this post was submitted on 04 Sep 2020
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I didnt fall down the alt-right pipeline, but it instilled in me the idea that I didnt have a mental illness, I was just looking for an excuse for my own flaws. I probably have ADD or something and i buried it for like 6 years until 3 days ago, and now i have to figure this shit out.

Also, yes, this page is my personal diary, what of it?

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[โ€“] 1 points 4 years ago* (last edited 4 years ago) (1 children)

It's amazing to me that the stuff people post to forums like tumblrinaction are things that actually anget people as much as they do. Like why do people care so much about what some anonymous stranger is saying or going through. I'll never understand why so many people get their rocks off bullying the posts of young people who obviously just feel alienated.

I'm way more concerned about the fact that healthcare costs are totally out of control and that the cost of housing has risen far faster than the rate of wages.

[โ€“] 1 points 4 years ago

The overlap between the "it's just a joke bro its satire dude get a sense of humor" redditors and the ones that go into screeching fits over teenage girls on tumblr telling edgy jokes has always baffled me. I kinda get that the upvote system encourages the strongest emotional reactions, but like jesus if seeing a #killallmen post distresses you this much why do you have a subreddit just for seeking those posts out?