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Neither are the vast majority of Palestinians doing that to Israelis.
See above.
Your comment is not dissimilar from the "all Jews want to destroy the German race" bulllshit the Nazis spewed. Both are sweeping, malicious generalizations that aim to justify the oppression and collective punishment of entire ethnic groups.
They were "elected" before most of the population in Gaza was even born.
The current genocidal Israeli leadership was also democratically elected, and very recently at that, and their approval rating has only increased. What does that say about the majority of Israelis? Why do they deserve your sympathy if the Palestinians don't because of who they voted for?
Care to clarify this BTW?
Damn, you say this and yet you can't even recognise that Gazans are human enough to have this also apply to then. Except it's not "a family member or friend" it's their entire family, and all their friends, and their home, and the city they lived in.
Fuck you, genocide supporting cunt.
And this is what genocide support looks like in the polite company.
Israel is an abomination jfc
I am fine with Palestinians using any means necessary to dislodge the colonizers from their land.
Israel has no rights under international law as such their citizens are fair targets.
Israelis deserve no pity or sympathy the same way Germans did not deserve any after what their regime did in Europe.
All of your blatant genocide support is what leads me to know that you support genocide. And guess what, during the Holocaust, you would also have been saying "it's a conflict with too much history, I don't support either side."
Nahh mate only Jews got killed during world war 2 so it was clearly wrong!
Failing to support either side of a struggle supports the dominant side, which is undeniably genocidal Israel.
And if the balance flips, so do you?
Britain has committed serious atrocities against Ireland... Where are you going with this?
Does this logic not also apply to Hamas? Seems like it's a pretty big part of why they're so antisimetic then, what with Israel literally claiming to represent all Jewish people in the same way Hamas claims to represent all Palestinians.
Why the double standard then? If you condemn Hamas for its antisemitism, which I agree with, why are you excusing Israel's anti-arabic actions if they're based on the same fallacious logic?
removed you were the one who started with the "Palestinians elected Hamas crap". Nobody here has been attributing guilt to an entire nation's population except you.
Hitler was elected too.
Just because people have the right to vote doesn't make them intelligent and informed voters. People vote based upon information they have, and 1930s Germany was rife with propaganda. Half the people are dumber than average, and they all vote too.
What a shock, a .worlder advocating for collective punishment and excusing genocide.
You're a genocide denier, the difference between that and genocide support is just the difference between an honest man and a lying shit stain like you.
And guess what, Israel is just like the Nazis.
In trying to point out an error, you make a far larger one: by failing to account for the very real quantitative and qualitative differences, you equate the two, and erase the real fact that Israel is commiting genocide in much the same way as the US does with indigenous Americans, to fuel settler-colonialism. The violence reflected by Palestinians towards Israelis has origin in the genocide perpetuated by the state of Israel. Regardless of the pain some settlers may be feeling for having this violence returned, the origin is from the settlers and the only way out for Palestinians has proven to be violence against their oppressors.
Likely never, instead I will continue to side with and advocate for decolonization and land-back.
Not necessarily, as Fanon puts it "The first will be last, and the last will be first." This doesn't mean every white person must be exterminated or sent back to Europe, it means Indigenous Peoples must be at the forefront and allowed to redraw national lines as they see fit. The same is advocated for by Palestinian groups seeking the One State Solution.
I think you'd do well to read decolonial theory like The Wretched of the Earth, especially as a European.
Lol. "I will advocate for decolonization! ~(just not for me)~"
Blah blah, more lazy genocide apologia.
Wow, who would have guessed that a "peace deal" solidifying an alliance between pro-genocide states to cement the status quo of settler-colonialism would be opposed by the subjects of genocide for a century? Peace was already tried and yet it doesn't work, Israel cannot continue its existence as a state without genocide and settler-colonialism of Palestine.
So, if peace is not an option. What kind of resolution are you looking for then?
Victory to the National Liberation movements within Palestine and the dissolution of the fascist Israeli settler-colony, replaced by a single secular Palestinian State, the solution most recommended by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
But who is the responsible party here? Who first began spouting out rhetoric of annihilation towards a whole ethnic group? Zionists, go back to theodore herzel and the original middle eastern terrorist groups Haganah, palmach and lehi who were responsible for dozens of violent attacks and killed an estimated 6-8000 Palestinian jews, Christians and muslims as well as occupying British forces. In the years before the israeli occupation began These terrorist groups were then simultaneously condemned by the newly established israeli government while their military absorbed their leadership and members into their newly formed military apparatus. Im not saying hamas’s actions are any less awful, but international law does state that indigenous populations have a right to defend themselves by any means necessary and they are clearly defending themselves when you see the ratio of casualties was in the 20 to 1 range and that was before Israel used the 10-7-23 attack as pretense to unleash an all out annihilation of the Palestinian population in gaza and around other settler projects as well.
Israel bears responsibility here and ignoring this while saying “hamas is bad” and “do you condemn hamas” just shows a level of ignorance that is astoundingly absurd. When israel is clearly guilty of rhetoric and actions that are objectively worse but holding hamas to a standard that israel is free from being measured against. What planet are we on here?
Fuck off, that's like saying the occupants of the Warsaw ghetto "wanted to commit genocide and succeeded to do so on a small scale."
Occupants of the Warsaw ghetto didn't go into Germany to kill Germans, and they didn't have a manifesto saying they don't want to stop until there are still Germans in Germany.
I agree that the two are not comparable, but no amount of genocide conducted against you and yours can justify the genocide you want to commit yourself. Killing an Israeli for invading your home is okay. Killing them because they are a Jew living in the Levant is not.
It's basically the same argument that Israel can't justify what they are doing with the Holocaust.
You've never heard of the Warsaw ghetto uprising?
Least incoherent genocide apologist.
Image if you cared as much about the genocide that Israel is committing as you do about the one the Palestinians aren't committing.
Yeah, and it also can't justify what it's doing by the made up fantasy genocide you're accusing Palestine of.
It fucking was when the uprising happened.
What a shock, the zionist also can't help but try to slip some Nazi propaganda in there too.
My point is that what you said was literally incoherent.
So you were deeply ignorant of the topic, but decided to pop off with pro-genocide propaganda anyway. This is exactly why the genocide has so much support in the West.
Damn, so when you said that Hamas was not just genocidal, but had actually succeeded in committing genocide, you were talking out your ass.
The fucking ANC killed some people unjustifiably in the past, so did the Jewish resistance against the Nazis; do we have to fucking go on about it every time we talk about those struggles too? Or just this one?
And here comes some more Nazi propaganda.
Yeah, and remember that you knew fuck all about the intent of the Palestinians, by your own admition, but you went ahead and assumed that they were committing genocidal thought-crimes anyway, because westerners can't fucking treat us as human.
Holy shit chat, keep up the good fight!
How do i see the removed comments on the voyager app? Or do I have to pull lemmy up online?or is it just Zionist apologia brain rot and im better off pretending that shit didn't even get posted lol
Small detail missing from your story is that Haganah itself was formed to defend against increasing attacks on jews
So if your only qualifier is "who first began", you might want to revisit that
Lmao, get out of here with that revisionist history terrorist apologia. The haganah were violent racist far right ethno supremacist terrorist group.
Even the newly form government of israel was forced to condemn them while they also absorbed all their leaders and members into the newly formed idf.
With your logic the Taliban was also formed to defend against the evil genocidal communists. 🤣
Get outta here with yer facts and history!