the prequels! Which is a thing (with Japanese dub) ... and well that actually looks legit!

submitted 1 week ago by Emperor@feddit.uk to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

The director of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story has said a mural dedicated to him and the film in his hometown is "better than an Oscar".

Gareth Edwards, who hails from Nuneaton, FaceTimed from Los Angeles with the two artists who were making the mural, after his mother spotted it being created.

Nathan Parker, who co-created the mural with an artist called Si W, told the BBC that Edwards' mother, Yvonne, had only seen the mural due to an evacuation caused by a bomb threat in the town centre.

"She saw stormtroopers appearing on the wall so she walked over and introduced herself," Mr Parker said.

"We wanted to do it to celebrate Star Wars Day - May 4 is traditionally Star Wars Day - so we thought we'd paint a nice wall to celebrate the fact that Gareth comes from Nuneaton."

Yvonne had tried to FaceTime her son when she first saw the mural on 3 May, but when he did not answer the phone, she returned on Star Wars Day itself so Mr Edwards could see the mural over FaceTime and speak to the artists.

"He was really pleased with what we'd done so it was really nice, it really made our day," Mr Parker said.

"His friends had told him it was better than getting an award, but he looked at the phone and said that's better than getting an Oscar. He was incredibly humble."

Yvonne also gave the two artists signed copies of the concept art books for the film Rogue One.


Maybe there are a few users here that don't know about this fan-made gem yet. I've seen it plenty of times and never grow tired of it. I always thought Darth Maul was pretty cool.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by setsneedtofeed@lemmy.world to c/star_wars@lemmy.world
submitted 1 week ago by Emperor@feddit.uk to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

The original trilogy of Star Wars films, spearheaded by George Lucas were critical and commercial successes. However, in 1997 Lucas released the “Special Edition” of the films for the trilogy’s 20th anniversary, which featured extensive changes to the original theatrical cuts.

The original cuts have since become scarce. However, a group of Star Wars fans, known as Team Negative One have reportedly almost completely digitally restored the original cuts in 4K using 35-millimeter prints of the original trilogy.

The project is headed by Robert Williams, who along with his team have spent almost a decade restoring the films.

“They’re not really upset that he made the changes, because some of them are pretty cool and actually make the films better. They’re really upset that he didn’t also release the original version alongside it. Just put two discs in the box. We’d have been happy.”

Williams made the above statement to The New York Times, explaining the motivation behind preserving the original cuts of the trilogy. However, the publication also noted that Team Negative One’s activities were not authorized as they worked with film reels meant to be destroyed or returned. Hence, the legality of Team Negative One’s restored versions of the original trilogy is questionable.


Given Lucas’ strong feelings about the Special Editions, it is evident that the filmmaker would be unhappy with fans trying to preserve the original cuts, which he referred to as “rough drafts” in the past.

According to reports, Lucas allegedly voiced his disappointment with fans demanding a high-resolution release of the original cuts in the following words:

“Grow up. These are my movies, not yours.”

Similarly, when the National Film Registry aimed to preserve 1977’s Star Wars (later retitled Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope), Lucas reportedly refused to provide them with a copy of the original theatrical release.

Lucas stated that he would no longer authorize the original version’s release, reaffirming that he did not intend for the audience to view the theatrical cuts. After Disney acquired the franchise, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy also stated that Lucas’s changes to the theatrical cuts would remain untouched. Hence, it is safe to say that Lucas would certainly be unhappy with fans still trying to preserve the original cuts.

submitted 1 week ago by Emperor@feddit.uk to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

Blessed hoped to be cast in the original trilogy, but suspects his iconic role in the similarly space- operatic Flash Gordon in 1980 may have gotten in the way. It wasn’t until the late ’90s, with The Phantom Menace entering pre-production, that he finally secured a meeting with George Lucas. “They were keen for me to be in it. They wanted me to be a Jedi called Bibbles,” he says, misremembering the character Sio Bibble, the governor of Naboo, who would ultimately be played by Oliver Ford Davies. It was obvious to all that Blessed’s famously larger-than-life persona could not be contained by the softly spoken administrator. “George said, ‘You’re not remotely right for Bibbles, Brian. You’ve got too much power. You’ve got too much energy.’”


It was not until filming began, however, that the actor himself established Boss Nass’ idiosyncrasies. During the scene in which the character finally agrees to join the fight with Queen Amidala and the Jedi, Lucas — apparently concerned the moment was “a bit boring” — asked the actor to jazz it up. “George said, ‘Can you do something for me, Brian? Can you do something totally original? A special effect of some kind?’ ‘Yeah, George!’ I remember going [speaking at an incredible volume], ‘MEEEEESAH LIKA DISS!’ And I did this huge, wonderful wobble with my face. George said, ‘You mad bastard, Brian! That’s exactly what I want!’” During the filming of this scene, Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson reportedly struggled to keep straight faces.

A self-described “expert on amphibians”, Blessed drew much of his inspiration for this distinctly alien performance from nature. “I do a tremendous amount of work on various crocodiles,” he says, entirely seriously. “And so therefore, I studied certain reactions.” He also entered into “a study about noises that I felt dinosaurs would make”. As he summarises, as succinctly as he is able to, “You can’t just turn up there and just do a voice. That’s bollocks!”


After Flash Gordon, Boss Nass remains the role most revered by his fans. There is some similarity, he explains. “The energy that I use as Vultan in Flash Gordon, I bring very much to The Phantom Menace. Not sitting there on your arse and just being meditative and quiet and still. NO! I bring great energy to the whole fucking thing. I love it. I just love science- fiction.” Or, as Boss Nass would say: heesa lika diss.

submitted 1 week ago by ylai@lemmy.ml to c/star_wars@lemmy.world
George Lucas before CGI. (files.catbox.moe)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by MimicJar@lemmy.world to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

Discussion for,

  • Devoted
  • Realization
  • The Way Out

Discussion for,

  • The Path of Fear
  • The Path of Anger
  • The Path of Hate
submitted 1 week ago by rah@feddit.uk to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

"Carry On Bags: Yes

Checked Bags: Yes

Sadly, the technology doesn't currently exist to create a real lightsaber. However, you can pack a toy lightsaber in your carry-on or checked bag. May the force be with you."


I have only seen the movies once each but I have a vague memory of it being part of the plot in The Last Jedi. Am I remembering wrong?


What an absolutely perfect depiction of this universe. I'm starting the second episode of season 1 now.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Emperor@feddit.uk to c/star_wars@lemmy.world

May the Fourth be with you all. Personally, I'm keeping my powder dry for Sunday.

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