this post was submitted on 18 Feb 2025
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So as somebody with ADHD, but who doesn't engage in this much simultaneous stimulation at once: Does this really work for folks? Asking from a place of genuine curiosity!
Edit: Love the trackball mouse. They never did it for me but it's rad seeing 'em in my furry art.
In terms of focussing, no.
I will sometimes listen to specific music to build concentration but more than one input and its a distraction.
I think people who spend a lot of time focussing on their devices find it easy to piggyback that focus onto something else.
i work at a place with a radio on constantly. I’ve tried earplugs, but the faint noise is almost worse. the best solution I’ve got is to play something else in earbuds ON TOP of the radio. it doesn’t drown it out but it does give me something i actually want to hear instead.
Sometimes? I used to play an MMO with the game muted and watch youtube and google things with side monitors, but thats not really that hectic tbh.
I do drown out my brain with excessively loud music to perform tasks tho! Tinnitus go EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
It can be a cope but not generally a healthy one; if you have more ADHD questions I really enjoy HealthyGamerGG , he's got some good resources