Well, that might partly be the result of Blenderfoundation every once in a blue m8on decide that "now is a good time to completely overhaul the interface". Blender 2.6, I think when they started to put effort in UI, but after that the UI alone has been overhauled 3 to 4 times, I believe. And people who have lived trough all those UI overhauls (let alone introducing, and scrapping renderes that need to be worked differently each) have jist accepted to adapt "from the olden times", and never bother to update the tutprials, sine they'll be obsolete the next time Blender UI is overhauled (for better or worse).
A community for users of the awesome, open source, free, animation, modeling, procedural generating, sculpting, texturing, compositing, and rendering software; Blender.
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i've been using blender since 2.8, because of 2.8, and i can't see much of a difference especially layout-wise from 2.8
I was one before you at 2.79 and to say the change was jarring was an understatement.
For sure for the best tho it looked out of windows xp
also made it way more accessible to newcomers, i tried to use it with 2.79 but i just couldn't get a hang on the UI, 2.80 really made it usable for me and many others
Hey man just a heads up - I'm not 100% on the blender docs themselves but generally for open source you're able to contribute and fix issues if you spot them and help out your fellow blender users. Could be worth looking in to if you feel strongly about this and aware where they need fixing :D
I’ve been teaching myself blender for the past several months so I feel your pain
You just gotta push past the frustration til you hit a point where things start feeling comfortable
Tbh once I started understanding more 3d workflow/concepts in general, blender became easier to reason with
I personnaly learned blender almost solely by reading the doc thoroughly, it rarely presented any problem to me and rhe doc is my go to when I have an issue.
Yes, the documentation is not very good. Tutorials and forums are better learning resources.
Hey, @Mandy. I know you gave the example of the knife tool and cut-through, and in another response, you said you were struggling with everything, but can you be more specific about what is wrong or outdated? I know that every new version may tweak the settings/visuals a little bit, but the manual text is usually up-to-date.