Why are blender docs and related advice either horrendously outdated or plain wrong?
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
eh, i dunno, i've ended up on blender docs for 2.7 and such loads of times through google and had to go search for the same page on the modern docs
Like you accidentally end up here instead, for example: https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/2.92/animation/index.html
Pretty subtle difference to most people (2.92 vs. latest). Especially if you get to the doc page via a search engine-- The search result often refers to a particular version, just cause of how crawling/indexing works, and that's likely to not be the your version.
Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing: The problem that I'm describing is that you'll sometimes accidentally find old docs, e.g. docs for version 2.73 when your program version is 3.6 (or whatever the newest is). Not so much that you're using an old version of the Blender program.