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No, but the majority of voting Americans just voted for a party whose leaders perform Nazi salutes at presidential inaugurations and don't speak out against the literal Nazis that vote for them because they want their votes. So if you vote for a party with literal Nazis in leadership roles, I'm going to start wondering if you're a Nazi. Associate with Nazis and you are a Nazi. Give power to Nazis and you might be a Nazi.
Again, do you know nothing of history? Hitler Nazis gained power by gaining public support. We already know it's possible for a populace to be so stupid as to willingly give power to fascists. All the fascists have to do is target a desperate and under-educated populace by stoking fear and hatred. That's exactly what Trump and Republicans have done. We know it's possible, and it literally happened within living memory, yet here you are pretending it's not.
Seek a better education. You desperately need it.
So sounds like you are leaning towards thinking that over half of the voting americans are Nazis.
So your party lost to Nazi's and Fascists?! lol So are you gonna stay in a country of Nazis and Fascists?
Yes. And we're going to handle them the way Americans handle Nazis and fascists. You might want to hide.
Why? I'm not a Nazi or a Fascist. And I'm sure as fuck not afraid of some random Lemmy poster who's never left his house before. lmao