this post was submitted on 11 Aug 2024
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[–] 6 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

a new ad which takes aim at Vice President Kamala Harris by using her own past remarks against her.

Democrats tried to do this, but after weeks of ruthless editing, still had 16 hours of Trump remarks that made him look bad.

Harris, the Democrats’ effective 2024 presidential nominee, has an extremely left-wing history in politics

Extremely left wing huh? It's so funny how anyone who isn't a white christian nationalist with an 88 neck tattoo is a "radical leftist Marxist woke socialist Bolshevik!!!" Big-money pro-capitalism liberals put a performative rainbow sticker on their MacBook Air and they are "America hating lesbian communist!"

Anyway, ole Kamala is about as radical and leftist as BofA.