
joined 1 year ago

That's not a demon, it's an unseelie prince of the Sidhe. Look at the ears and the crown. It's not that we should pray to Jebus for protection, it's that we should stop dumping CO2 into the atmosphere and pissing off the winter fae.

Reality will show us dying in a completely alien biosphere as bacteria and viruses we have zero resistance against ravages our bodies the moment we’re exposed to it

It's really unlikely that alien bacteria and viruses (if alien life even uses the same building blocks ours does, such that microscopic life forms could even be called "bacteria" and "viruses") would find our bodies terribly hospitable or be well adapted (at first) to live inside us. It's much more likely that

  • Even if an alien biosphere produces some mix of oxygen / nitrogen / carbon dioxide, that the atmospheric balance will be WAY off and we won't be able to breath it (Avatar may have gotten a bunch of science stuff wrong, but it got THIS right, unlike every other sci fi movie ever). Changing it so that we COULD breath it would probably be a major extinction level event for most life in the native biosphere.

  • We won't be able to eat the local life (and it won't be able to eat us). Our crops won't grow in the soil (until we change it and introduce earth microbes and fungi). Once Earth life and alien life have co-existed for millions of years (long after we're gone or evolved into something else) this may CHANGE (life forms from both biospheres may co-evolve and figure out how to parasitize and eventually consume each other).

I'm not saying we won't die (if we ever try) for a whole host of reasons (and fuck up someone else's environment in the process), just it won't be (biological) alien diseases colonizing our bodies.

[–] 22 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

If a user doesn't proactively choose to turn it on, it will be off, and snapshots will not be taken or saved.

"Yes, this is Dave from Windows Microsoft Tech Support. Yes ma'am, I'm sorry, but your computer is sending viruses to our server and this is causing a problem for us. If we do not clean the viruses from your computer, we will need to disconnect you from the internet to protect our server. But do not worry, we can fix this for you. First, I am needing you to go into settings and turn on the Windows Recall. Yes, this will help to protect your computer from the virus. Ok. Good. Hopefully this will fix the problem, but if it continues I will have to call back. Next week, I will call you back and if your computer continues to be sending these viruses, I will connect to it remotely and we will do a deeper scan for the virus. Yes, have a good day ma'am. Thank you for using Windows Microsoft."

Fail. Lacks neck and body ridges.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Where is this? Asking for a friend.

The book Earth by David Brin is about one of these hitting the Earth

Yog Sothoth cares not for your meaningless mortal science. Ia.

[–] 8 points 6 days ago (1 children)

My phone, wallet and keys.

And yes, I have some tech tricks to find my phone. Problem is, I always forget to plug it in, so it's always running out of battery.

[–] 36 points 6 days ago (1 children)

This. As someone who runs a consulting business that works extensively with New Space startups doing business with big aerospace contractors and government entities, my only question is "What's your PHD in?"

We probably won't need you to really do much work. Just learn about our projects and come to meetings so you can talk about them. Heck, I'll write you scripts and give you a sheet of the softball ass questions we expect and the answers to them we want you to give.


Not me. I have a client who's a very sweet old lady who's business is doing real bio science to treat cancer patients with cannabis extracts.

She's very easily frustrated with technical problems and definitely has the boomer attitude that if you buy something expensive, it means it's good. But she's been getting more and more pissed about enshittification and big software companies screwing over their customers over the last couple years. Adobe's new TOU has her hopping mad. She has all the research papers she's worked on over the last 20 years in Creative Cloud.

I've been consulting with her off and on for six years and she will get SUPER frustrated with glitches and trouble shooting. I don't think there's anything out there that will work for her to ditch Adobe. But I thought I'd ask here, see if there's anything she might try.


The goal is actually that I'm able to hook my ticket tracking system (I'm using Zammad) to various ToDo lists I can expose to other people. I'm happy to write middleware to make that work, but I don't want to write a whole ToDo app.

Needs to be able to track multiple lists that can be shared in a granular way (I want to share some lists with some people and other lists with other people).


I upscaled the faces and then prompted them with the same lyrics again.


A client of mine is getting harassed, we think by her former attorney who she's suing for embezzlement.

Someone is posting fake resumes for her and applying for jobs and she gets daily emails and call backs. Is there anything to do short of either ignoring it or playing whack-a-mole?

She's a very sweet old lady who is freaked out by this and doesn't deserve it.


I've been warming up to switching to GrapheneOS for months. Last month I bought a Pixel 8 (which is the buggiest effing phone I've ever owned, good job Google). I've just been waiting to have the bandwidth.

But with Google sunsetting Google Podcasts, I've decided to make time next week. Podcasts are a MAJOR part of my daily functioning.


True story.

My son had a physical therapy appointment and a tutoring appointment yesterday I was taking him to. In between appointments, he asked if we could go to the food court at the nearby mall for shawarma.

I said, "Sure, but we don't want to eat there too often. We have to be careful of mall nutrition."

Not understanding he said "Yeah, it's probably not very good for you. But it does have lots of protein!"

I said "Yeah, but we don't want to end up mall nourished."

Then he got it.

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